Chapter 3

My CEO Boyfriend
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  Throughout my morning schedule all I can think of is Hyukjae and the information I have of him. Being an orphan at the age of 14 along side his 11-year old brother is not easy. Not to mention that maybe that time they don't have enough money to support themselves. The thought of young boys working their hearts out for small amount of money really breaks my heart. Never in my life I want that to happen to my future children.    RING... RING... RING    My train of thoughts was cut by the loud buzz of the phone. Perfect timing eh?!   "Donghae." I answered.   "Sajangnim, Mrs. Lee is here to see you. Will I let her in to your office?" Ji-eun informed me.   'WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?'   "Send her in, Ji-eun-ah. Thank you."   After a beat, I'm faced with a woman in her late forties, well-dressed, and possesses the most authoritative face I've ever seen in my life.    "Mrs. Lee. It's good to see you. Please have a seat." I ask her to seat on the couch infront of my mahogany table. I quickly press a button and ask Ji-eun for two cups of coffee. By the looks of it this old lady will say something really important that made her come all the way here.   "Donghae-ssi, it's been a while since you last visited us, I think that's two months ago. What keeps you busy?" even though her face is kind of strict her voice is the exact opposite, she's a very soft spoken woman like my mom.   I got up from my executive chair and into the couch across her. I'm about to say something when someone knock on the door.   "Come in." I said.   "Sorry to disturb, here's your coffee." Ji-eun puts down two cups of coffee and continues, "If you need anything, just call me." she smiles at Mrs. Lee and leave.   "She's still the sweetest girl, Donghae-ssi. You're lucky to have her." she beams at me as she complements my sister.    "Yes I am. By the way what brings you here? An hour of driving is quite tiring for you." I sips on my coffee, gazing at her secretly.   "Actually I went to Cielo's, Minji's favorite gallery. They'll be displaying few of her paintings in celebration of their anniversary." she said calmly.     Lee Minji. My girlfriend for 3 years. My fiance for three days. She should be my wife by now but sadly she didn't make it to our wedding. She died two years ago.   She's my childhood sweetheart, my first love, my first girlfriend, my first kiss. Minji is a beautiful girl inside and out. Beauty and brains rolled into one. She's the envy of all the girls in high school, the apple of the eye of all male species in college. I courted her when we reached our senior year in high school and before our annual ball, she said YES to me. Leaving the poor girls and boys drool over the Lee couple, our couple name back then. Our relationship continues until college. We make it to the same college though we have different majors. Me in Business and Economics, while she took up Arts particularly Painting.    Everything went on smoothly until one day, on our senior year she was diagnosed with Leukemia and that she's on the third stage already. Her parents did everything to convince her to undergo surgery but she declined, making her mom really sad and disappointed. She's an only child that's why it's hard for them to give up on her just like that.   I pleaded her to atleast undergo chemotherapy and promised her that I'll be on her side every step of the way. She agreed. A month after she was diagnosed, she bravely took the first cycle of chemo. It was hard for us seeing her in so much pain especially after each treatment but we need to stay strong for her.   When the third cycle ended, Minji's condition got a little better so her doctor allowed her to come home for a while but instead of going home to their family house at Gangnam-do, she asked me to drive her to Daegu, where their vacation house is located. We've spent the most wonderful three days of our lives there. I proposed and she accepted. We talked about our future with high hopes that everything we've been facing right now will end soon.   Three days passed and I drove her home. I myself don't want to leave her but I have to attend my thesis defense or else I will not be part of the graduating class. With a heavy heart I left her and went to school.    That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life! It was past five in the afternoon, the defense was done and I'm about to go home already when Mrs. Lee, Minji's mom called me up saying that my girl is back in the hospital and the worst part is that she's in the ICU, fighting for her dear life. I drove as fast as I could, not thinking about myself anymore. All I know is that my fiance needs me.   I saw her in the ICU bed with lots of tubes connected to her. I held her hand tightly, my heart knows that she'll be gone soon but the guilt I had that time is overpowering my rational thinking. At around 9pm, they had a code blue. All the doctors hurried to attend to Minji. They tried to revive her, 5 times I think but they didn't succeed.   Minji died.    So as my life. My ability to love and trust.    "Donghae-ssi??" Mrs. Lee's voice rang out, cutting the quick flashes of memories.   "Sorry about that. When will this event starts?" I inquired.   "Here." from her bag she handed me two gold tickets for the exhibit.   I pick it up, checking the details.   "Oh this will be three days from now. I'll ask Ji-eun to clear my schedules so that I can go and see the paintings myself. But why two tickets?"   "I assume you'll be going with a companion so I ask for two. Donghae-ssi, I know this not the right place to talk about this but are you dating someone at the moment?"    "I'm not, Mrs. Lee." I answered real quick.    "You know my daughter wants you to find someone to love when she's gone. I think two years is long enough for you to surpass the guilt you felt when she died. It's not your fault, son. Me and Minji's dad wants the best for you." SON she always called me that back then.    "I can't helped it, mom. I felt that if I stayed with her she's still be with us. I'm sorry for being selfish, mom." I ducked down my head, trying my best not to cry infront of her again.   To my surprise she reached for my hand making me lift my face instantly.    "You're not, Donghae-ah. Please stop that thinking. It's eating you up. You need to move on. Be with people more often and who knows you'll meet that someone before your birthday. I want you to be happy." she squeezes my hand. A genuine smile spread across her face making me do the same.   "I will... I will try."    She stayed for few more minutes before she finally bid her goodbye. I accompanied her to her car and for the last time she reached for my hand and mutter,   "It's good to see you again, Donghae-ah. See you at Cielo's. Take care."   "My pleasure. See you then. Be safe, mom." I close the door for her and with final exchange of smiles, she left.    When I return to my office, a smiling Ji-eun greets me with a file on her hand.   "I don't like that smile of yours, Ji-eun-ah. It's too creepy, you know? Is that for me?" I ask her.   "Oppa, seems like Mrs. Lee misses you. You haven't been in their house for a while now. Oh, Leeteuk-ssi gave this. He said you ask this from him yesterday." she handed me the white folder with PJS on the lower left part.   'VERY MUCH OBVIOUS WHY KANGIN HYUNG LIKES LEETEUK HYUNG EVER SINCE. HE'S A PERFECTIONIST IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. SEEMS LIKE OPPOSITES DO ATTRACT.'   "You should call me oppa more often, Ji-eun-ah. Forget the sajangnim. You're my sister not a mere employee here."    "Oh please don't start with me Lee
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maryell2018 #1
Chapter 3: i read the same story in this website but instead of eunhae as the main characters it was kyuwook, and they were victoria as the sister of the ceo, OC as the sister of ryeowook, donghae as the brother in- law of ryeowook, changmin who kept ryeowook as his husband in us,.
and so more..there is a plagiarism involved,.i dont know who is the original though.
963 streak #2
Chapter 41: I'm not sure if you are still around. So, I am just going to give a summary comment.
You have a good story. I may go with Hyuk marrying his first love, not knowing that Donghae is alive. But, it was so hard for me to take that Hyuk stayed with Donghae and put up with all the pain just so Donghae can love him back. I probably have too much of a pride to do that.
But I'm glad everything ends well. Congratulations.
Thank you so much for sharing.
adira5 #3
Chapter 4: Your story is the best author-nim. lucky me to read this story. eunhae is the best. hehe keep it up author-nim :)
milesmilehyuk #4
Chapter 27: our decepcoin that he just falls for the person who kills his great love, is it?
Chapter 41: erm.. the storyline is there, but the plot a bit scattered here and there.. and 5years kinda long time if you ask me.. but for the development of the story? yes, it does have it own pros and cons.

