
How do you do ( songfic )



I see you comb your hair
And gimme that grin
It's making me spin now, spinnin' within
Before I melt like snow
I say "hello, how do you do?"



The first time they had done that was in a random Thursday. It was raining and Chaerin was soaked, she then went to dry herself at Dara’s house.

She was in a guest room. At least she thought that was a guest room, but that was Thunder’s territory.

Dara’s younger brother left his washroom just with a towel around his waist.

CL couldn’t control herself, she had always had a thing for males with no chest hair.


“Do you mind if I borrow your towel?”, she had asked seductively, lifting her hand to touch the towel around Thunder’s waist.

He froze.


“CL!”, they heard Dara calling, she was probably with a towel and dry clothes for Chaerin to change.

“Gotta go, pretty boy.”, she sighed. “Talk to you later, Sanghyun.”. she winked and tapped Thunder’s before heading out of his room.


At night Chaerin’s plans didn’t fail. She had called Dara, asking for a ride because her car was out for repairs.

CL knew Dara wouldn’t be home so she couldn’t go there and take her. But she would sure send her loyal baby brother instead.

“I’m here.”, Chaerin yelled from her room when she heard someone entering her apartment, she knew who it was.


Thunder followed her voice, stopping at the door of the female’s bedroom when he saw Lee Chaerin wrapped in nothing but a green-ish towel, drying her hair with a hair dryer and a comb.

He gulped. CL, staring at him from her mirror.

She had had boyfriends before, but nothing had never felt so good as taking Dara’s younger brother’s innocence away.

Thunder didn’t fight it back either.





Weekend. There is always a time in our lives when we have to do something we don’t like.

For Sandara Park these times are usually on Sundays, when her mother and younger brother decide to clean their house up and down, taking every little inch of dust away.


“Do I really have to help?”, she had asked when her alarm clock rang.

“If you like living in here, yes. If you’re moving out by tomorrow morning, you don’t really have to.”, her mother had said, a sarcastic smile on her lips.


“Noona!”, Thunder called. “Your friends are here!”, he yelled, holding a big plastic bag full of trash.

“Hey, Thunder.”, Bom, the 28 years old female best friend greeted, entering the house, holding a bottle of what seemed to be furniture polish .

“Hey, Thunder.”, Minzy, the 18 years old best friend greeted, taking a broom close to the sofa and starting cleaning the floor.

“Hey, Sanghyun.”, CL, the 21 years old best friend greeted, a suggestive smile on her lips and some empty boxes in her hands.


“Dara, your friends came to help us!”, Mrs. Park greeted all of them, she was truly happy her daughter had friends to help her in moments like this.

Not that she would prefer friends who would help Dara to get home safely after drinking too much, because that would mean Dara was drinking and she didn’t want her daughter to go getting drunk around.


“There are some old papers that must go away up there.”, Mrs. Park said, expecting that someone would actually offer to go upstairs and take the box.

“I’ll get those.”, Thunder left the room, excitedly going to the room he knew the papers would be.

“I’ll help you.”, CL said before rushing to catch up with her friend’s baby brother.


Thunder slowly walked to the room. He looked behind and saw CL following him from close.

He entered the small, dirty room and held the door opened for her.

“Thank you, pretty boy.”, CL winked, making her way to inside the room, looking around to find the box.

She felt a breeze in the back of her neck and then some wet thing came along.

“I missed you, Chaerin.”, she heard Thunder’s whispering in her ear.

“I missed you too.”, CL slowly turned around to face him.


They kissed each other with a heavy passion. It’s been days since they had had their last talk.


“Let’s do it.”, CL encouraged Thunder’s inner ideas between kisses.

“Everybody’s downstairs… you know what my noona thinks about me getting involved with her friends…”, Sanghyun tried to point his thoughts, stopping their kisses, resting his forehead on hers.

“I won’t be loud, I promise!”, Chaerin whispered, her body shivering for the desire she felt.

