Should I laugh or cry

Can't let go

A/N: Yay another update before my exams. Thank you for reading. Comments are very much appreciated. I'm not a comment seeker but I'll be really really motivated for the next chapter by lots of them! 


music music music


Yuri's POV


It took me no time at all to park in the basement and go up to the lobby to meet Jessica. The girl was there waiting for me. She'd got a blank expression on her face.

"Hey. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go up." I said and smiled at her. She didn't smile back. I bet she didn't even notice. She just swiped her card and called the lift. We went in and let it take us to level 21 where her apartment was.

I still felt very very guilty. Oh man. I didn't have to be so mean. Look what I had caused. She wasn't talking anymore and her blank expression wasn't a normal one. It was a sad one. So sad it made me feel like my heart and stomach sank down. The atmosphere was so heavy. I took a step closer and held her hand, trying to comfort her. Not sure why she'd been so moody and sensitive, but I thought it wasn't a good time to ask her about her problem. Not in an escalator. 

We reached her floor and walked out. I was still holding her hand and she didn't seem to mind it anyway. She punched the password and we went inside. It reminded me of the last time she was drunk and was like "what paaaasswooord??". 


"What's so funny??" 

Oops. I didn't mean to laugh. 

"Uhh nothing really. I was just reminded of you being drunk the other day..."

"Oi Yuri." She rolled her eyes. "You're such a kid."

The mood is lifted up. Good. I closed the door and made sure it was locked securely. Jessica casually went to her room and got changed. I had no choice but to just hang my jacket on the hanger and sit on the couch, waiting for her. Her apartment seemed weird. Like there was something missing. Oh I know. Her boyfriend, Donghae. Where was he? Wasn't he sharing the apartment with him? I didnt see him the other day either.

"Oh hey, where's Donghae?" I asked her as she walked out of her room. Then her face went literally grey. She looked at me as if I was some sort of murderer who just came out of prison. 

"We broke up." She said with a dry voice and looked away. It took my a few seconds to really absorb the new information. They what? Broke up??? 

I was stunned. My body heated up and I felt myself boiling, I felt horrible. "What happened?" 

"He had to return to the US." She said and then cried, still standing by the door to her room. The tears streamed down her face as her body started shaking. I hurried over and took her in my arms, hugging her tight. She hugged me back and buried her face on my chest, crying her heart out. "He had to go... because he... he was going to get... married"

"Get married?" I asked in shock. GET MARRIED WHAT. The the heck is going on? 

"M-married to this someone... in order to help his family's business..." Jessica said and cried more. I didn't quite understand her explanation, but I could tell that she'd been holding it in. I'd never seen her cry so hard before. The ice princess, known for her icy cold attitude towards everything, is crying her eyes out. 

"Shhh... it's alright. Cry it all out..." I said and her hair. She clinged onto me harder and cried even more. Wait. Now everything made sense. This explained why she'd been do down lately and why she'd been wanting some company. This was why there was nobody at home that day when she was drunk, why she said she was scared, why she wanted me to stay and everything. The ironic part of this was that, still, that day in her sleep she said she loved him. 

I had her crying in my arms, I felt more protective than ever, and I felt sad. I felt sad and hurt, because she was hurt. And somewhere among them mixed, intense feelings, I was jealous. Why must it be him, always?

We stayed sticked together like that for what seemed like forever, though she did calmed down after. Her eyes were all swolen and red. I went to get her a cup or water and wet towel to clean her eyes, and then I put her to bed.

"Go home, Yul. It's late." She said weakly since she'd got no energy left.

"You don't want me to stay?" I sat on the edge of her bed and patted her head. 

"Would you?" 

"I'll stay with you."

"Thanks, Yul."

"It's okay." I smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her forehead. I knew it was weird for a friend to do that, but I couldn't help it. I needed to do something, to be as comforting as possible to soothe her. 

She told me to wear her pj so I did and got in bed with her. Immediately she snuggled up to me. Her breath was steady and slow. She was falling asleep. I played with her hair and gave her gentle little scratches on her head. Soon, she was deep in her sleep, leaving me wdie awake with my messy thoughts.

Really. Who cared about me and my stupidass feelings. Since the day I fell in love with this girl, it had always been her well-being that mattered to me. Since that day when she stepped into my life, she'd got my world, my everything, rotated around her. No matter how hard I tried to remove her from my affecting my life so much, I couldn't.

