The New Temp

Turning A New Leaf


Taecyeon was mentally beating himself up as he walked into the familiar entrance of their office building. That double slap he got from the girl yesterday was proof enough that she wasn't setting foot in that office again. He's sure he's gonna have his handed to him by his boss. It doesn't matter if they're friends and each other's wingman. Inside the office, he was his boss. And he's consistently had this problem with his past assistants.

Although if you look at it in his prospective, he isn't entirely at fault for all of these mishaps. It wasn't his fault he was born with good looks that went oh so perfectly well with his chiselled body. It's not his fault girls, and not surprisingly, boys, throw themselves at him as soon as his beastly aura takes over a room. And it's certainly not his fault girls mistook their casual hook-ups to something serious. He's really just a typical alpha male who either hasn't found the right person to settle down with, or, he's just not ready to commit yet.

It's a busy day at the office, he thought, seeing people come in and out of the office. It's not new to him seeing them whispering, he has been the subject of their hushed conversations many times now. They've branded him as the office McSteamy, a playboy doctor from some American series.

"Did you see that smile? I could stare at him for days." The girl said as she leaned over the receptionist's desk.

"I know. But I noticed clothes first. I've never dated anyone who dressed that well ever." The receptionist, who usually took the time to flirt with him every morning, replied.

He sighed in relief, walking passed the two. This might just be his day. Perhaps there's a high priority client that came in that's got everyone buzzing about him. That's even better for him since he and his best friend are the top guns of the firm. So they'll probably duke it out to see who gets the project; and what guy doesn't want a healthy competition amongst his peers. Or perhaps work on it together, the dream team, as what they're bosses dubbed them.

He sat on his chair; suit jacket ed, and noticed the steaming cup of coffee on his table. The lovely aroma of French Vanilla filled his nose as he took a sip. Odd, he thought but quickly shook his head. He has developed a thinking to never question the good things that happen to him because the moment he does, everything turns to . It's like cursing himself. He turned his head to the multicolored neon post-its on his table. They stood out from the dark mahogany color of his wooden table and the dark red or blue and black folders that lay on it.

"Hey Taec!" Chansung said as he stepped into Taecyeon's office, suit jacket off, hands stuffed in his pockets and a silly grin plastered on his face. "How are those cheeks?" He teased his best friend.

"Shut up man. It's not like it's that amusing." Taec retorted.

"No. But it was funny as hell. I warned you bout that chick." The other quipped. "Anyway, boss flew out early so he thought I should introduce you to the new temp... Aka, your new assistant. Taec, meet Kim Kibum, he’ll be your assistant for the time being."

Taecyeon watched, as if in slow and soundless motion, the guy that gracefully stepped forward, undeniably contagious smile, striking blonde hair, his fringe frosted an even lighter shade of blond.

"Hi. You can call me Key." The guy's soft unique voice brought him out of his vision. He maintained his cool and collected expression as he shook Key's hand. "Oh! I wrote down your phone messages and color coded them according to nature. Tickle me pink for work related, turquoise blue for family, friends and other personal matter, and screamin green for others. I also arranged your folders in order of their importance, top being the one closest to its deadline."

"Efficient isn't he? Enjoy!" Chansung said from behind as he left the room with a stupid grin on his face and Taec made a note to wipe that off his face when he sees him for lunch. Taecyeon had never had a male assistant. Not until Key of course.

Soon, he found out that human resources decided to get a male assistant for him since he's been having problems with female ones. In the following days, he and Chansung spent most of their time talking about Key and trying to figure him out. He has a way of grabbing people's attention, was always such a gentleman to their female co-workers, always came early in the office, always came dressed professionally but nothing like what the common professional male population wear. In short, he stood out.

They were intrigued by his persona. Sure they were good-looking guys and didn't have problem with getting with a girl. But with their reputation in the office, they barely got anything more than casual flirting; except for the newer employees who despite hearing about them, think they could change their ways. But with Key, the girls constantly gossip about him, mostly about how they'd want to date him. Girls with the intent to sleep with him didn't bother to conceal their attempts at flirting with him, although he'd dismissed every single one of them.

"He rejected Jessica too? Come on! Even I would wanna hit that." Chansung remarked, turning to look at their subject from the window of Taec's office.

"Yes, just yesterday in fact. And look at that! She's basically all best friends with him." Taec pointed out.

"Man, maybe he's one of those whipped guys."

"Nah. Heard he's single."

"No way!" Chansung exclaimed. "I'll bet you $200 that guy isn't single. A guy who acts all cute like that, not to mention how put together he is. I'm telling you, there's a girl behind that."

"You're on. I bet you he's single. That's just he's elaborate scheme to keep the girls interested."

"Well... He's your assistant so go find out. I expect my $200 in the morning."

And so here he is, standing beside the stool in the office pantry, Key perched up on the stool reaching for a new bag of tissues, engaged in the first friendly conversation he's had since the blonde started working as his assistant. He realised he and his best friend read Key all wrong. Nothing Key did was an act. He is cultured and artistic. He had a certain finesse that made him seem so fragile yet he spoke so boldly and sure of himself. Of course people are drawn to him, people dig confidence like that.

"So really, why haven't you hooked up with anyone here? It's obvious plenty are interested and there isn't a company policy that's against dating a co-worker. What, you have a girlfriend you don't want anyone to know about?" Taec inquired and was returned with an incredulous laugh from the other.

"Seriously? You know for a smart guy, you pick up pretty slow. Is it not obvious that I don't swing that way?" Those last words kept ringing in Taec's mind.

Just then Key's footing slipped when he tried to reach for something high up the cupboard and he fell. Taecyeon's reflex was quick and he caught the blonde. Key smiled and wrinkled his nose out of habit as he thanked the other. It was then that Taecyeon felt something in him stir which was unsual for him. He decided to put Key down because if he didn't he might drop him; which would make the whole situation awkward considering that the other was as light as a feather.

Taec didn't tell anyone, not even Chansung about what had happened. The bet was forgotten but the incident made him more confused than he ever thought possible. He acted as normally as he can around Key and the others but every so often found himself staring at Key; feel a hint of jealousy every time a male co-worker got unnecessarily, by his judgement, close to Key. He's just being territorial, he'd tell himself, for Key was after all HIS assistant.

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Taoris95 #1
Chapter 1: This is so good! I love crossover pairings, and this is one of the best!
mzjonghyun #2
Chapter 1: i like it although its an uncommon couple good job
neon_fighter #3
Chapter 1: Lol this is so lovely!!! (I'm reading year later. Lol!) Cute story!!! <3<3<3
stillshining13 #4
Chapter 1: Sequel!!!!! Omg I had the same feelings about wanting something new. That's why I wrote a yuntae fic. I've been writing a taecyeonxtaemin fic now. There are like none of those out there. But... Anyhoo AWESOME STORYY!! Must continue!!!
Chapter 1: I loved this story ^_^ sequel please :)
thestrangelittlegirl #6
Chapter 1: this is the first time i've read a teacyeonxkey fic, and since they're both my bias, I LOVED THIS! sequel!
geo_gurlz #7
Chapter 1: Well, Taec and Key is a new thing, but that was really GOOD. SEQUEL PLEASE...