The Willow Tree


"I don't want to hear you anymore, woman!" Eunhyuk's dad rushed out of the bedroom. Eunhyuk was lying in his bed. He heard everything; the hushed arguments that slowly grew louder, the sound of the lamp as it broke, the crash of a laptop that hit the ground.

"Hyukkie? Are you awake?" His mom walked into his room and sat down next to him. "Don't worry about anything. Your dad and I still love each other, no matter what. And remember that we both love you."

"I know," Eunhyuk whispered, forcing a smile. He didn't believe her anymore. The arguments were too frequent, and on top of it all his dad had cheated on his mom. Eunhyuk was the one to find out by accident, and he had to keep it in because he didn't want his parents to get divorced. One summer he couldn't hold it anymore and told his dad that he knew. His dad then later explained everything to this mom, and Eunhyuk expected her to get a divorce. By this time he kind of wanted it to happen. He hated his dad for what he had done and never forgave him.

But his mom pretended that nothing happened at all and lived a seemingly happy life. Eunhyuk hated that she did that. He suspected that she just tried to soften things up for him, but he didn't want that. He wanted the truth.

"Goodnight, sweetie." His mom smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Eunhyuk couldn't handle it anymore. There was something he had to do, and he had to do it now. He knew that his dad wouldn't come to say goodnight, he never did after a fight. Quietly Eunhyuk stood up and opened the door to the balcony. He stepped outside and breathed in the cold air. It made him feel relieved. As he looked over the railing, he realized how easy it would be to jump. A few seconds of flight and then nothing. But he couldn't do that to him.

"Here I go," he said to no one, grabbed the rope tied to the balcony's railing and slid down onto the street. He didn't care if his parents discovered he was gone, maybe then they'd realize their mistake.

Eunhyuk knew exactly where he was going. He often went to this particular place when his parents were arguing or when he just needed a place where he could let his emotions out. It was a small lake in the park. Sure, it wasn't much, but sitting under the willow at night whilst the moon's reflection glistened on the lake was calming and felt safe. (A/N: I know the picture is during the day, but just imagine it's night)

Finally he had reached the old tree. He sank against the bark and stared through the natural curtain. Unlike most people, he never put his face in his hands or on his knees when he cried. It was easiest for him to look at something and just let the tears flow naturally. He never made a single sound, and unless you looked carefully it was nearly impossible to see that he was actually crying. His eyes were never red, there were no tears on his lashes, nothing. It was something he was grateful for, but at the same time it was a curse. Not even his parents realized his feelings, they never saw the sadness in his eyes. Or they chose to ignore it.

"Eunhyuk? Are you here?" That voice. That sweet, comforting voice that filled Eunhyuk's dreams when he managed to fall asleep and actually dreamt something happy.

"Here." He tried to say it calmly, but his voice cracked.

A boy his own age swept the curtain aside and smiled sadly. "That bad, huh?"

"It's nothing extreme, just... I just wish they would realize that pretending everything is okay isn't going to make it okay."

"Don't worry, Hyukkie," the boy said and sat next to Eunhyuk. "Everything will work out perfectly. I promise."

"Don't promise anything. I don't want to be a burden, Donghae. You already take so much care of me, but you never let me repay you." Eunhyuk sniffed once before he lifted his hands to wipe his tears away. Donghae stopped him and did it himself.

"You know why I'm doing this. And you did do things for me. After my dad died-" He stopped for a moment.

"It's okay, Hae," Eunhyuk reassured.

Donghae nodded. In a hardly audible voice he continued: "You were the only one there for me. My mom was too upset to care about anyone else. My friends tried, but they didn't mean it sincerely. My brother left because he couldn't take it."

"I feel that way too. My parents are fighting and I just don't have anyone to trust. Except for you."

"This brings us back to what we were talking about last time. You don't want to tell your parents because you don't trust them anymore, which I understand perfectly. I can't tell my mom because she's... you know. She won't take it well." Donghae looked at the other expectantly. "So what do we do?"

Despite his problems at home, Hyuk had to smile. "Close your eyes." Hae obeyed. Eunhyuk leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss. This was why he loved coming here. Donghae could see him from his apartment whenever he made his way to the park and would eventually join him. Here they were in their own world without homophobic mothers, dead fathers and arguing parents. They could talk about their feelings openly and express them to each other.

"Hyuk..." Donghae moaned as the other kissed his way from Hae's jaw to his collarbones.


"I think we should get a room instead of doing it in the park in the middle of the night."

Eunhyuk laughed. "I love you, my fishy."

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mizzm29 #1
Chapter 1: just a suggestion, you could've used grandmother willow from pocahontas LMAO! ahaha, okay sorry your pic is beautiful too. aww sad they both have such hard lives. yikes what a tough situation to live in when your mother is in denial of a cheating father. the ending was super sweet and romantic...they're own little get away from the hell hole they call life. thanks for this fic! off to the next one! <3
MariELF #2
Chapter 1: Cute story,
Thanks to you for share the story!^^