And then he came. The love of her life came and took her away from me. Well, not really away from me. I mean, she had had a crush on him for way too long, and she'd never been mine. A quick flashback went through my head. We were besties during high school years, Taeyeon, Fany, Sooyoung, Sunny, Hyoyen, Jessica and me. I didn't know how but it happened that I unconsciously developed \a strong feeling towards Jessica. I thought she liked me too, since she was specially clingy with me and was always following me around. The good old days when I had hope and butterflies. The good days when happiness meant her smiling at me. But I was wrong. She was only following me because of him. Because Donghae and I were in the same swimming club. It turned out that she visited me during my practice and club meeting and went to watch all my competition because she wanted to see him, not because she wanted to see me, not because she missed me, not because she wanted to cheer for me. I never wanted to remember what it felt like when I realised all that. 

Then he finally laid his eyes on her. One not so beautiful day they made eye contact and he smiled at her, making her blush. I swear at that moment I just wanted to attack him, smash his head against the edge of the swimming pool and drown him to death. But I didn't because she'd be sad if he died. I was lost and didn't know what to do. She knew I noticed that and confessed to me that she'd been having a crush on him. That was like a knife striking right through me. And she asked me to help hook her up with him. I couldn't say no. Those were the darkest days of my life. She stopped turning up at the swimming pool because she had to study so that she could go out with him after school. She left me alone, only came to me when they argued. I was the one to be there for her and cheer her up, fixing her damaged heart. 

But I survived. After all the hurtful things that happened to me, I still wanted her to be happy. I helped them get together and stay together, because that was what made her happy. He was the one she wanted, not me. 

Loving her had been the most beautiful yet hurtful thing that ever happened to me.

I her cheeks and watched her sleep. I loved watching her. Whenever I looked at her, I felt like going against the world if needed, to protect her. Not only she was the most beautiful creature on earth, she was also a wonderful thing. Behind those icy walls, there hiding a caring, sensitive, yet fragile and vulnerable young lady. It just happened that I didn't have the privilege to be loved by her.

And now, they broke up. It seemed real this time because he's in the US. I didn't know what to think. Nor what to do. Should I be glad and happy because maybe now I could have a chance with her?

I looked at her again, and it hit me.


She still loved him. They breaking up doesn't mean that I will have a chance with her. I'd never do anyway. 

I scoffed bitterly. When they were together, I had no chance. When they weren't together anymore, I still didn't have any chance. It had never been me. It never would. 

I got up from the bed and walked out the balcony, pulled out my phone and dialed his humber. I gotta clarify and make sure what was going on. If things weren't that bad, maybe I could save the day, bringing them back together like the old days.


Trrrr.. trrr



"Donghae, it's Yuri."

"Oh Yuri..."


"I- I'm sorry."

"That's not an explanation."

"Yuri. Please understand, I had no choice."

"You had no choice. Right. After all this time of you two being together, all of her and your efforts, all everything, I really can't see any reason why you should leave her like that. Come back now and apologise. And stay with her and take care of her."

"Please! I just can't! 

"AFTER ALL MY SUFFERINGS, DONGAHAE. You knew I loved her. I trusted her to you! And this is what you do? Are you even serious?"

"Yuri! Look. I appreciate your effort and everything, but my father's company is going down. My father and my mother and my sister will go out living on the street, being homeless and hungry if i don't get married to this girl my father wants me to. I HAD TO. I'm sorry. Maybe now you can take care of her and maybe she will love you back."

I hunged up and went back inside. It felt so heavy and empty. The blonde girl on her bed was still sleeping soundly. 

So he won't come back to her. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered and caressed her face. "You don't deserve this, Jessica. Why must this happen to you? I wish there was something I could do to fix it, to make you happy again."

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Apologies to my readers. I have changed the plot into Donghae leaving Jessica instead of Sooyoung as it is easier and somehow more enjoyable for me to writ


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chanbeei91 #1
Chapter 7: Love the story...^^
Keep writing, key...

Thanks for update
jessture22 #2
Chapter 7: Update pwease author. Ppali!!!!
sone_marg14 #3
Chapter 7: jessi don't waste that chance...
Chapter 7: weeeeiiiii <3 YulSic at last!
thank for the update author-ssi.
joshuadrew #5
Chapter 7: update soon plssss!
1726 streak #6
Chapter 7: new reader. Update soon~~
Chapter 7: New reader here, and I must say, great job on this one author! Looking forward to your next update! :)
joshuadrew #8
Chapter 7: plssss update soon
hellsing418 #9
Chapter 7: Looking forwar for the next chapter... Update soon!!!
Chapter 7: please update soon