Scenario Ipod Shuffle~ (WHOLE)

Scenario Ipod Shuffle~


1.       2NE1 – Apa (Seungri)

You sat at the dining table at your apartment waiting with a clock next to you. Time ticked by as you sat there with the candles lit waiting for him.

You and Seungri made a promise to have a special dinner date for your birthday at 8 PM.

It was now 1AM.

You gave up at this point and blew out the candle. You threw out all the food you made and went into your room. You changed your clothes, until you heard the door bell. You put on a robe and went to answer the door and saw Seungri standing there.


You stared at him then tried to close the door on him but he stops before you could.

“Yah!  Are you crazy?!”

You stared at him again and only said two words to him before you shut the door.

It hurts…

2.       B2ST – Fiction (GD)

He sits in his room next to a window, holding a picture of you in his hand. It’s been about 2 weeks since you two broke up. He couldn’t believe that this could’ve happened. You both seemed so happy, but he messed it all up that night.

He was out at a club and he ended up conversatng and buying another girl a drink. You spotted him and yelled at him. You both got into a huge fight and just broke up.

He sighs as he went out to the grocery store to go buy some food. On the way there, he saw you holding hands with a new man already. He watched you and him walk off with groceries in your hand.

A breeze blew by and he whispered some words into the wind.

“Our love…it felt so much like a story…It was a fiction…”

You hear his voice and turn around, he wasn’t in sight. Ji Yong already went inside the grocery store and you just let it brush off your shoulder and you keep on walking.

3.       2NE1 – Fire (Key)

You fall onto the ground. Key sighs as he put his hand on his forehead.

“How can you not get this dance?! YOU’RE A GIRL! THIS IS A GIRL DANCE!”

You glare at him.

“You’re so mean Oppa! I haven’t danced since high school and you’re treating me this way!”

He chuckles as he helps you up.

“It’s okay, let’s try again from the beginning!”

The music plays again and both of you start to dance. You try to calm down as you keep on dancing. You started to feel your spirit bursting through you as you dance the steps correctly and feel  the groove. Key became impressed.

“Good job my jagi!”

He hugged and gave you a small kiss. You kissed him back and squealed in joy. He smiled and hugged you again, but lifting you in the air.

“You got the spirit inside you to burn like a fire! Release the dancing spirit in you!”

You both laugh and fall to the ground. You and Key smile at each other and then kissed.

4.       JYJ – In Heaven (Taeyang)(PS-I downloaded 10 minute version. That’s why this one is so long @____@)

I love you…goodbye…”

He wakes up all sweaty and breathing heavily. He looks at the time and sighs.

He had a dream about you again. He then gets out of bed and goes into his living room.

You passed away from a traffic accident 5 years ago. You have been neglected from him and couldn’t handle it anymore so you ended your life.

He sits down at his piano and sighs. He couldn’t stop thinking about you as he sat there. He couldn’t even write his music.


He turns around. You weren’t there.

“Ha. Am I going crazy now?”

He stands up and walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle. When he closes the door, he notices what day it was and sighs. He got himself ready to go out and heads out.

He goes to a flower shop and waits at the front table.

“Excuse me!”


“May I get some __________?”


The old woman walks out of the back of the room with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He smiles at the old lady and hands her the money. She rejects today.

“Oh? Waeyo?”

“I know what day it is today. It’s been five years now huh…?”

He sighs and nods at her.

“Nae…I’m going to visit her today.”

“I see. Give her my blessings…”

He nods and walks out. He hops into a cab and heads to the cemetery where your grave was. Once he walks over to your grave, he stares at your gravestone.

He places the flowers down on the ground and places his hands together. As he prays to you, he starts to cry. Not just light tears and few sniffles. He starts to sob and fall over onto his knees.

“Jagiya….Jagiya…I miss you….”

“I Know…”

He looks up to see a spirit form of you smiling at him. He stood up quickly and stared at you.


Oppa. I love you. Let’s meet again in Heaven.”

He starts to cry even more as your spirit let a tear fall down as your smile and fade away…

5.       Se7en – Better Together (GO - MBLAQ)

You sigh as you were sitting at the park. You were waiting for your good friend GO from MBLAQ. You’ve known him since you and he were in high school. He’s always been a close person to you, and you guys even dated before. Twice. Suddenly you see him walking up towards you.


You smile as you stand up from the bench and gave him a light hug.

“How have you been?”

He smiles at you.

“Been pretty good. Our new song has gotten pretty popular.”

“I know! IT’S WAR! Haha!”

You both laugh for a while, some of your hair fell into your face. GO pushes the hair out of your face and you look up at him. His face was very serious.

“__________. I’ve always liked you. I know sometimes it doesn’t work out well, but we seem better together than friends….Would you like to try again?”

You smiled at him. You’ve waited for him to finally ask you out instead of you asking him. He smiled back and kissed you on the lips.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. My jagi.”

6.       BIGBANG – Haru Haru (Daesung)

You smiled as you were talking with Ji Yong, your new ‘boyfriend’ after the break up between you and Daesung four months ago. Suddenly, you notice Daesung walk into the room; he looks over at you and quickly turns away and starts walking to the other way.

You sigh as you look down. Ji Yong notices this and looks over to see Daesung too. He looks over at you with worry.

“Hey _________. I know we’re not dating…but do you think it’s right to lie to Daesung like that? He’s really hurt right now from what you did to him.”

You nodded yes.

