
Second Chance...??


Sorry for all those ypos that you will see. It's just my first time to make things like these so please bear with me if it's confusing.


You were standing beside a bench of the park, one hand holding one of the railings of tha chair and the other covering your mouth. Seeing your boyfriend holding hands with an unfamiliar girl to you. You thought that you should do suicide at that time but decided not to imagining your family and loved ones would live and feel when they knew you died.

Feeling pools of water in the brim of your eyes, you took one step and another slowly heading back to your empty house. Smiling to the security guard a.k.a. your second father (because your parents are always at work going to business trips) while walking out of the gate from the Big Park as a greeting of 'hello' or 'good morning'.

Louie is the name of the security Guard. Louie found you on the bench drenched in the strong rain and freezing like theres no tomorrow. he took care of you and led you to your parents when you were cured from your high fever. He treated you as his own daughter when his only son died from cancer when he was 18 years old. 12 years ago.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he putted an arm on your shoulders. You didn't notice that he approached you that made you back off a little holding your chest that's beating fast and your mouth hung open. "i'm okay." You said looking down on your feet trying to express a happy smile when your stained tears refused to. "Did you already eat breakfast? It's already 9:30 in the morning." He checked his SWATCH on his wrist while leading you to the wooden bench near the gate. You were about to reply a 'yes' when your tummy growled meaning you didn't eat breakfast.

"Common, stand up~! I'll treat you to your favorite restaurant: FRIDAYS~!" He stretched his arms upward forming a V sign yelling your favorite restaurant earning wierd stares from the visitors. You giggled and cupped your mouth using your cold hands seeing what Louie did was funny. "thank you." You replied regretfully on why would Louie buy you breakfast using his own money. Sure Louie was rich even though he is only a security guard of a park own by the richest man in the world. But  as you are, you really regret on why do they have to buy you food even if you have money for yourself. *Hay.... I know I can't stop him since he's stubborn and all. But the money should be for his family, even his only family is me and his wife.* But still even you were thinking about that, you asked him as you are clueless on why he is being nice to you. "I'm sorry you have to waste your own money for my food." You raised your head and looked at him pouting. "Aigoo.... Don't think that~! Look, you're parents are on a business trip everyday which means you can't see them everyday. So it's also my responsibility to take care of you just to protect you from harm. And I'm also doing this to make you happy and because I know the reason on why you cried-" You cutted his sentence while shifting your postion facing him properly. "YOU KNOW?!" You didn't expect that he knew about the incident. "Of Course~ How wouldn't i know? I saw them earlier. "Stay here. I'll just buy your food." And with that, Louie stood up, stretched and headed to the restaurant.

After a few minutes, Louie came back with your favorite set of foods and left you becase he knows you dont want to eat with someone except at school. After eating,  you throwed the trash in the bin and headed to Louie; who is guarding the main gate and talking with one of the cleaners. Some of the cleaners here are your friends too so you've recognized him as Vincent; the one who lives just in front of your school. You approached them and asked for permission to daddy Louie that you are only going to stroll around the park. You have already memorized the Large park so you aren't going to have any trouble on finding your way out. Sometimes you would think that you are going to find them again. but just convinced yourself that it's not going to happen. After one hour, you got tired on walking and headed home. while heading home, you could see the beautiful things that are living on earth. 

when you reached your house, It was already 10 PM sharp. You only walked from the park to your house with a slow pace that wasted your time. The park to your house was very very far and you have to take a bus to got there since the park is just close to your school. So it's one of your routines to go to the park after school hours. You are already in front of your black gate and trying to unlock the gate but you saw that it was already opened. *That's wierd. Who would be at my house at this time of the night? Maybe Kris is here.* You are the only one living in your 2 storey house. Even though you are rich, you still decided to have a normal house instead of a mansion. But even it was not a mansion, it reached your expectations. you pulled the black metallic gate and closed it locking it to make sure that no one enters your house who is unfamilliar to you. Walking through your garden filled with your favorite flowers. While walking, you got your golden metal key and entered in into the keyhole, twisting it and earning a click. You puhed the wooden door  and closed the double lock of the big door.

