Chapter 1

Wish that he was my destiny


It's just the same day like the other day. Bored. 

"pheww.." you throw my back on the sofa 

"eonni! i'm hungry" you talk loudly to your sister, because she is in her room on the second floor

just when you gonna walk upstairs someone ring the bell

you quickly ran off to the door and peeking who is out there. At first you thought maybe it'll be appa's friends but it's wrong

you saw a handsome man outside waiting the door to be opened. you quickly open the door and greet him

you were startled with his handsome face.

when he saw the door opened, he quickly bow and greet you

"Annyeong.. my name is kyung. is your sister here?" he bow while speak to you

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Chapter 1: Wait what? He he is what? Sister friend or something?