
So, You Let Go


If you asked Seohyun why a bush was crawling around your front lawn, she would smile, blush, and tell you it must be the wind.

On a clear, sunny day, with wind that was about as strong as a margarita.

You can obviously see where I'm getting at.

So, when Seohyun tells you this one day, you should respond with a smile, a nod, and continue sipping your tea, because this is your little friend, the youngest of your group, and you love her, more than you love yourself.

She is also the most responsible, the most caring, and in your opinion, the most beautiful.

You know that if you had to choose anyone in your clique of friends to be put in any real danger, Seohyun would be the best candidate to place the danger on.

She would handle it with poise, and a load of confidence that rarely ever showed itself in your humble "child".

She would grin at it, pat its head, and walk away, rendering the danger into nothing but a puddle of sated aggression.

That was your Seohyun.

Therefore, when Seohyun grins at you shyly, stating that the weather is the cause of the poorly decorated man hiding in a mass of leaves moving around, you smile back, tightening your hold on the fragile piece of china enclosed in your hand.

That's about all you can do, because Seohyun is experiencing her first true love, and you don't want to ruin it by revealing the secret.

Seohyun's dating contract hasn't finished, she would be crushed if you told.

She can take care of herself, despite her young age.

So, you smile, and try to hold in the worry, the pain of losing your Seohyun to another.

Then you realize, she was never yours to keep, so the cup breaks in your hands.

You realize that nobody is there to pick up the pieces anymore, as Seohyun beams at the bush outside.

It hurts. It really does. 

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Chapter 1: this is so simple...yet so sad ):
calmad #2
Chapter 1: the way u wrote this is sooo deeply moving my heart and sinking to know that the girl aka yoona is secretly in love with seohyun,bravo hellotome too.>.< jk.