Heading to your shoe rack, you removed black flats and opened the cabinet to see you shoes and placed the them properly and closed it. Before taking one step, you saw a NIKE branded shoe that seems like it's Kris' shoe. *So he is here./ Better act like i'm alright.* You frowned at that decision. Walking like a zombie, you headed to the kitchen passing through the living room to see Kris lying down in the big couch comfortably watching Strong Heart. You were surprised to see him remembering the incident earlier. Once again, hot tears are forming in the back of your eyes but stopped them. You just threw those memories away and heade once agin to the kitchen. He did not even acknowledge your presence. :/

Opening your white refrigerator, you got you water bottle and drank it was the half part. You reached for the ribbon shaped bread topped with cutted cheese until you were full and drank some water. You felt two arms prison you and you knew who it was. *Kris* "Where have you been?" His tone was cold not like before that it was happy and lively. "Park near the school." You replied flatly. Getting hurt seeing the new HIM now. "Excuse me." Passing through Kris heading to the purple colored pitcher and filled your water bottle until the brim. You walked to your bedroom headed for your walk-in closet, grabbed your towel and locked your walk-in closet; not wanting anyone to enter the large room since it is also part of your privacy. *I don't know why my life is like this~ -_-* After doing your routine, you unclocked the door and was surprised to see Kris sitting on your sofa reading one of your favorite books; Twilight.

You ran towards him almost falling from the direct action making Kris surprised. "WHO TOLD YOU TO TOUCH ONE OF MY BOOKS?!" It's obvious that's it's not your day to be happy today as many of those bad incidents happened. "Yeobo~ Are you okay?" *Psh... Does it look like I'm okay?* You thought rolling your eyes. The younger sta up straight asking a question out of the blue. "Oppa, Where were you 9:30 in the morning??" Even though you were getting hurt just by the question, you still had the confidence to ask him like that. "U-uhmm.. somewhere..??" Scrataching his nape. "It's unfair~!" You whined "I told you the truth on where I was and you would tell me SOMEWHERE?! You're such a meanie~!" Getting irritated, you lied down by your stomach and screamed making you look like a crazy person.

Seeing your state, Kris gave up and told you the truth. "Fine, I was at the park too near the school." You shot up and crossed you arms pouting. "So what I saw earlier is true..." Last words trailing into thin air. "Huh? Saw what?" You threw him a death glare. If glares can REALLY kill, he would be dead by now. "You think I wouldn't know? I saw you with another girl who is UNFAMILIAR TO ME... Tell me, are you cheating on me? Behind My back? Secretly?!" As you spoke, your words getting louder and louder. You knew Kris very well. In arguements he would tell all of those truths so you clearly knew it's going to be easy asking for all those questions troubling your aching head. You can't take it anymore so you decided to do that you know you will surely hate.

"Kris, let's break up."

"W-what? You're joking right?"

"does this face look like i'm joking?" You said sarcastically. Pointing your index finger at your face raising one eyebrow. He shot up and help your shoulders firmly making both of you fell down the bed with him on top of you due to the sudden impact by the his force. "Please forgive me!!! I won't do it again.. She just forced me to date her!" "Then why did you two kiss?" A pang of jealousy boiling in your blood rising up your anger. "She just kiss me accidentally but I didn't like it!!! I promise~!" You two were making eye contact as you can see that his eyes are having those regrets. 

"You're lucky your eyes saved you. I'm forgiving you already-" You got cutted off by Kris' loud 'YESS~!' as a sign of victory. "BUT-" He stopped from his excitement and looked at you directly listening carefully on what you were going to say. "But if you waste that LAST CHANCE," Emphasizing the those two words. "I'll kick you out of my house."

"Thank you Yeobo~!" He hugged to tightly making you suffer a while from loss of air. "Ah. Sorry.. Hehehe." You smiled seeing his old self back.



A/N: I didn't have anymore thoughts on what to write for the ending. 

Sorry.. .Hope you guys liked it. :))


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eefinite #1
Chapter 1: i dont think what kris saying were truth.. oh my, Kris pls.. love is not for play. ;\
Chapter 1: hahhaha... what the hell.. he's just lying gal.. dont listen to Kris his words are unreliable... Just kick his ___ already!