



To make either Eric or Hyesung admit that they fancied each other would be like trying to stop a rampaging stampede. They would throttle you to death even before you could utter another syllable. The members of Shinhwa had learnt that first hand. They had witnessed the war between the Arabian prince and the Little prince. They were so sure that they had nuclear capabilities in them. No members wanted the whole humanity race wiped out and leave the world left with cockroaches.

Of the fourteen years the six members had together, Eric and Hyesung were never really close. One would enter the changing room and the other would leave immediately. Even without his make up or his clothing complete. Eric and Hyesung despised the presence of the other party. Not that they would admit it face to the other. They always had the perfect excuse of not wanting to ruin the friendship within the group.

 The oil and water couple were in an on and off relationship. That very feature made their interaction many times more interesting than the scandals between Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass. The members felt like they were in Gossip Girl itself. The countless time Eric had gotten drunk because of the rejection from the pretty member and the many times Hyesung had tore apart his pillows because he had unknowingly rejected Eric.

Shinhwa Broadcast was one of the most perfect moments for them  to admit their love to one another. The body brushing, the groping, the interaction with other guys that Hyesung did with were getting onto Eric’s nerves. Asking Hyesung to play a single game with Eric was not difficult but it definitely was mind wrecking with the amount of insults he threw around.

However, the Hyesung had never actually bashed Eric’s heart into pieces behind closed doors. In front of the camera, in front of their family members, they were always fighting. Yet behind the bedroom doors of Eric Moon’s house, Hyesung was the most gentle person Eric had ever seen. The moments they spent were lovely and intimate. They became one with Eric inside of Hyesung’s cavern. With their lips connected and the cuddles they shared after their, for a lack of a better word, love making sessions.

The only difference that they had was that .

Hyesung would rather die than to admit that he loved Eric till forever. Yet Eric promised to love Hyesung with all his heart till the day after forever. 

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crazyjj33 #1
A sequel please ><
HyEric #2
Chapter 1: I wish it could be longer ):
followurdestiny #3
Chapter 1: D'ahwww...their relationshio is really the most interesting xD
ninabulett #4
Chapter 1: Um,no plan to make it as chaptered fic? :3
rsjjang #5
Chapter 1: This is reaaaaally nice.won't you make a sequel?
Chapter 1: Authornim,are you sure you wont make sequel of this fic??kkk