Rescue Squad

Catch Me

It was the warmth of his body that startled me from unconsciousness. Eyes prying open, I stared at the wall. My skin barely connected with his and I turned my head to look at him. He was on his side, facing me. The look upon his face, peaceful and pure, was something I had never seen before—never thought I would see. There was the shallow gash near his temple that I had created the night before. His steady breathing was calming as the sun peeked through the barred windows and fell across his ribs.

I sat up, moving to stand when his hand latched onto my wrist. It startled me. “Where are you going?” came the soft-spoken question and I turned to see one eye peering up at me.

“To the bathroom,” I said.

Instantly, he sat up, the simple blanket pooling around our hips. “Let's go, then,” he said. I wasn't surprised that he still didn't trust me. However, he apparently thought I would try to run away when I was lacking any layer of clothing.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and moved to the mirror hanging upon the wall. It was lop-sided with a tarnished frame and distorted reflexion. But even with the broken glass, I saw the state of my form. Welts—red and mean—lined my neck and chest, teeth marks. Small bruises from his brutal fingertips ran down my arms and across my hips and thighs. My wrists stung from the lacerations I'd caused myself. However, I didn't feel afraid or used or...anything negative.

My mind was crooked, a glimpse of my emotions was like the broken mirror. Distorted and difficult to truly understand the full image. I wanted to yell at myself, demand why I had done such a idiotic action. However, another part felt no need to. Lustful wishing, something I should control, but couldn't.

I felt. For years, I had kept myself from connections with others, guarded against people—even Junsu to an extent. But Yunho similar to myself. Despite the burning hatred that had grown within me, there was a hidden connection between us underneath that rancid pile. It scared me, made me reconsider things. My mind was buzzing in circles as I continued to stare at myself, unsure what to do next.

A knock came at the door and I started. “Everything alright?”

“No,” I wanted to answer, “everything is far from alright.” Instead, after washing the caked blood from my arms, I opened the door, coming face to face with him.

We said nothing, eyes simply locked and asking questions that both of us refused to voice or answer. I was lost and he? I did not know. My eyes glanced down at his body, seeing the long welts, caused by stressed nails, sliding down his chest and stomach. He had his own marks. He'd wiped his own streaks of dried blood from his skin. He was truly beautiful underneath the killing, malicious mask he had set over himself. To cease the rampage of my thoughts, I grabbed his face and slammed his lips to mine. He was quick to give in, hands gripping at the bare skin of my sides.

Both of us were lost beings and needed to feel like we were, in a sense, wanted. Nothing more had to be said.


I was wearing one of Yunho's shirts, being he had ruined mine. No longer was I handcuffed, though I stayed on the mattress. I felt strange and exposed being anywhere else. He handed me a bowl of ramen, its contents steaming and warming my hands. We ate in silence.

I paused in eating, staring down at the food, chewing slowly as I contemplated the question storming my brain. Swallowing, I took a deep breath. “Are you going to let me go?”

Yunho continued eating without pause and said, “no.”


“Its not safe.”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“If I was to let you go,” he said, finally meeting my eyes, “you would die and I would be unable to protect you.”

“I don't understand.”

“I am not at the top of food chain,” said Yunho, “I have to answer to others and those others...would not be pleased if I simply let you walk out of here.”

A small comment he had made before struck a chord in my conscious. I'm saving you from higher purposes. “The higher purposes you said you were protecting me from? What is it? Who are they?”

“I'd be telling you too much.”

“Yunho, I need to know.”

“No, you don't.” My eyes narrowed and he went back to his meal. “If I hadn't hid you when I did, you would be dead.” The statement was blunt and I was slightly taken aback. “They were going to sentence me to execute you. But if you disappeared...I couldn't do that, could I?”

Silence formed between us as I let his words settle. Another blow, another moment of disbelief. This man was too full of surprises and twists. He continued eating as if nothing had been said, but I was frozen in thought.


Yunho's head suddenly shot up. “Shh,” he demanded. He shot up from his chair, fleeting to the window just as a loud thud ruptured beneath us. Yunho only glanced out the window before he hissed, “!”

“What?” I demanded.

“Your rescue squad is here,” was all he said, throwing his jacket over his frame. “So long, Detective.”

“Wait—what?” I demanded. “You're just leaving me here?”

“Park will keep you safe.”

“You're not worried about me revealing you?”

