First look


That Tae Jun changed you into an absolutely charming lady. Embroidered shirred blouse and a short denim pant honestly suitable with your cute appreance

" You look better " spoke Tae Jun

You were dumbfounded. Muted , wordless. In a blink of eye, he took you out to the nearest coffee house. 


You pulled the chair next to the window in order to look at the outside's view. Meanwhile, Tae Jun bought two cup of white coffee. One for you and another one for him. He took his seat right in front of you.

" Ne, I am going to start. Tell me anything about you " 

" Um, Honestly, I woke up at 6:30 AM while Chi Hoon prepared the breakfast, Ji Ho-- " you cut his speech

" Yah! I'm not writing about your diary! " you yelled

He looked away 

You continued " I mean, HEMM! What ideal type girl ? " 

" You really want to know ? " he asking

You narrow your eyes

" Fine, My ideal type is-- a fat woman who pencil his eyebrow, Much more like Lady Gaga, I guess "

" You know one thing ? " 

" Mwo ? " he was perplexed with your sudden question 

" TAE JUN, YOUR IDEAL TYPE WOMAN, LADY GAGA IS NOT FAT AFTER ALL " you shook your head right and left 

He thought for a while and laughed ,agreed that you were right. You stared at his expression and chuckled silently but still can be heard

" You grin like Spongebob " he teased with a smile 

" Yah! " you pinched your nose with your thumb and index finger then said " I HATE YOU SPONGEBOB" Your voice imitated squidward

" Ok, End this, What Your hobby ? " you carried on your job 

" Collecting antique stuffs " he explained while crossing his leg

" Bwo ? Are you an old man ? Young man rarely kept antique stuff  "

" Wae! It is a hobby! It doesn't matter how old I am "

" Just joking, Calm down ! " you giggled

" Prove it then " your head up yet your eyes looked at him

" Fine, I will wait for you at my shop sharp 3:00 PM tomorrow "

" Ne, " You promised

" And one thing " he took his jacket while ready to walk away

" What is it ? " in a huge of confusion while stared at him

" Don't be late or you will fired " he moved out while waving his hands to you

Such a brutal 

You reached for your phone and called a taxi to fetch you.

Grandma must be on the top of the world! *sigh* Finally I got a job


Lastly, you arrived home on time right before dinner

You shouted " Grandma! I got a job " with a huge smile

She went out of the Korean Traditional alike house and hugged you tight

" Grand ma ~ Don't hug me tight , I will be running out of breath " you chuckled

" Ne, I was so proud ! Today Grandma will serve you favorite food "

You punched the air in delight and shouted " Hurray "

As you walked in , your grand ma halted in front of the door 

" Thank you , thank you, Mio " She was on the brink of tears. Her face was saturated with happiness. Her hands softly wipe the running tears .

" Thank you for granted your dad's wish "

You felt touched and immediately hugged her. Her eyes were puffy and red after all crying. You promised to youself not to give up no matter how brutal Tae Jun was as he was your first client.










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