
When the eternal maknae became the evil maknae [one-shot]


A/N: Heyaaa~ >.< Sorry I wasn't able to update this on Christmas.. I kind of rearranged my files and stupidly, I misplaced most of the stories I'm supposed to yea I'm typing everything from scratch :/

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy reading this!! >.< THANK YOU FOR THE SUBSCRIBES AND COMMENT!!!! >w<








Everyone knows about Kyuhyun's reputation as Super Junior's evil maknae, influencing other maknaes to terrorize their hyungs. For example, Taemin of Shinee. Yes, that innocent-looking maknae who has his hyungs wrap around his little finger. No one, I repeat, not a single person would dare think that he's the demon Kyuhyun's apprentice. That's right. Kyuhyun's the leader and devises the plan while Taemin executes it perfectly with his help. Well, let's not forget Kyuhyuh's friendship with the great Voldemin. Oh that's one of the legendary friendships between evil maknaes. Just one of them is too much but the two of them combined is like the end of the world for those they choose to terrorize. How they execute their perfect plans? It's a mystery that nobody wants to know. They are just that evil and clever.

On the contrary, Ryeowook is the caring and kind mother figure of the group next to Leeteuk. Yes, an angel. His hyungs favored him a lot because of his cuteness and thoughtfulness. He might be the second wildest member of the group but nonetheless, he's loved by them. He even cooks for them and would always remind them to eat at times. Their little ball of sunshine, they say.


There is just one thing that every single one of you might be wondering.

How exactly did these two become such good friends, knowing their personalities being the exact opposite?

Well, just read and you'll find out... *grins*



"Ne, Ryeowook-ah...You know the hyungs are being mean again~" Kyuhyun whispered cutely to Ryeowook. They were sitting on a bench since they were done with their make-ups and outfits. They are waiting for them to finish then they could just wait backstage for their performance so once again, the evil maknae decided to strike.

"Really? I didn't notice." Ryeowook said in a low voice as he looked at Kyuhyun with a questioning look. Kyuhyun mentally smirked. ‘This will be easy…’

“Well, Eunhyuk and Shindong kept on pulling pranks on me earlier.” Kyuhyun said with a pout, thinking it would help him to convince the older even more.

“I doubt that. You’d be the one doing that, not them. And call them hyung, Kyu.” Ryeowook answered with a shrug, noticing his pants dirty so busied himself on removing the dirt which Kyuhyun found rather rude.

“Then what about Sungminnie scolding me last night? I didn’t even do anything wrong!!” Kyuhyun tried again, not wanting to give up just yet.

“You played your games the whole night with the volumes set to the fullest and with you laughing like a maniac whenever you killed another player, that’s why.” Ryeowook glanced at him with a stern look.

“Then what about Yesung talking to his turtles and even bringing it to the dinner table when I was eating? Everyone knows that I hate that pet of his.” Kyuhyun quietly growled, not liking that Ryeowook isn’t falling into his traps.

“You know Yesung-hyung. He’s weird like that but he’s adorable, ne~” Ryeowook answered cutely and Kyuhyun could feel his blood boiling. BIAS!

“So what about Kangin tackling me last night? Everyone knows that he’s really strong and compared to him, I’m a lot weaker.” Kyuhyun tried his last resort, now determined to convince Ryeowook.

“But we were playing that time and you joined us…”

Kyuhyun could only grunt in response, now annoyed that his plan isn’t going according to plan. Before he could make another reason, the others joined them, asking what they were talking about but Ryeowook just chuckled and said, “Kyuhyunie and I were just chatting, hyungs~” and everyone cooed at his cuteness. Oh how jealous Kyuhyun at that moment. He wished the hyungs would pay attention to him like they did with Ryeowook. And he thought of another brilliant plan, but much better than the last one. He grinned wickedly. This time, his plan will work!



“Wookie~~” Kyuhyun whispered to Ryeowook during their fanservice and the fans started taking pictures of them and squealing at their closeness.

