Chapter 1

Twins Love


Yongjoo POV


Hi, my name Yongjoo .. Jung Yongjoo. I was 16 years old, soon be step 17 years old. I have parents and one brother, they said they loved me and loved me. But I'm not enough just to hear those words.

"Yongjoo ah, we go first to Europe. We'll be there for a week, so you be careful at home. If you need anything just call Choi Ahjuma. "

Always .. always these words that came out of Appa and Omma mouth. They love me, but they always busy working abroad. There was never any time for me. They rarely were in this house.

~ Tit .. Tit ... tit ... ~ (Yongjoo handphone rings)

"Hello Yongjoo ah, this oppa. Mianhe Oppa did not come there tomorrow, Oppa have emergency meeting here. Oppa don't know when  can go there, Oppa can not tell. "

"Well, I understand."

Well after saying that Donghae Oppa hung up. He's not asked my news and what I'm doing here. They always busy with work, no one cares about me. Donghae Oppa from small already schools in Japan, there he met Jooyeon unnie and married her. they lived together in Japan and work there. Me and Donghae Oppa so not close, even though he's my brother but no time together a walk. Even in a year he could only come to Korea once or twice only. and of course my parents get to see much Donghae Oppa because they are often working outside of the city including jepang. and me just alone at home.

My friends many envy me because I'm a rich kid. They say happiness comes from wealth, wealth don't will make life difficult, whatever you want will be fulfilled. But .. that's not what I want.

Almost every day I always eat alone at a large dining table, watching alone, walks alone, even on my birthday is also celebrated alone. Appa, Omma, Oppa always give me gifts on my birthday, but they was never on my side with me. There are only Choi Ahjuma, maid belief that my family always there for me take care of me.

I don't need it all. What I want is .. attention .. I need their attention, I need their affection , I don't need their wealth. I envy with people who are not rich but can live happy and always together.


In school, I was always alone. I don't have friends and I don't need friends. Because of that, they say I was arrogant girl just because I'm a rich. I don't care what they say. Many guys who expressed love to me, but I rejected all. I don't need a guy. Consequently many boys and girls don't like me.

I always spend my time reading a book in the library, eating breakfast alone in the canteen. Learning alone .. I do not like studying in groups. I spend everyday just to learn, so I got a champion in this school. Many teachers praised me, not only beautiful but I'm also good at learning and intelligent dance. Well, I love to dance. Things I do to pass the time Besides learning kosongku is dancing.

~ Tit .. Tit ... tit ... ~ (Yongjoo handphone rings)

"Hello .."

"Hello Yongjoo, this Omma."

"Ye Omma."

"Omma want to tell you something, Omma not have time to say it at home so Omma said by phone. Omma want to fix you up with Omma friend son, he's handsome and smart like you. You will definitely like him. He was one school with you. Omma can not say his name now. Because Omma wanted to surprise you. "

"Omma .."

"Omma and Appa busy working abroad so could not take care of you. So we fix you up with him so he can take care of you at the time we not at home. "

"But Omma .."

"Ahh, youre Appa calling Omma, Omma want to help Appa work first. Bye honey. "

Why .. Why all be like this! Can not they understand with my feelings. I'm not crying shedding tears, but my heart is crying. I wanted to scream firmly. No one understand my feelings. Sometimes I think to run away from this house. But I can not bear to leave my parents. What should I do?!

* * *


Nicole POV


Huahh ... Hi I am Nicole Lee, you can call me Nicole.

"Nicole let we play basketball .."

"Nicole how about we go for a walk?"

"No, we still have business after school." Said Yongguk.

I have many friends in school, they are good friends. We used to play together at school. But we never get to play around together after school.

Even so there a girl that didn't like me, she was soyou. She does not like me because she liked Yongguk Oppa and she always envied me very close to Yongguk Oppa. Of course I'm close to Yongguk Oppa because Yongguk oppa, Bang Yongguk is my brother. But not sibling.

Yongguk Oppa had long lived with me. He does not have parents anymore, his parents were dead and because his parents were close friends with Omma, so Omma let Yongguk stay in our home. Yongguk Oppa is like my brother, sometimes he can be a friend that always heard my vent. Even more than that .. because very close to him that made ​​me secretly love him. Yongguk Oppa is a very good man and very smart, a lot of girls at school liked him. Unlike me, though has many friends but no one loves me or express love to me. Whatever Yongguk Oppa like, I would have liked. Yongguk Oppa good at cooking, I'm learning to cook like him,. Yongguk Oppa likes to play basketball, I also learned to play basketball from him. So that makes me love to cook and play basketball, but not with study. Yongguk Oppa smart learn, but I'm not. I stupid in lessons. No matter how hard i study, would not smart.

After back school I and Yongguk Oppa worked in bakery shop. We make cakes there. Because  comes from a simple family so require us work to earn money own for everyday needs. Besides working in  Bakery shop we also work at Cafe night. We work one day after school. At first Yongguk Oppa not let me work at night, but I still insisted on going to work because Omma definitely be mad at me if not work for money. But because of my carelessness made me got fired from my job in the Cafe.

"You're really stupid. Useless child, always got fired. Embarrassing. "


Well as usual, Omma always hit me with a cane. Every time I make a mistake Omma would hit me, even though it was only a small or big mistake, it would always getting hit. And as always too, Yongguk Oppa will always protect me when I was hit by Omma. Omma ... My Omma ... never loved me. I was always beaten and scolded. Until make me think, Do I really her own child? Do she never felt the pain and pity on her daughter when her daughter was hit by her own? Did she ever thinking my feeling? I wanted to escape from this house ...

Good thing there are Yongguk Oppa always entertaining and be by my side. If no Yongguk Oppa I probably I would have gone away and not be in this house.

"Is it still hurt?"

"Anni, oppa .. your body must have been very ill beaten Omma for trying to protect me. Don’t protect me Oppa, I don’t want Oppa to feel pain like me. "

"Pabo, oppa already familiar feel pain like this. Pain only briefly. It’s also not be sick anymore. Oppa can not let you beaten like that and Oppa can’t just calm look it. Oppa will always protect you. "

"Yongguk Oppa .."

Unnoticed I'm shedding tears. Outside I was known as Nicole is cheerful, vibrant and had no problems. All My friends know that I'm often beaten and scolded at Omma. But I deal it as there is no problem. But actually my heart very hurts, my heart cried. Only Yongguk Oppa knows my heart. I'm jealous of rich people who can live happily. Why not me? Can destiny changed my life?

* * *





Chapter 01 finished, hope you like it.

Thank’s all for subscribing my story. <3



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k_pop_lover_89_91 #1
awww, are u going to abandon this story? i think this story is interesting...dont abandon it author-nim... btw, new reader here... :)
Chapter 1: Thank you for the update! I'm curious when Nicole and Yong Joo will swap places? Bang Yongguk is soooooo HOT! Update soon!
kid0203 #3
Aww i'm about to write about twins Nicole but it's just the idea. You a many steps ahead of me ^^ cant wait for it :)
This sounds very interesting! Nicole has a twin! Wow! Please update soon!