“I’ll make you scream…you’ll want much more.”, Thunder said also in a whisper, leaning to kiss Chaerin’s skin.

“I always come back for more…”, was all CL could say before falling in a deep ocean of pleasure, her body being tenderly kissed by Thunder’s, her desires slowly being satisfied.






“Why did you take so long?”, Dara asked, helping her brother with a box full of old, smelly papers.

“Couldn’t find the box.”, Thunder explained.


“Where’s CL?”, Minzy asked, her eyes innocently stuck at Sanghyun, waiting for an answer.

She’s fixing herself and her clothes and her hair because we just had some rough at that dirty room upstairs.”, he thought.

“She’s… er…”, Thunder got nervous. He couldn’t say Chaerin was actually fixing herself before coming back.


“I’m here!”, CL appeared some steps behind him, holding another box with trash.

“I found another box.”, she said, smiling to Thunder as if that was true.


“I can’t believe you used to read this kind of magazines.”, Bom exclaimed, taking one of those teenage magazines from the box Chaerin held and moving it in the air.

“This is so old!”, Minzy was surprised. She herself wasn’t a fan of this kind of magazine, she thought all of that was a lie to make young women think they were not pretty enough to get a boyfriend by themselves so they needed advices from people they didn’t even know.

“They have those ‘ideal type’ tests…”, Dara read its cover. “Let’s do it!”, she cheered.


“I’ll take the trash out. Be right back.”, Thunder interrupted what he knew was a girls’ meeting and left the house for a while, CL following him with her eyes.


Bom opened the magazine and looked for the right page of the test.

“Ok,let’s see…”,she started. “We have to mark the answers and calculate the results.”, she explained.

“Oh, baby bother!”. Dara exclaimed when Thunder came back. “Let’s do it with him!”. She suggested her friends.


“Ok…Park Sanghyun, what’s your ideal type of girl?”, Bom asked, making a funny face,  reading the magazine and following all the steps said.






“According to this test… Bom could be Thunder’s perfect girlfriend.”, Minzy said, laying on the couch, calculating the results.

“She’s responsible, independent and can easily take control in a relationship.”, she completed, reading the result paper.


“But it also could be Minzy.”, Dara replied, sit on the other couch, reading her own paper.

“She’s friendly, kind hearted and spreads a good vibe. She has a good aura.”, she concluded.


“Hey, perhaps CL could be his ideal type too.”, Bom laughed. “She just didn’t do the test.”, she completed, putting the papers and pen over the small table in the room.


Everybody looked at Chaerin.


“What?”, she asked. “Sanghyun is way too naïve for me anyway.”, she shrugged.

“Don’t need a test to see that.” CL  got up from the couch, slowly walking to the kitchen.


Text message!”, Thunder’s cell phone rang.

9pm,my house. I’ll show you who’s you ideal type ;D”, it said.


He didn’t need to check the sender. Of course it was CL!



How do you do, do you do
The things that you do ?
No one I know could ever keep up with you




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Chapter 1: this was a good one! XDDDD
I totally support this ship/pair, if they are going to be like this hahahaha ;D
Thank you, author.
sangchae #2
Chapter 1: i have my exam this weekends but I'm reading skythunder fanfics...
thunbii #4
Chapter 1: this is so fun to read :0 hope you write more about skythunder
Chapter 1: now i'm really a fan of skythunder
Chapter 1: ok this fic needs to be longer authornim hehe I LIKE THIS TYPE OF FICS haha Thunder is innocent on the outside but also naughty inside lol how I wish this was longer with other characters like an ideal girlfriend that Dara wants for his bro but Thunder likes CL etc etc...
Just some suggestion though
Chapter 1: CL is so naughty naughty LOL
It's funny because in most of Skythunder fics (and contrary to a lot of fics), CL is the one who initiates their relationship!! Thunder is often described at the shy one!! That's maybe why I love them so much!! The baddest female and Dara's baby brother!
Chapter 1: I think it was weird that Dara could've been her brother's ideal type lol