“Yes, Kyu?” Ryeowook tilted his head cutely to which Kyuhyun found cute as well. He thought about his plan again and hesitated if he should do it or not. Oh well, he will regardless of how innocent Ryeowook looked right now.

“Let’s play a game.” Kyuhyun said with a smirk and he mentally fist pumped when Ryeowook agreed by saying, “Sure, as long as it’s interesting and not about your video games.” Kyuhyun’s smirk could only grew wider if not for reminding himself that he should act cool, not scary.

“Oh it’s just a dare. Each of us would dare the other to do something, regardless of how hard it is. Pretty simple, right? The game will stop when the other gives up.” Ryeowook nodded, smiling and clearly interested of the game.

“What’s the prize?” Oh prizes… He never thought of that. But Kyuhyun’s mind is just too fast when it comes to thinking.

“Anything the winner wants.” Oh how big is Ryeowook’s grin when he heard that. Anything the winner wants. Now that’s really something he will look forward to. Sadly, Kyuhyun doesn’t know how big the meaning of those words is.

“Okay. So who’ll go first?” Ryeowook smiled childishly, excitement clearly seen on his expression.

“I don’t mind if you go first.” Kyuhyun immediately answered.

“Uhmm okay. Hmmm…” the older furrowed his eyebrows and pouted, trying to think of a good dare.

And alas, he did think of a great one!

“From now on, you’ll call all of us hyungs and obey us~” Ryeowook said enthusiastically that Kyuhyun’s jaw dropped at the sudden dare. Oh, he didn’t thought of that coming. He almost thought of reconsidering his plan. Almost. But no he won’t back down. Well now that he thought of things thoroughly, the older’s dare will help him achieve his goal so it will still go according to his plan.

“Pretty easy. Fine… Okay I dare you to….” Kyuhyun whispered dangerously close to the older, clearly forgetting that they are still standing on the stage and that the others are looking at them strangely. “…be evil and not act cutely anywhere.”

Ryeowook shivered when Kyuhyun blew hot air on his ear, quietly nodding before realizing what he had agreed to. Kyuhyun’s smirk grew wider. PLAN SUCCESSFUL.

And realization dawned upon Ryeowook. “No, I can’t do that to the hyungs! I just can’t.”

“Then you lose, simple as that. And it’s not about you not wanting to do it. It’s about the dare, Wookie. A dare and you accepted.” Kyuhyun smugly answered. “Right, hyung?

Ryeowook could only lower his head, not liking the idea of losing to the maknae. It’s his chance to win after all. “Fine, I’ll do it.”



The concert ended well and they are on their way to celebrate when some of the members started to notice the changes between their two maknaes.

“Kyu, what are you doing? Leave your PSP because we’re going to a party, not some arcade.” Eunhyuk reminded him. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and was about to answered rudely again if not for the fact that Ryeowook’s looking at him intently.

“Alright, hyung…..” Kyuhyun almost gritted his teeth, not liking it one bit to call the others as hyungs. It seems weird to hear himself calling the others that. And yes, indeed it does.

Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Since when did you become obedient? And you never call me ‘hyung’.” Kyuhyun just tsked.

“I just called you hyung, okay. Or do you want me to be evil? I wouldn’t mind though.” Kyuhyun asked, just wanting the older to shut up.

“O---kay..If you’re not feeling well, just tell us. Wookie might volunteer to keep you company, right Wookie?” the older called out to the latter who just glared at him, something Ryeowook never did.

“Why should I? He’s a grown-up man now so he can take care of himself. Or are you guys thinking that now that Leeteuk is not here, I’ll be like the mother of the group?” Ryeowook answered coldly with a glare. Everyone that heard him gawked at him. When did he become disrespectful to the hyungs? When did he stop calling Leeteuk, ‘hyung’? And when did he learn to glare? It’s just so out of character.

