
Hand Holding


Peniel likes a lot of things.
Holding Hands.
The Worm.
Wait a minute. You mean the cute, tall maknae that has an adorable laugh and sings incredibly well?
Yook Sungjae.
The only boy that can make Peniel all happy inside.
He liked Sungjae ever since the beginning, when they first meet.
They got along right from the start, being in the maknae line together.
They both enjoy each other's company so much, that sometimes it seems that they're inseparable. 
Peniel has a really strong attachment to Sungjae, and Sungjae to Peniel.
I guess you could say the feeling is mutual.
So yeah.
Peniel does like a lot of things.
But the thing he likes the most, the thing that gives him the most happiness and never fails to put a smile on his face is holding Sungjae's hand.
Gahh.. This is like only 146 words.. so short.. I'm sorry! ^^ I'm trying to write longer stories so please bear with me! T.T But omg.. I really like this.. penjae is absolutely adorable and gahh I love them soo much! xD I hope you liked this! Oh and this is for a new friend I made today, Seolchan. :) I hope you enjoyed it! ^^ Please comment and subscribe! :) 
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Chapter 1: Awww...this is sooo cute...^^
iiceamericano #2
Chapter 1: Why so cute????!!!! Im melting here~~~
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!!!!!
Peniel Y U so cute?
PenJae so cute together too@@@@@@@@!!!!
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!!!!!
Peniel Y U so cute?
PenJae so cute together too@@@@@@@@!!!!
babyrey #5
Chapter 1: So cute ><><><>< I want to trans this into vietnamese. is that alright? hope you agree. thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWW SO CUTE! This... THEY TOTALLY SHIP THEMSELVES NEGL. It's so obvious that they are close!

Also let me comment on how very good your grammar and spelling are. I am impressed!!
catch_me #7
Chapter 1: GAHHHH. PENJAE. I love Sungjae... I LOVE BTOB <3 Gah. This was so cute <3 <3 <3 LOVED IT.
cyji11270114 #8
Chapter 1: Rraaaaaaaah!!!! Wooohooo!!! Peniel and Sungjae never failed to cheer up their fans!!! :) Thank you for the update!!! :) Just woke up and it's almost noon here!! :) More! Write a Sequel!!!!! :) Thank you so much! :)
cyji11270114 #9
Wooh. Can't wait for Chapter 1. :) update soon please. :)