
Replacing My Caffeine

“Hyung… she’s still hasn’t called or texted. It’s been a week now…” Yoseob mumbles as he sits huddled in the corner of the practice room, nursing an almost-empty bottle of water boredly.

“Yoseob-ah… Is she really that important still? As much as I hate to admit it, I would’ve called it off by now if I were you,” Junhyung replies calmly, knowing that his words will probably hurt the other deeply.

A soft sigh leaves Yoseob’s lips and he puts the water bottle down.

“I wish I could just give up on this… But I don’t think I really can, hyung… It feels like I’m just addicted to being with her and now I’m crashing because she won’t talk to me… Even though I have reached out to her,” he says quietly, looking rather broken.

Junhyung gives him a weak smile and ruffles the visual maknae’s hair.

“That’s what love does to you. Once you’ve fallen for someone, it’s nearly impossible to forget them. Even if they don’t love you as much as you may love them you’re still stuck,” he says softly.

“That’s just it… I’m already an addict. Whenever I was around her, I just felt like a normal guy. It felt amazing hyung… And I don’t know how well I’ll be able to make it without those moments of normalness… It’s almost like I was hopped up on caffeine or something and now I’m crashing hard… that’s just how I feel,” Yoseob continues, sighing heavily near the end.

Then suddenly it clicks.

Yoseob suddenly springs up off the floor and smiles widely.

“That’s it! I should write a song about how Hyorin’s like caffeine to me!! It may not be exactly what Cube’s expecting from me, but it’s what I’m feeling most strongly right now and I know I can get this to work!” he nearly shouts in his excitement.

Junhyung blinks up at him from the floor for a few moments before a light little smirk appears on his face.

“Let me help,”



“You’re a genius Yoseob my boy! This is JUST the song I was hoping you’d come up with!” Cube’s CEO, Hong Seung-Sung, shouts excitedly after only hearing an acoustic demo of the track a few days later.

“W-Well sir… I can’t take all the credit. Junhyung hyung helped me through it and I’d like to have him featured on the final recording… If that’s alright sir,” Yoseob says shyly, looking a bit flustered by the explosive response.

The CEO blinked once then turned to Junhyung.

“And how would you like to be a part of this piece, Junhyung-ah? … It sounds more like a ballad. How would your typical rapping fit in?” he asks calmly.

Junhyung just gives another little smirk and shrugs.

“Don’t worry! We’ll figure this out, right hyung?” Yoseob asks excitedly, earning him a nod from Junhyung.

A small silence settles over the room like a light dusting of snow.

“Well boys, I’ll be looking forward to the final product. Work hard, and don’t stop writing these songs Yoseob-ah. This is already looking like an amazing mini album. Get to work,”

Yoseob smiles as he and Junhyung stand up to leave.

“Oh, and Yoseob-ah… I had to find you a separate stylist because most of our more experienced stylists are going to be busy planning for the Gayo Daejun and all that so. So.. she’ll be meeting with you this afternoon after lunch. Be nice though. She’s new to the business,”

“O-Okay! Thanks sir!” Yoseob says quickly as he ducks out the door and hurries off to the practice room.



One dramatically long meeting with the current stylists later, you make your way towards the practice room where Yoseob is supposedly working through a new song with Junhyung. Your heart races as you try to figure out exactly what kind of song it’ll be, wondering what sort of talents of yours you’ll have to use to pull off just the right look to match it. For weeks you’d been doubting that Cube would ever ask you to do anything important. So far you’d done minor makeup on backup dancers at various performances in the area, but all of that had been preset makeup designs done by someone else that you had to imitate. Where was the fun in that?

But as you reach out to knock on the door, you hesitate slightly. The soft sound of a guitar comes floating out of the room, confusing you slightly. A ballad? That was going to be Yoseob’s title track? That was surely unorthodox, but with Yoseob’s talent set you knew it couldn’t be that horrible of an idea. Maybe he’d start a new trend with this? Your thoughts are broken as Junhyung’s voice suddenly cuts in and the music stops entirely.

“But hyung… I really want you to be a part of this! You’ve done so much to help me these past few weeks, especially with getting over her… Please… I don’t think I can do this without you,” Yoseob practically whines.

Junhyung sighs and says something softly to the younger boy before he smiles and starts the track again, seemingly getting an idea.

“Oh for Shisus’ sake, just go in already,” a familiar voice startles you from behind.

You spin around quickly, heart pounding as you realize Hyunseung is standing right behind you looking rather annoyed for some reason.

“What’re you doing back here anyway? This is a restricted area. Only employees are allowed in this part of the building,” he continues, looking more annoyed by the second.

Your brain quickly comes up with a reply, but it dies on your tongue as the door behind you opens.

“Hyunnie… Must you really make so much noise out here? We’re trying to work on something really important,” Yoseob says cutely, pulling an aegyo face out of sheer habit.

Hyunseung sighs as he looks down at the younger boy, then back to you.

“I still need to know who you are before I can continue to let you eavesdrop on this practice session,” he says flatly.

“You were eavesdropping on us?? … Well, what do you think of the song? Junnie and I wrote it!” Yoseob exclaims happily before you can even open your mouth.

“Yah. Unless if this is really important, you’re going to have to come back later miss. Yoseob here is waiting to meet someone that’ll be imperative to the success of his first solo music video,” Junhyung says rather formally as he joins the three of you in the doorway.

“Will you just tell us who are already?” Hyungseung urges, looking even less amused than when he arrived.

“C-Can you all just stop talking for a moment and let me speak?!” you ask, quickly noticing the bite in your tone (something you probably picked up from Hyunseung just now).

