first two characters [OMG THEY'RE BOYS!!!!!! lol but then again i'm a boy too XD]

T.O.P Media and YG's Triple Threats - N30N B3AtZ

name: Ahn Aki Neru

age: 16

Stuff he says about herself: I'm a cold but emotionally person...But compared to others, I'm beyond control. The only things that can make me start talking are 1. Language barrier (luckily, i  havent any problem in that) secondly, eating, sleeping and apparently ice cream.  that's all that make me speak up. People said i'm too gloomy that i'm cute,am i? Well i never think to negative, everything is going to be okay. i'm is also the prankster and joker of the house. My silence beside of those reasons usually meant i'm preparing some pranks beyond imagination. So make sure that i never been in silent to be safe. i love to confuse people about my gender it's funny


Ice Cream
Pranking others
My guitar
Act Aegyo


Coffee - she believe it going to make her go crazy.
Not getting some ice cream

someone putting a megaphone infront of me to talk

When i was being scolded or looked down.
reading/drawing/making up charaters, a must for me
Pranking others, my target is 4 pranks per day.
Strumming my guitar
Eating ice cream this is also a must.


 loves to act cutely.
Pranking others, i need to get to myself a permanent target.
Being to hyper.
I must, MUST eat ice cream once a while...

Triple threat - Ulzzang/model & Specail Effectist

actual position - Main face [like his brother] and vocals


name: Kwon Rae Yong

Age: 17

how people say his personality is: tends not to speak as much as he’d like, as she sees it as rude. Normally very formal with people even after knowing them for years, this has come from being with his family and grandmothers, as he cannot seem to be comfortable around them and isn’t used to people being friends with he just for the sake of wanting to be friends (despite being formal he is quite optimistic and likes being in either bliss, melancholy or rage, he doesn’t know names for the emotions in between). he believes everyone should get a second chance, even after being hurt so many times by people, and tries to respect fan girls & boy [looks alot like his brother and get's mistaken as a girl] as much as he can before hiding under the table because she’s scared and embarrassed. he had good looks as a boy or girl and was constantly hiding them with thick lenses and a bad haircut, he had numerous people ask he if he was a KPOP celebrity as he was often mistaken for one but said no. After being in a long conversation with him, coming out of it you’d realise all you learnt was his name, age and gender, he’s good at making you think you’ve been talking about something completely different and can get information out of people. he can use psychology very well and seems the most innocent out of the girls. But is he really after scamming some of the biggest names in the financial world

Likes manga (death note, bakuman and reborn mostly), udon, rock pools, water, five card draw poker/black jack. Rock pools

Dislikesbeaches, soft drinks, fast food, People who are two faced, wasting money, people who try to speak an asian language without the proper accent, anime, horror movies, the beach but is fine with pools and water


reading manga, rapping, dancing, playing poker/black jack, imitating boy group dance moves (like U KISS SHINee etc) and imitates certain boys voices that sing/rap.
Habits: falling asleep at random times, eating other people’s food, correcting other people’s grammar, speaking occasionally in a mix of Japanese, english and Korean…

Triple threat position - &


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I applied as Yong Araya. Nice plot:)
__eccedentesiast_ #2
Congrats! :P<br />
LOL (crosses fingers and hopes)
R-A-V-E #4
lol applied as Bang Miki
H-E-L-L-O_K-I-T-T-Y #5
applied as Kwon Mi Yong
iiStuD #6
applied as Ahn Aki Neru :P
__eccedentesiast_ #7
Applied as Kim Mika! <3