Baby, It's Cold Outside.

Snow Games
Kyuhyun panted, his skin showing obvious signs from the cold as he hid behind one of the various lines of fences. He only shifted just enough to glance up and over the fence watching as a hood covered male crept along. The figure looked in the other direction and had him counting his lucky stars for that fact too. Kyuhyun couldn’t tell if it was Yesung or Sungmin at this point being as the two of them had such similar coats. It might have been Siwon if he were just going by coats but the figure was too short to be him. It was just impossible to tell being as there was only a little bit of lighting in that area of the yard.

He quickly ducked his head back down again when it looked like the figure was turning toward his direction. It took all that he could to do stop his breath from coming so quickly, drawing his location out into the open easily. It was only after he heard the snow crunching in the opposite direction that he peeked up over the fence just in time to see a larger figure running through, kicking up snow in his wake. Pelts of snow smacked into the back of the shorter figure making it all too obvious that it was indeed Yesung.

Kyuhyun once more snuck back into his spot, desperately trying not to laugh at the fact that Siwon hadn’t stuck around but dove, honestly dove, behind a snow covered bush to protect himself from a return attack at the hands of Yesung. Well it had been snow covered before much of Siwon’s body had removed that layer. Kyuhyun couldn’t keep himself from thinking that Siwon really didn’t need to worry, it was Yesung after all.

There was no way that he could stay right where he was forever and he knew that. He had been waiting for that perfect time to strike and really, now wasn’t any better. Picking up an arm full of snowballs, Kyuhyun tore out from behind his protective spot and pelted three of the snowballs in Yesung’s direction making him laugh as one connected with the side of his head. Kyuhyun kept running as fast as he could knowing all too well he was going to be tailed. He glanced about as quickly as he could trying his best to find a good spot to hide, except he wasn’t nearly fast enough.

With a grunt, Kyuhyun’s two remaining snow balls had disintegrated under his weight and Siwon’s against his back. He now had a face full of snow from where he had connected with the ground below him. Kyuhyun bucked but there was no way that Siwon was moving off of him, giving him even a moment’s pause to run again. It was like trying to take a piece of steak away from a pit-bull when it came to Siwon. Nothing could make the man break.

“Siwon…” Kyuhyun groaned out. “Move!”

Siwon merely laughed but moved only just enough so that he could shove a bit of snow down Kyuhyun’s back causing the young man to scream out.

“I am going to kill you in your sleep!” Kyuhyun started to buck all over again, trying with renewed vigor to get Siwon off of him.

Once he had settled down, Siwon shifted just so to turn Kyuhyun over onto his back. Siwon really seemed all too happy to be settled onto Kyuhyun’s thighs with his hands holding Kyuhyun’s arms to the ground. This of course didn’t stop Kyuhyun from trying to escape. “No you’re not. You love me.” Siwon spoke all too close to Kyuhyun’s face causing Kyuhyun to feel the warm wetness of Siwon’s breath. It was enough to distract him but not deter him from wanting to escape.

Kyuhyun had been so good at being prepared for this game. It didn’t matter that it was a last minute decision when they had seen all of the snow on the ground and even more coming down. He was determined to come out of this victorious. He was the master of planning out battles in his head. Playing Starcraft for hours on end had surely given him an advantage here. Except he didn’t count on one thing, Choi Siwon. The man was good at every single thing that he did so he should have known better. He should have known that Siwon would best him here too.

“No, I hate you.” Kyuhyun had meant for it to come out like he meant it. He hadn’t planned on it failing so awesomely in his face. His glares had now turned softer since Siwon’s face was so very close to his own. It was completely unfair! How could his only bit of kryptonite be a part of his own group for crying out loud?!

“Liar.” Siwon spoke softly, looking quite a bit more seriously now. So serious that he had Kyuhyun completely entranced by him and those full, wonderful lips that were just out of reach. All Kyuhyun had to do was lift his head just so and… Kyuhyun was blinded all over again by buckets of snow being dropped on Siwon and himself in the process.

To his credit, Siwon looks completely shocked when they both turned their heads to see Donghae running away laughing as he moved toward Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk who was bent over double he was laughing so hard.

Kyuhyun and Siwon merely exchanged looks, silently communicating with one another. In the next moment, Siwon was up off of him and Kyuhyun was running just behind Siwon after Donghae. Kyuhyun wasn’t quite sure what was funniest, Donghae being unexpectedly double teamed or Eunhyuk’s look of absolute terror knowing that he was next before he ran off for cover. Kyuhyun let out a bit of a laugh knowing that Donghae was going to throttle his boyfriend for abandoning him later.

Kyuhyun had never been happier to have a white Christmas than he was this year.
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mitralisa #1
Chapter 1: thank u 4 sharing
freakadellic #2
Chapter 1: Cuuuuute... The beginning was kind of serious and I didn't think they were just playing.
Chapter 1: white christmas!
Cutekyufan1996 #4
Chapter 1: Cute story^^ love it
Beniikyuwon #5
Chapter 1: Lovely <3 nothin less and nothing more, just perfect :3
Alaris #6
Chapter 1: This is the cutest story ever!! I love it! Thank you for posting it.