His story


He gasped and caught his breath back after he ran aimlessly from the home. God, I slapped her. What have I done? A heavy sigh escaped from him and he lifelessly dragged his feet to the nearest bench. Luckily that he was able to grabbed his jacket before he ran. He ran because he can't stand looking at her; crying loudly. He didn't have a tough heart to see his woman crying because of him. Inside him, both of the side argued. One side felt so guilty for slapping her and one side just telling him to ignore that. 

Song Qian, 17 years ago he saw her as a new trainee at his company. Looking so young and beautiful until him mistook her as younger than him. They went through so much things before. He let his woman to participate in that fake marriage variety show and being lovey dovey with other man. She let him to particpate too in the same kind of show with an unknown Chinese girl. There was no word of jealousy existed in their dictionary. He even protected her form antifans that threaten her for being too close with many male celebrities. He took her to his favourite singer's concert and of course Changmin is used to be the camouflage. He made her to be close with his line. Everything that he did was because of her. 

They were such in love before. After 7 years being depply in love, he proposed her and they get married in such a simple ceremony. She made him choosed the wedding gown, he made her design their house. When her group decided to disbanded because of everyone wanted to concentrate to their personal matter, he gave her a bakery shop that once she dreamt when she still a celebrity. They were deeply in love before. Beyond his power, everything turn to be cold as the weather. Her family, his family, SM family, her member, and fans started to questioning them after years of marriage, why they were still living like newly married bride and groom? Things getting thicken and the tension between them turned to be bigger. 


"Are you sure about this, Kyuhyun? You and Vic were already married for 10 years and for god sake, both of you are deeply in love," Changmin slightly screamed one day in their office. Kyuhyun lowered his gaze to the floor and stonely sitting like a dead figure. Changmin shook off his head. Only him knew the problem between the couple. How everyday they fought about that one thing call child. One last thing that the couple did not know is both of them were telling their problem to a one same person. "I've already made up my mind. This is the best for her and for me." Kyuhyun signed the white paper infront of Changmin and put the paper in a brown envelope. Changmin was already tired to advice them. He gave up and made them find their own solution to the problems. 


He hoped that he made a right decision. When Victoria was busy in the kitchen this morning, he put the envelope under her pillow secretly. The aroma from her cooking still remain unchanged from 17 years ago. He had to admit that her cooking is the best. Best enough to him to be full with the food and the love. Qian is perfect. Her cooking, her lovely face, her voice, I'll miss those after this. His woman, even though time won the race between beauty and time, she still remain beautiful as the first time he saw her. Slowly, he gazed his hand. The hand that slapped her before. The hand that unconciously doing things under his control. 

After the breakfast, he asked her to get ready to meet the parents. His sister will be there too. Victoria happily skipped to the room and get ready. Being a wonderful woman of his, Victoria only took a little time to get ready. She looked so beautiful with her magenta knee-length dress and light make up. He found light wrinkles from her face signalling him that youth are already lose in the race with time. The problem arose again when he accidentally blurted out the issue when she was preparing someting for his niece. 

"If we have our own child, you might not taking care of noona's but focusing to ours." He once again become his snarky self. Slowly, her eyes became red and tears slowly pooled around. Out from nowhere, his angriness showing. His blood boiled as the pressure risen. His purpose to joke had been mistook as a painful sarcasm by her. He hated her tears. For him, if she was crying, he is failing doing his job as the man of her world. He fliiped the table in front of him. He can see that she is shocked by his doing. "So, I'm the one who is wrong and incapable??" Her shaken self can be seen. He had the urge to hug her but he can't. He saw she slowly walked to the kitchen. He chased her, grabbed her thin wrist. "Leave me alone, Kyu! I hate you. I hate you for keep blaming me in this matter! I've tired trying. I hate you! I hate everybody! I hate myself!" She screamed loudly and hit his chest. Pain and shame crawled in. He tried to hold on his tears. 

"Divorce me if you hate me so much"

He slapped her hard. The word divorce from shocked him. She stopped screaming and remain stony. He started to throw his tantrum. He threw the plates, and all of them were broken. He hurt his hand. Blood came down from the hand. "I'm out, Qiannie!" He ran and a loud smash can be heard from the front door. He left the home because he felt so guilty for slapping her and he felt like so stuffy in that house. 

The house is not that lovely anymore. He muttered under his breath, and silently walk back to the house. I still love her. I still want to live with her until I die. His tears rolled down. He ran back with the hope that she still there when he knew that his hope was too thin. He ran with alll his might.  Luckily that he ran near his house, it only took 5 minutes to be back again. He slowly twisted the knob. 


Silence filled the house. The house stiil looked as tidy as ever. He searched for his Qian everywhere. In the kitchen, in the backyard. Last place, he went to their bedroom. The bedroom is tidy and he saw the brown envelope that he put this morning on the bed. His heart stopped pounding. He quickly took the envelope and put out the paper. He saw her signature on the form. He saw her note. He kneeled down and he started crying like 5 years old self. 

I still love you but maybe this is the best for us. 

-Cho Kyuhyun-

He slept on the floor, as his world was empty starting the moment she left him. 



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kyuTorianLuv #1
Chapter 2: this is really sad..
rainingcho #2
but kyu and vic...
Chapter 2: How can it end like this!?!?!?
minnie407 #4
Chapter 1: is this end? NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Chapter 1: OMG Nooo don't let them get a divorce!!! And how old r they in here???
Is it gonna be a sad story???