but but but, who am i to judge anyways.. me myself cant write a single story by myself. hope you can accept this opinion since i've read tons of eunhae fanfics hehehe xD

keep it up, author-nim! :)
Chapter 15: hyuk give himself away easily makes the story a bit boring honestly lol
i dunno what to blame, hyuk's easy-self (?) or hae's egoist side ㅋ
gogo15eoul #7
when i read this story EunHae has realised their new album growing pains & it's already fit this fan fic even the name fit it more
so note for new reader when u are about chapter 25 u can listen to it when u read until the end of story
This cold night street
These heartbreaking footsteps
Some day, it’ll all pass
Memories of us crazily in love
It will slowly flow down
Forgotten with time

I tried going into your closed heart
But in this empty room
I discovered ourselves already broken
So it hurts

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me
Oh today and tomorrow

My thoughts that were filled with you
Even those thoughts push me away as if they’re irritated
I chase after the clock hands, chase after time
But there, I discovered you leaving
I’m in a rush and you’re in a hurry to leave
Like an express train, my footsteps are rushed every day
(Surrendered to the memories)
Now we’re like an old and worn notebook filled with scribbles

so donghae replied:
I tried going into my lost memories
But now I can’t see you
I discovered ourselves already disappeared
So it hurts (it hurts so much)

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow

One Two Three Four Five (I put it all down today)
I guess I’m forgetting (I can’t really see you)
Five Four Three Two One, I think time is up

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 28: I really hate that hyukjae here how he can still have a face's water to look for hae after he loved another one for sake his happiness Tsk
U. Know u deserve more than that pain at least u lived years loved & good times with the one who almost killed your love
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 27: yaaaaaaaaah auther-nim thats too much
sorry for cursed u but u make me crying for sake 3 chapters huh?
and how's that hyukkie even live so easly and even married another one and even forgive him for killing his hae and start all over again and love happily with him not even take a revenge for hae's death and yet u say he even still love hae ?yeah sure and live his life i hated him so much here he deserve to be in that pain