

Amber Liu and Kris Wu had been friends since forever. Even their parents were best friends, for god’s sake! They had grown up together, lived in the same neighborhood, gone to the same schools, and shared all their secrets and dreams with each other.

Kris wanted to become a basketball star like Jeremy Lin. Amber... well she didn’t know what she wanted to do. She had always gone with the flow, whatever life had thrown at her she had taken kindly. She never tried too hard, but she never stopped trying either. Amber had found the perfect equilibrium of life, something so delicate, yet something she appreciated so much.

Kris needed help finding his balance. Sure, he tried... but perhaps he tried too hard. He often studied late into the night to obtain perfect grades, whereas Amber knew what she knew, and guessed on what she didn’t. So it was that when Kris found himself lost and confused in the maze of life, it was Amber he reached out to for help.

“Hey, Amber.”

“Oh hey. What’s up, big guy?”

“Nothing much. Just... could I ask you a question?” He bit his lip nervously and Amber looked in suspicion at him.

“You better not be asking me to be your girlfriend because the answer is no. Anyways, shoot.”

“How do you manage your life so well? Your grades are fine, you’re always relaxed and happy, and you even find time to do extracurricular activities. It’s like you don’t even try.” Kris looked so bewildered that Amber had to laugh.

“You think too much, Kris. Sometimes you just have to let go and have Fate take control.”

“...You sound like a philosopher, Amber. That is not normal. Do you have a fever? Are you sick? Oh dear god please don’t tell me... are you pregnant, Amber?” Amber wanted to punch Kris then and there. Apparently, the look on her face said it all, because Kris smiled crookedly and laughed. “Just kidding.”

“Kris. Wu. You better be kidding or else I will kick your off to Mars,” she grunted happily. Their relationship worked this way: insulting and joking around, but at the end of the day, the two valued each other dearly as friends.

Kris laughed. “Alright, alright, Ms. Liu. I’ll take your wise advice to mind and ‘go with the flow.’” They bade their farewells and went their separate ways; Kris to his basketball practice and Amber to her martial arts class.

It turned out that Amber’s advice really was helpful, and over the span of a month, Kris had stopped stressing out so much, and had more time for things he wanted to do. His grades had considerably risen, and his previous bitter and stressful expression was replaced by a carefree one. When asked by classmates and family on how he had completed such a 180 degree change, Kris grudgingly admitted it was through Amber’s help that he had found peace.

And of course, through all this madness, that cocky grin on Amber’s face only got bigger and bigger.

“Hey, man. I told you that going with the flow was good. Believe me now?” The smirk seemed to taunt Kris.

“Mm... Maybe...” Amber whacked him on the arm. “Ow! Perhaps...” This time his stomach was the victim of assault.

“Wu Yi Fan! I’m warning you. Next time it’s your head.” He pouted, an expression that looked so out of place on his angular face.

“Fine,” he whined, “yes.” And once again, Amber’s triumphant expression appeared.

Amber didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. But when she finally did, the first person she told was Kris. “Kris! I know what I’m going to do from now on!” Her eyes sparkled in excitement, and happiness bubbled from her being.

“What?” Kris asked nonchalantly.

“I’m going to be a celebrity like the ones on TV!”

“You? Please, Amber. Do you know anything about them? All the celebrities are involved in scandals of some sort, and not a good word is said about any one of them.”

“No no no no, Kris. I mean, a Korean celebrity. You should look up Girls’ Generation.” Kris raised an eyebrow skeptically before opening a new tab on his laptop. Once he started watching the video, Kris guffawed.

“Look at them, Amber. I can’t imagine you doing that!” Amber whacked him hard.

“I don’t mean exactly like them, but something similar. Don’t you think it’d be fun? Life in the spotlight, I mean.” She looked expectantly at Kris.

He shrugged. “If you say so. But how are you going to be a celebrity? You can’t just pop up in Korea and tell them ‘I want to be a celebrity’ can you?”

“That’s the best part! There are auditions every week here. I’ll just go and audition. I’m sure I can get in. I mean, it’s not like I’m horrible looking or talentless, right?” Kris looked at her appraisingly.

“Sure... whatever you say.”

“Aren’t you so supportive?” She asked sarcastically.

“Look, Amber. I may seem mean all the time, but if it’s what you really want... I’ll support you all the way!”


“Of course! I’m not cruel and heartless and mean and...”

“Actually, you are,” Amber told him bluntly. And just like that, the moment ended.

“I got in!” Amber squealed in a manner most unlike herself.

“Really? That’s great, Amber! If I ever go to Korea in the future make sure to take me on tours and give me free tickets to your concert, alright?” She laughed, but her happy expression slowly turned sad.

“My dad doesn’t want me to go... He wants me to be a doctor.” Kris sympathetically reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

“It’s your dream right?” She nodded sadly. “Then go for it,” he said seriously. “Just... leave. I’ll talk to your dad for you.” Amber brightened up immediately.

“You mean it?” Kris nodded. “I love you, Kris!” She flew into his arms and they both stiffened. “Well. That was awkward.” Amber laughed. Kris did too.

“I know you love me, sweetie. But you’re still in my arms and to be honest, you’re not the lightest girl I know.” Immediately Amber scowled and pulled away, smacking Kris hard on the chest. “Just kidding, Amber!” He hugged her again. She looked up curiously and he smiled. “Who knows? This might be the last time I get to hug you, ever.”

True to his word, Kris managed to persuade Mr. Liu to let Amber pursue her dream. Months after Amber left for Korea, the Wu family left for Canada. It was there that Kris went to a Global Audition for the same company Amber had gotten in to. He had auditioned just to feel a bit closer to Amber, and it was to his great surprise and immense delight that a month later, SM called him to tell him he had been accepted.

A week later, Kris had left North America and was in Korea. Amber’s eyes had widened in surprise when she saw Kris, and she had even slapped herself to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Their reunion was sweet but short, because they both had training to do. “I missed you, Kris. It’s boring not having someone to talk with.”

“I missed you too, Amber.” And he hugged her. But this time it wasn’t because he was scared that he would never see Amber again. This time it was because he never wanted to let go.

HI GUYS DID YOU HEAR. Yeah, just thought I'd share that(:

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Wow. He followed her! Sweet story :)
Chapter 1: New Krisber shipper right here !!! Thanks for this story!!
Chapter 1: Simple but sweet~ ^^
Chapter 1: Oh and haha, I saw that article teeew. :P
In my mind, Amber's changing her image because of Kris.
Forgive this crazy fangirling of mine :)
Chapter 1: Aaaaw, thank you so much for this! :D
I love how Amber affected Kris' life in so many different ways without her half-knowing.
It's so sweet :)
It sounds like Kris really liked Amber but he just didn't know it yet much and I think it's the same for Ambie teeew. :3
Thaaanks so muuuch! ^^ /hugs/