The Invitation

Cyber Love

I came home from school and threw my school books to the side. I can deal with them later, but now, I have to check my blog. I own a very popular SHINee tumblr - it has over 80,000 followers on it. 3 years it's taken to get me where I am, and still no recognition from SHINee. 

My dashboard is now open, and I have no messages. That's probably because I spent 5 hours at the weekend clearing over 900 of them. I'm scrolling down my dash, laughing at funny photosets and whatnot, the usual. I refresh it, and notice I have 1 new message. I sighed, clicking it, expecting it to be another person asking me to hurry up and update my fan fiction (yes, I write it, and share it on my blog). I read the message, and read it again. Blinking, I read it a third time. What?

"Dear Savannah,

Due to the popular recognition that your Tumblr blog receives, we have invited you to visit the SMHQ and conduct an interview with SHINee. Due to the contents of your blog, we understand you know basic Korean, but a translator will be provided. We have left our phone number and address before. Please call this number and ask for Kim Juna and she will assist you with need to know information. We hope you accept our offer and hope to see you soon.

SM Entertainment

Lee Soo Man

Phone Number: 010-2797-5574"


"MUUUUUM!!" I scream, jumping out. "MUM! Get the phone!!" My mother came running through to my bedroom, thinking I was in pain or fear, and then rolled her eyes. This was not the first time I'd been excited because of kpop - but this is so much better. I hope it's not a joke!

I explained to mum, and we got the phone. We phoned up the number, and asked for this woman, Kim Juna. The other person on the phone said she is unavailable at the present moment, and she would call us back, so I went and done some homework, although for some reason I was not focusing properly.



-Sorry it's a bit rubbish now. I've not wrote properly for months and months. If you wanna know why inbox me and I'll tell you but I won't say publicly. K. I'll try update soon.

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