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his eyes. ‘Oh wow, Wookie’s acting is quite good.’ He thought but he can’t help but be scared of how cold Ryeowook is now. But oh well, it’s a dare and he won’t lose…

“W-Wookie…Are you feeling okay? If not, you could just stay here and rest, okay?” Donghae worriedly as he placed a hand on the younger’s forehead, only to get it slapped by Ryeowook.

“Stay here and what? Babysit him?” He asked as he pointed at Kyuhyun whose mouth is agape in shock. “No way, I’m coming and it’s our celebration.” Ryeowook glared at them. 

 Everyone shut their mouths, clearly scared of the younger’s tone just now that they could sense that something really is wrong.

“Wookie? Is something the matter? You can talk to us if something’s bothering you.” Yesung told him in a worried tone but the younger just glared at him.

“Do I look like something’s bothering me? If you don’t want me to come then I won’t. Suit yourselves.” And he went to hail a taxi back to the dorm. Kyuhyun was greatly impressed with the older’s acting and if not for the facts that his hyungs are there, he would have clapped.

“Maybe Wookie’s…umm just under the weather. Let’s go guys. Maybe you should stay in the dorm too Kyu. You seem quite off as well.”  Sungmin said, trying to lighten the mood but the others are clearly surprised by Ryeowook’s actions just now. Never had they thought the younger would do that. He’s all smileys, hugs and cute pouts after all.

“But I want to come celebrate with the hyungs~” Kyuhyun cutely pouted and crossed his arms like a kid. And yet again the members found themselves gawking at the scene. When did the evil maknae call them hyungs? N.E.V.E.R.

“Y-You okay, Kyu?” Siwon asked. His eyes must be playing tricks on him because he just saw an angel Kyu just now. Kyuhyun tilted his head cutely; just like how Ryeowook would do every time he’s confused.

“What are you talking about, hyung? I’m perfectly fine~” Kyuhyun answered enthusiastically as he grinned like a child would. “See?”

The others just nodded slowly. “Y-Yea… W-We can clearly see that…” Shindong answered sarcastically.

“Hey let’s go. The party’s gonna start anytime soon.” Their manager called out to them when he saw them awkwardly standing there.

They all followed him, looking at Kyuhyun from time to time.



The two continued to be like that for the whole week that everyone’s clearly freaking out. Ryeowook is now terrorizing the hyungs and even pranks them, heck even better than Kyuhyun’s plans!! He’s now acting as the evil maknae and clearly, everyone does not like it one bit. They want their Angel Ryeowook back. But sadly, their pleas don’t work.

“Wookie, why are you acting like this? Did we do something bad to you? We’re sorry okay?” Donghae pleaded, wanting the younger to return to how he was before. He thought that if he’s the one who pleaded, the younger might get his senses back.

“Hyung, if you’re just gonna bother me with this simple questions then please leave. Can’t you see I’m busy now?” Ryeowook coldly answered to which Donghae shivered in fear. He never thought that the younger could be that cold-hearted. He already feels like crying already but what can he do? The younger isn’t listening to their pleas at all.

On the contrary, Kyuhyun has undergone a drastic change as well. He’s now acting obediently and even calling the members ‘hyungs’, to which they just can’t believe their eyes. It’s as if he and Ryeowook changed bodies. Of course it’s freaking them out. Every time they would Kyuhyun what’s wrong with him, he’d reply to cutely, “We’re just fine, hyung…just fine.” At least both Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are calling them ‘hyungs’.



It was the week after that, their day-off, when something really, really strange happened. Kyuhyun is playing a computer game when Ryeowook suddenly barged into his room with a not so happy expression on his face. Kyuhyun was so surprised that he almost dropped his laptop if not for his quick reflex.

“Y-yah! You should have knocked, you know!” Kyuhyun shouted at Ryeowook who stared at him with an I-don’t-care look.

“Where’s the ‘hyung’?” Ryeowook grinned evilly as he made his way towards the maknae. Kyuhyun clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Sorry, hyung, but you should have knocked…” Kyuhyun said through gritted teeth that Ryeowook held back a laugh.

