The storm.

In the Storm.



Alone in the dark,waiting for someone who will able to save him,so he won't be alone anymore.

So the two of them would stay together in his messy blanket,on the blue carpet.







Everything happened so suddenly.

The light,the noise,the darkness covering him.

His fear.

All Jiyong could hear was the sound of the rain falling on the umbrellas,on the road,on the houses.On his house. And then,suddenly,a light. A light that didn't bring anything else but fearsome monsters and horrible creatures. It bringed their noises,coming from a land where every monster lived,waiting little kids. Wanting to eat their hearts.


His tears rolled down his cheeks and fell on the blue carpet,his only hope,for now.You could hear his heart pound so fastly like it would explode. And all he could do was cover himslef with a messy blanket,hoping it would help.

"Hic..W-what sh-should i d-do...hic ..."

His parents were never home.God only knows why. They always left early in the morning on Monday and returned after half a mont or even more. And his noona never cared for him.Damn,she tought that a  kid could do everything alone. She tought that like this he would learn. She tought that a boy wasn't afraid of anything. And so,he was allways alone.


But Jiyong wasn't a stupid little child. He tried to hide all his fears deep inside,buried in his heart,so that noone could see them. And noone saw. He hid them perfectly,deep inside.
But only one fear was left out. A fear impossible to handle. The fear of the light and the sound of the mosters from the dark kingdom. They came sometimes,checking if Jiyong was fat enough,allways going away dissapointed because he was so skinny.They came,and Jiyong couldn't help but to hide somewhere in his messy star-patterned blanket. Anyone,seeing him like this,would understand all his fears that he hid so accuratly.

He was suddenly,another time,alone.

Everything happened so suddenly.

The light,the noise,the darkness.


Seunghyun could  hear was the sound of the rain falling on the umbrellas,on the road,on the houses.On his house. And then,suddenly,a light. A light that didn't bring anything else than boredom. Boredom coming from the kingdom of Seunghyun-the-bored.

"God,why now..."

He couldn't even go out and play.He couldn't even ride his bike or climb trees.He couldn't be a pirate,a knight,a king,a robber who took form the poor and gave to the rich,superhero or a rapper.He couldn't do anything but to eat some stupid soup that those useless parents left for him in big portions before going away God only knows where.

"This really tastes like "

Everything was the same. The same again and again in his strange house. He couldn't help  but   to feel a little bit of sleepiness that happened everytime that a storm came.

Until he heard a scream.

Jiyong couldn't take it anymore.

He was afraid,alone and this fear was growing more and more,becoming much more powerful.

Inside and Outside.

He screamed.

He screamed with one of that girly voice he had,blaming the whole world. Blaming his cruel parent. Blaming his ignorant noona. Blaming those monsters outside waiting for him.Blaming himslef,Kwon Jiyong,for being such a stupid,useless human being.

He cried more and more.

More and more tears rolled down his cheeks,making his body tremble of fear.

But the storm didn't stop.

It was like making fun of the boy,becoming more and more powerful. Waiting till'he surrenders,waiting till' he will be eated by those monsters. And Jiyong was going to give up.He was going to stop crying and go to the monsters kingdom.

"Ji! Hey Ji!"

He was going to give up.

"Ohi Ji! Open this ing window!"

To be eaten.

"Ji! I'm gonna break it in thousand pieces,you hear me?"


"Ji! I beg you,JI! Ji,I will save you,i promise you!"

Maybe the next time.

"Jiyong! Open up!"








He never was so afraid like this time.


When he saw Ji sitting alone in the dark in his messy blanket,with tears on his face,trembling,his heart ached. It was like a sudden fear. What if something would happen to Jiyong? What if someone would do something to Jiyong? What if Jiyong was going to do something? His fear,his so long-waited fear decided to come right there,in that moment. it decided to come just becasue of  Ji.

And before that window was nearly destroyed into pieces,that fragile boy managed to open the window.

Ji. Ji,Ji,Ji,i'm here,it's me.It's me,Ji."

He hugged him tight,believing that like this he won't escape,even if he would struggle forever.

"Hyunnie,i'm suffocating,you know..."

Seunghyun didn't let go.

"But,hyunnie,i'm really o-okay..."

Seunghyun looked at him with worry written all over his face.

"Ji,don't make a fool of me. I know when you're not okay..."

He slowly kissed his forehead.

"...And look at you,Ji.You're a total mess."

He smiled when he saw Ji's shy smile.

"Ji,oh Ji. You don't how much worried i was. You just...The next time.."

He didn't know what to do.

"Next time,Ji..."

He didn't know the truth.

"Next time,when a storm will come,i'll come. i promise you,Ji.And you will talk to me.You will tell me the truth. You and me. Got this,Ji?"

And still...

"We'll stay like this if you want to. in this messy blanket,on this blue carpet. But together"

He loved his Ji so much.





So the two of them would stay together in his messy blanket,on the blue carpet.












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sireyz #1
Chapter 1: that was so cute and beautiful <3
Chapter 1: fluffy!!! You have to make another one hehe