Yoseob looks a little surprised and moves to hide behind Junhyung while Hyunseung just scoffs.

You take a deep breath and turn your back on Hyunseung for a moment, not really caring if you seem rude to him at the moment. Considering he hadn’t exactly been a gentleman you couldn’t find a reason to behave yourself like a perfect angel either. You smile and quickly introduce yourself directly to Yoseob, starting by telling him that you’re his new stylist. A little smile lights up on his face and he moves to stand beside Junhyung again.

“It’s nice to meet you _____-ah! Please come in. I’ve been looking forward to talking to you about the concept for this music video and want some input on what you’re thinking of doing for a hair style… wait… are you doing all the styling work with my hair and clothes as well as my makeup?” he asks curiously, completely forgetting that Hyunseung is still there as he ushers you inside.

Junhyung steps out into the hallway for a moment to talk to Hyunseung about the way he was acting, even if Hyunseung is technically the oldest BEAST member around at the moment. Your attention, however, is far from the two men outside in the hall. Instead, your thoughts and eyes are focused on the bubbly ball of energy in front of you as he starts rambling about the meaning behind the lyrics. He seems to notice the look of surprise on your face however as he talks about a girl that’s like caffeine to him.

“So you mean she’s all you want… but she’s bad for you? Where did such an idea come from anyway?” you ask curiously not expecting the sudden solemn silence from the young man across from you.

A few moments of complete nothingness pass.

“Y-Yoseob-ssi?” you ask timidly after what seems like an eternity.

He jumps slightly and his eyes quickly come back into focus.

“A-Ah… Mianhe… I was just… lost in thought…” he says with a soft sigh, “Those lyrics came from the pain this world can give to those who are too naïve to notice that everything’s not always alright…” he says rather cryptically before he slowly looks away and gazes out the window.

You bite your lip softly as you start to think. Such a deep, emotional connection to a song meant that there had to have been something fairly recent in his life that’d shook him this hard. That definitely ruled out the option of playing up his cuteness for this promotion… But why go cute like every other stylist seemed to do lately? You know from different points in his career that he could easily pull off a y or mysterious look as well, even with his baby-like face. You try to keep your thoughts off of what could possibly cause this much pain and sadness in the happy-go-lucky Yoseob you’d managed to fall for from the day of his debut. You’d been a B2uty for years and had just about every cd the group had ever released, including some of Gikwang’s singles from his days as AJ and Hyunseung’s Troublemaker duet with Hyuna, even if you weren’t really a fan of her in general.

“Y-Yoseob-ssi… What do you think of a ier sort of concept? We could part your hair in a 3:7 ratio and…” you quickly trail off as you see a confused look on his face.

You can’t help but giggle a little as you reach into your messenger bag and pull out a simple sketch book and a mechanical pencil. In no time flat, you’ve sketched a rough image of his face onto a clean sheet of paper, leaving his hair for last as you focus on adding just the right amount of eyeliner and detail to the rest of his face.

“Okay so here’s a basic idea of what I’m thinking of doing with your makeup,” you say softly as he leads you over to a small couch and sits you down beside him, nodding a bit.

“Looks good to me… but what’s this 3:7 ratio thing you were talking about?” he asks curiously, his mind clearly far away from whatever had just caused him pain a moment ago.

“Ah! That’d be the way we part your hair. See, in basic terms a 5:5 ratio part means going right down the middle of your face… And few people in the world can really pull off that look in general. Ugh.. I just cringe when they try to send out idols with their hair parted like that… Even idols like Leeteuk and Ryeowook still can’t quite make that look right… though that’s what their stupid stylists did for their SPY comeback and… oh nevermind. Anyway, a 3:7 ratio looks kinda like…” you start rambling a little, only cutting off as you quickly sketch in his hair with a majority of it falling over the right side of his face, “this. See? There’s more of it off to one side, but it’s not super unbalanced or anything. I’ve seen this part on you before actually, but I’d like to take my own approach to it.”

Yoseob tilts his head slightly as he gazes down at the drawing.

“Wow… you’re a really good artist, you know that?” he asks suddenly, causing you to blush.

“I-I… well… uh…” you stutter.

Yoseob just laughs and doesn’t even notice as Junhyung rejoins the two of you in the practice room. Soon the practice resumes, but this time with you watching comfortably from the nearby couch.



“H-Hyung! Wait up a bit… I wanna talk to you before we get back to the dorm,” Yoseob says after you’ve left for the day.

Junhyung looks slightly confused, but stops regardless and even recloses the practice room door.

“What is it Seobie?” he asks kindly.

A light blush appears on Yoseob’s cheeks and he mumbles to himself for a moment before looking out the window towards the parking lot, hoping to catch another glimpse of a certain someone before the day is out.

“I-I… I think I like _____-ah…” he says after a moment.

A soft smirk appears on Junhyung’s face as he moves to his dongsaeng’s side and ruffles the shorter boy’s hair affectionately.

“You’re pretty obvious, you know that? I knew you were going to tell me something like this almost the moment I came back in here earlier. Just the way you looked at her and how captivated you were with what she was saying and doing… You’re just a little lovesick puppy now, aren’t you Romeo?” he asks teasingly as he gently pokes Yoseob’s side, eliciting a childish whine from the younger.

“Not fair… I wanted to surprise you…” Yoseob says with a pout before squirming out of Junhyung’s reach and dashing toward the door.

“Last one to the dorm has to do the other’s laundry for a week!!” he shouts over his shoulder as he races down the stairs.

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Chapter 2: i'm loving what I've read so far! Hope you will update often!