“I don’t care about that. Now give me your laptop. I want to use it.” Ryeowook flatly answered to which annoyed Kyuhyun.

“You have your own laptop, hyung. And I’m using it, can’t you see?” the maknae answered.

“Shut up. I said hand it over.” And with that, Ryeowook yanked the laptop off the maknae’s lap and trudged towards the door to leave, not even sparing a glance at the surprised maknae who’s almost tearing in fear.

Sungmin, who was in the room as well, saw everything and couldn’t believe his eyes. Ryeowook just took something from Kyuhyun and now the latter is almost in tears. What the heck is going on?

And that continued for another week; Ryeowook being extremely mean towards the maknae and the hyungs. It’s as if he’s changed into a completely different person and the fans even noticed it, saying that there’s a maknae rebellion going on. Of course the older members just laughed it off as a joke but to them, it’s not a joke anymore.


“Kyu, what really happened between you and Wookie? You should tell us. It’s not funny anymore.” Sungmin finally confronted Kyuhyun, trapping him in the dressing with Eunhyuk, Yesung and Donghae.

“Yea, tell us Kyu. You too aren’t acting yourselves at all.” Donghae voiced out to which the others nodded.

“I…I… W-We didn’t do anything…We’re just fine, hyung…” Kyuhyun answered, not knowing how to answer when he was cornered by 4 hyungs.

“oh wow, the great EvilKyu is stuttering. What’s the deal? You don’t call us hyung before so why start now huh?” Eunhyuk said, pissed off.

“I said we didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” Kyuhyun is finally losing patience. He just hates it when the hyungs don’t mind their own business.

“Fine, if you won’t tell us, we’ll confiscate all of your gadgets and games.” Yesung threatened but Kyuhyun just smirked.

“Go ahead, hyung. I don’t care.” Kyuhyun simply answered, mentally praising himself for surprising the hyungs.

“You’re so stubborn, you know. If this continues on, do you have any idea what will happen to our dorm with a cold Wookie on the loose? I tell you it’s not a good thing.” Yesung heaved a sigh and the others couldn’t agree more. Happy Wookie means Happy Super Junior. Angry Wookie means tension in the group…but a cold and evil Wookie…uhhh they do not want to imagine.

Kyuhyun just remained quiet, not sure if he’ll tell the others or not.

“You know Kyu if you don’t tell us the reason for Wookie’s sudden behaviour then all of us will be in trouble. Remember the time when he just barged in the room and took your laptop. I remember seeing you almost tea----” Sungmin couldn’t finish his sentence as Kyuhyun pounced on him and clapped his hand on his mouth before he could continue. Of course he doesn’t want the others to think that he’s become a crybaby when Ryeowook took his laptop. Yes, he’s upset and scared of the latter but that doesn’t mean that the others should also know about that little detail.

“Fine I’ll tell you so shut up already!” Kyuhyun finally gave in with a sigh.  



“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! So you dared Wookie to be evil?!?!?! You stupid good-for-nothing maknae!!” Kangin screamed on top of his lungs once Kyuhyun finished his story. Good thing that they are back in their dorm and that Wookie still has Sukira with Sungmin so they’re not around.

The others could only sigh in frustration. This isn’t good. Their worst nightmare has finally come true…the eternal maknae being the evil maknae. Such influence Kyuhyun has on Ryeowook.

“Stop it now. Leeteuk-hyung and Heechul-hyung would be angry if he finds out about this.” Eunhyuk said as rubbed his temples. The headaches he’s getting this past few weeks all because of what Kyuhyun just did.

“I won’t lose to him, hyung!” Kyuhyun answered back. “I will not!”

“Listen here, maknae. You either give up and have Ryeowook his way to winning or you hold on to your pride and let Ryeowook have the title of Evil Maknae. The fans are quite thrilled to see Wookie be the evil one for once and sadly, you’ll probably be known as the Angel Kyu who’s being stepped on by his hyungs. Heck, that would be great!” Shindong explained to which Kyuhyun’s eyes widened.