“I don’t want to hurt him worse by letting him know that I will die in 3 days from my cancer…When I found out about it 3 months ago, I couldn’t bear telling him so…the only thing I could think of to make it up was…to just make him forget me…”

Ji Yong stared at you for a while, then sighed. Daesung looked over and noticed you and GD having sad expressions in you guys faces. He just brushed it off his shoulder.

I shouldn’t care about her anymore…but…I still…love her…

~3 Days Later~

Daesung was sitting in his room listening to music as he was laying in his bed thinking of you. Suddenly he gets a call from Ji Yong.

“Yo Leader!”

“Hey…Dae…I think you should come to the hospital…”


He jumps out of the bed and quickly gets a coat on.

“Aniyo…it’s _________...Come and see her…”

He stands there for a while. Silence fills the call for 5 minutes.

“I understand…I’ll be there in soon.”


Once he arrives, he enters the room and suddenly sees you. Pale, weak, and ill. All the other members were surrounded her and looked at Dae. You open your eyes and look at him.


“Oh my god…”

Daesung ran over to your bedside and grabbed your small frail hand.


“Dae…we were never dating…She lied...She found out she had cancer 3 years ago…And the only way she could stay close to you is if she stayed near me…the leader of Big Bang…Today is the day she is suppose to die…”

His eyes became really wide. He looked over at you. You smiled at him.

“Dae…I love you…I always have…I have to rest now…I’m really tired…”

You close your eyes. Your grip on Daesung’s hand loosened and your hand fell onto the bed. The heart rate machine stopped beeping and went blank. Dae shook his head vigorously and grabbed your hand.

“No. NO. NOO!!! JAGI NO!” He cried as he held your lifeless hand.

The other members just put their heads down with sad expressions as Daesung kept screaming at your body. Telling you to wake up and don’t leave him.

The doctors and nurses came in, The big bang members grabbed Daesung’s arms and started to drag him out of the room. The last thing he said before the nurse draped the white sheet over your face and close the door was,


7.       SHINee – Juliette (Jonghyun) (Song was so short. Had to make it quick and confession I guess. OTL sorry guise! Haha)

You sat on the top of the staircase in front of the SM building waiting for Jonghyun. You and Jonghyun have been friends since high school and you have always liked Jonghyun, but he never seemed to show interest.

Suddenly a car arrived in front of the stairs and you looked to see that when the doors opened. Jonghyun can out with a bouquet of flowers.

You were shocked from this and tears started to form on your eyes.

“Are those for me?”

“Nae! Hey…Have you known this? I always invisualized myself as Romeo…and you were my Juliette~”

He started to sing the lyrics to his group’s song and walked up the stairs towards you. Once he got over to you he gave you a hug and smiled at you.

“Be My Juliette?”

“As long as you be my Romeo.”

8.       B2ST – Soom (Mir – MBLAQ)

Mir was walking down the street as he was going to buy some candy at the closest store. He notices you walking towards him and you noticed him. You both stopped in the middle of street, but then you quickly just rushed past him trying to not cry in front of him.

He quickly grabs your arm before you could run off and you look at him.

He looked at your serious eyes and said one thing to you.

“Jagi…I missed you…everytime I think of you, I lose my breath because you are the only thing that makes my heart get worked up…Will you consider dating me again?”

You stared at him for a while.

“I’ll…think about it.”

You ran back home. You locked the door behind you and slid down to the floor covering your face.

“Oh my god…what just happened…?”


Mir stood there in the middle of the street seeming to be empty minded. Suddenly his face turned really red and he turned around.

“…Did….Did I just…Omo…”

He threw his hoodie over his pink face and kept walking to the store.

9.       Daesung  – Wings (Daesung)

You and him were sitting on the couch. You looked over to him. His blonde hair was over his shimmering face from the sunlight coming through the window. Daesung noticed you staring at him and looked at you.

“What is it Jagi?”

“I was just wondering….Why did you pick me out of all the pretty girls in the world…”

He was surprised at your question but then he thought for a while and then looked over and smiled at you.

“Because when I first met you at the hospital after My accident, you looked like you had angel wings on your back. You glowed so brightly like an angel. I felt like you were the one.”

You smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips.

“I thought the same thing too when I first saw you at the hospital too. You were different and it captured me in.”

He smiled and then you both shared a passionate kiss with each other.

10.   Wonder Girls – Be My Baby (Lee Joon – MBLAQ)

You scurried through the room as you quickly got dressed into your outfit. Your friends helped you with this plan you had to confess. You and Lee Joon have been friends for 5 years, and you finally thought it was time to confess to him. But you didn’t want to do it normally.

“Yah! Where are you taking me?!”

Joonie was forced to sit down on a chair in a middle of an empty dark room.

“This is scary!! What’s going on?!”

 Suddenly the lights to reveal you and your four other friends dressed as the Wonder girls. The music started to play and you were dancing and singing with your friends. You were all singing “Be My Baby” by Wonder Girls.

Joonie clapped and smiled while you guys were performing and after you were done, Joonie ran up to you and hugged you.

“Yah! That was a great performance! You did such a good job I’m proud of you.”

You blushed as you held his hand and used your bangs to hide your face.

“Oppa…I like you… Please be my baby?”

You did the little dance to him and he chuckled and gave you a peck on the cheek.

“Yes I will, but You will be MY baby. I’m your oppa.”

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bingubingoo #1
Chapter 1: These are so good! I enjoyed reading them~
I should try this someday^^
Chapter 1: I'm crying because all these scenarios are so good.
And all of them were better than mine that I did years ago. LOL.
Actually, I did one of these a few years ago for my OC and some anime character that I don't remember. //should probably redo it