“Do as you wish,” he said and turned to me as he holstered his gun. “I'm on the losing side now.” The loud commotion below us was growing as officials were ransacking the place. Yunho dipped down to kiss my forehead. “It was nice to be the presence of your company while I could,” he said and was gone. I barely heard the door click shut as heavy footsteps stomped up the stairs.

I counted the doors they barged through, feeling unsure on what do for the first time in such a situation. When the door was burst open, I jumped. Special Forces, clothed all in black with helmets, swarmed into the room. One of them saw me, held his gun to me and I raised my hands without word.

“Sir, we found her!”

Into the kitchen in an instant was Park. His face shifted with relief in an instant and he holstered his gun. “Detective Kim.”

“Detective Park,” I answered back in an equally neutral tone, trying to hide my own relief.

“We've been looking everywhere for you.”

“I was beginning to wonder,” I said, rising to my feet with his helping hand. “I thought you maybe had forgotten about me.” I smiled slightly and Park returned it, only a little.

We parted ways from the Special Forces and made our way down the stairs and out of the building. “Do you have any idea where UKnow is?” Park asked.

“No,” I said. “He left right before you got here.” When the door opened to the outside, I inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air that had been stolen from me for two weeks.

“Jin Ae!” My attention was diverted to the tall figure darting towards us. Before I could react, Changmin had me in his arms and I was incapable of even moving. “I'm going to kill you,” he muttered. “You scared the out of all of us.”

I shoved away from, hissing. “Aish, its not like this was a planned vacation!” I turned my attention back to Park. “Have everyone searching this area before UKnow gets too far away. You missed him by seconds.”

Park nodded, a smile forming on his lips. “Yes, ma'am.”

“Back to barking orders already?” Changmin asked and I turned my glower on him.

“You can start on the search too, Shim.”

“Ha, no way,” he said. “I'm to you to the hospital—”

“ that ,” I growled. “Get me to the precinct. I've got some things to add to our UKnow file.”


As soon as we got back to the precinct, we were met with an alarming sight. Reporters, lots of them, swarmed in front. Apparently, the news of a tip on UKnow had reached them and they were rabid for questions. I simply brushed them off as they demanded to know every detail and snap pictures in my face. Changmin and a large group of uniforms blocked their path, but I hardly paid them any heed.

Changmin and I stepped into the elevator. A bout of silence passed before I felt his fingers move the collar of my shirt away from my neck. “What is that?”

I slapped his hand away in an instant. “What the ?” I snarled.

He stared at me, shaking his stinging hand. “You've got a red mark on your neck.”

“Don't worry about it,” I growled and fixed the collar. I swallowed hard, feeling my skin crawl with paranoia. I hoped Changmin would drop it, but he continued to watch me.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No,” I said, relief washing over me when the door opened. As we exited the elevator, the whole floor seemed to drop in volume and I saw the eyes of everyone staring at me. I stopped, looking back at all of them before sneering. “Yah, what is this? Have you all got lazy since I've been gone?” I demanded. “Get back to work,” and we hurried to my office.

Chief was waiting and Changmin and I bowed our heads. He stepped up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Welcome back, Kim. The precinct was too quiet.”

I smiled slowly. “Its good to be back, sir.” Straightening, I set my jaw tightly. “I have some things to discuss about the UKnow case.”



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blockbuster01 #1
Chapter 30: Oh my, this was really great, cant wait for the sequel
2026 streak #2
Chapter 30: OMG!!! What a way to end a fic? I'm going crazy already and I can't wait to read the sequel... Is it up already?
This story was so nicely written author-nim :)
Chapter 30: You can't end it like this!!!! ;;;A;;;
dluabci #4
Chapter 30: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG!!! I can't believe you ended this like this, I'll definitely be waiting for the sequel.
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 30: Awwwwww....suspense sequel it is hehe. Done reading this one, she's pregnant? Kyaaaa. What will happen next? I'll be waiting for the sequel authornim ^^
cielnek066 #6
Chapter 30: SEQUEEEELL XDDD PLEASEEEEE! I enjoyed the story and I want to see Yunho gets out of prison himself for something good. XDD Pleaseeeee author-nim? :))))) Hwaiting and Fighting!
Chapter 30: argh, I knew it, she'a pregnant
sequel ? I need that
adwijung #8
Chapter 29: yeah sequel...woah so jin aegis pregnant yunho's child..its a good story..i glad i read ur story....
Chapter 30: oh sequell
XDoubleComboX #10
Chapter 30: O.O i did not see that coming...

Awesome story!! Can't wait for the sequel!! ^_^