No, he’ll always be the evil maknae, not Ryeowook! That’s one of the titles he’s proud of.

A loud sigh escaped from Kyuhyun’s mouth and clearly, the hyungs have convinced the maknae.



“Hyung…” Kyuhyun called out to Ryeowook, his fingers fidgeting and his eyes looking down.

“What do you want?” Ryeowook answered coldly and Kyuhyun shivered. Oh how scared he is right now but of course he doesn’t want to show that to him.

“I admit defeat…”


“I said I lost…So let’s return back to normal please….” Kyuhyun pleaded, catching Ryeowook off guard.

“Oh Okay…I’ll tell you what it is I want from you some other time, okay?” Ryeowook then reverted back to his old self and Kyuhyun unconsciously heaved a sigh.

“Okay. I’ll be at my room, hyung.” Kyuhyun answered as he went back to his room to play some computer game. At least everything’s over right?


Ryeowook pulled out the phone in his pocket once he heard the door closing as he smiled to himself. He dialled a familiar number and waited for the other to pick up.

“Mission accomplished, Sungmin-hyung~” He said cutely as the other praised him of a job well done.

As Ryeowook ended the call, he can’t help but grin to himself.

Kyuhyun is finally calling everyone ‘hyung’ without him noticing. He probably gotten used to it as it’s been almost 3 weeks since they started their little game. Still, Ryeowook did enjoy teasing his hyungs and still gets away with it. Such a lovely experience, he thought. Of course he wouldn’t tell Kyuhyun that the others actually knew about Ryeowook’s plan to counter the maknae’s plan and that they actually are playing along with it since they kind of like the eternal maknae’s plan.

Oh how clueless Kyuhyun is right now.

‘Oh I still have a prize… I wonder what I should ask of him… I already achieved my goal of Kyuhyun respecting us.’

Ryeowook lay on his bed, thinking of some great idea.


On the other hand, Kyuhyun who’s been oblivious of everything finally realized something.


Oh how wrong is Kyuhyun with that thought of his…


Actually, the hyungs are actually in the living room and having a toast.

“You know seeing Wookie act so cold is so scary, don’t you think?” Donghae asked and Eunhyuk nodded beside him.

“But on the brighter side, Kyuhyun’s finally calling us hyungs!” Sungmin excited said.

“Seeing that brat act cutely sometimes isn’t that bad. We could get used to it, don’t you think?” Kangin intercepted and the others couldn’t agree more.

“Maybe we could even see his crying face!” Yesung joked to which Sungmin interjected that he already saw it.


Ryeowook, who was in his room hiding, was silently laughing at his hyungs comments. It’s fun to eavesdrop after all. Soon, he yawned as he headed back to his bed.

“And now I think I deserve a nice long rest after those tiring 3 weeks, don’t you think?.” Ryeowook muttered under his breath, winking.






A/N: And there you have it!! >.< Sorry it’s kinda long so it took time to type this.. I hope you guys liked it…. ;)))))




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Chapter 1: GO RYEOWOOK!!
Chapter 1: Hahahaha Ryeowook is so awesome in this story! XD
ismary666 #3
Chapter 1: Wawwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like a parallel universe, ajjajajaa, or as if their body have been changed each other, sounds funny but it must have been terrible for R.
Chapter 1: oh my God,WOOKIEEEEE...!!!!
*hug wookie tightly*

good job!!!
i hope thats plan really work in fact
but i bet kyu can't do that more than a week
Thank you for reading this story ne~ >w<
A sequel??? haha I'll think about it XDD
This was so funny!! :D
hmwlove #7
Chapter 1: This was really funny!! What did wookie ask for, though? Sequel!
xnapoenya #8
Chapter 1: So wht the prize for wookie?????
katharine #9
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWW i love this one so much teasing ryeowook makes my day,i hope you write another one with evil,cute ryeowook.