One of the Good Ones

Catch Me

How was I to know that UKnow as that kid from so long ago? How does that even happen really? Was this some cruel joke brought on by whatever god was supposed to have control of this ed up universe? Because it wasn't funny!

“Are you going to say something?”

I snapped out of my mental cursing towards the heavens and whatever they held. “What do you want me to say?”

“I don't really know,” UKnow answered, scratching at his chin. “I never knew what you'd say because you're always so unpredictable.”

I humphed and looked away, still trying to gather my thoughts. My brain still felt like it was ready to implode—or explode. Or both. I rubbed at my handcuffed wrist nervously; a permanent, red welt had formed around the tender skin.

“I gave you a truth. Now you have to give me one.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Like what?”

He smirked and I was ready for some erse question like how many guys I'd banged in the last year. Instead, it was something far worse. “What happened that night?”

That night...I knew exactly what he was talking about. A sense of dread and fear coursed through me and I clutched my hands together to hide the trembling panic. “Do you have to ask that?”

“You need to say it sometime, Detective. I see how it eats at you.”

“I was in college...” As the words left my mouth, the scar at my gut seemed to heat, but I pressed on. “I had a friend; her name was Su Dae, really nice girl...She had a problem with guys though. Always attracted druggies and like that. Always slept with them after they pressured her into it.” Her face was swimming in my vision, then. Pale with big, innocent eyes and a dazzling smile. Long, full, perfect hair. “She called me one night, wanted me to come pick her up because she was stoned or drunk or both...” I clutched harder at my wrists. “She didn't know that some of her guy's friends had followed her...”

Breathing was becoming more shallow. “They cornered us, threatened us at knife point. When I tried to make a break for it, one of them just grabbed me and...stabbed.”

The red hot pain burned as if it had just happened. The feeling, helpless. Blood running between my fingers as I clutched at my stomach. Grabbing for something to keep me on my feet. The way I fought and Su-Dae begged me to just let them do it. No, I wouldn't go down that way. I wouldn't let them that to me without fighting back. It earned me a slice down the neck, another scar to hold memory too.

They violated us both in that dirty alleyway. It didn't matter if we bled from their torturous blades. They did what they wanted, got their joys and thrills, lit their cigarettes, and left us.

“They left us to die,” I croaked. My whole form was shaking. Tears pricked at my eyes. I didn't tell him the details. I listened to Su-Dae sobbing, screaming, choking for what felt like hours. I was sure we were both gone. She had been far more brutalized than I had. All the blood...I held her hand as she died, as I waited for my own death. I stared at the blanketed black sky, thinking of what I would have done different. I prayed for once, though religion wasn't my strong point. I can't remember what I exactly thought—prayed, whatever—but it was along the lines that I would try. I would try to make something of myself, turn down a different path then the one I was headed. I promised to be better to my parents, to Junsu. All that could be recalled was begging for that second chance.

“I don't know why I survived,” I finished. “I shouldn't have. I should have died right along with her, but here I am. Chained to a ing heating pipe.” I wiped at my eyes furiously and fell silent.

UKnow didn't say anything for a long time. He didn't even look at me. I peered at him, saw the furrow in his brow. He looked angry with a rigid posture. “Did they ever catch them?” he finally asked.

I scoffed. “They were in some gang that no one wanted to touch. We were just...'promiscuous' college girls who should have been more careful. It was a simple tragedy, they liked to say. Su-Dae didn't deserve to die; she was good person without the drugs. I was the bad one, rotten. No, they never caught the bastards who us, but I did.” A grim smile formed on my face. “I found them, five years later when I was out of academy Shot two of them, it was like 'self-defense'. I've never regretted it.”

“That's what made you want to be a cop from the beginning.”

I slowly nodded. “Yeah, I guess. I had no future. I planned on dropping out and ending up doing nothing with my life. That's all anyone ever expected of me so why try? But, yeah. That was about the time I decided I wanted to put away as many of those bastards as possible.”

“And you've done well.”

“Thank you. Your compliment means so much.”

UKnow chuckled at the venomous sarcasm on my tongue. “You're most welcome.” He paused, scratching at the table top with his thumbnail. “Why do want to protect Seoul so much?” The question was rather random and obvious, I thought, but I answered anyway.

“These people—I have a love for them to an extent. Not individually, but as a whole. They make this city and country, the good ones anyway. Those that threaten them and their hard work need to be put away. I know what its like for the law not to care because no one wanted to help me. So I try to make up for what so many other people ignore.”

UKnow hummed, seeming pleased with my response. “You know...there's times I wish I could have been one of those 'good ones'.” His statement surprised me, raised eyebrows. “If only I could have made my way with a little less...violent path. Maybe things would have been different.”

“They would have been,” I said. “But at that time, you really didn't have a choice, did you?”

UKnow's smile was humorless as he thought. “No, I really didn't.”

“Well, there you have it,” I said.

“You're extremely strong for what has happened to you, Detective. You have my deepest respects.”

“Thanks,” I stated bluntly. “So does that mean I get released from the heating pipe?”

He chuckled again and stood. “No, but...I did bring Soju if you would like some.”

“You're offering me alcohol?” I asked incredulously.

“Not very much,” he added innocently.

“I don't give a how much. Just give me some.” There was always the thought that he had spiked it, but what was really the point? I was at his mercy and the drinking was the only highlight of my life I'd had in over a week.

“Testy, aren't we?” UKnow tisked as he went to the counter and opened the brown paper bag. He produced the small, green bottle of heaven and two small, plastic cups. He handed me one and presented his own cup. “Cheers to Seoul's finest detective.”

I smirked and raised my own slightly. “Cheers.” And we knocked back our drinks only to have many more.


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blockbuster01 #1
Chapter 30: Oh my, this was really great, cant wait for the sequel
2033 streak #2
Chapter 30: OMG!!! What a way to end a fic? I'm going crazy already and I can't wait to read the sequel... Is it up already?
This story was so nicely written author-nim :)
Chapter 30: You can't end it like this!!!! ;;;A;;;
dluabci #4
Chapter 30: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG!!! I can't believe you ended this like this, I'll definitely be waiting for the sequel.
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 30: Awwwwww....suspense sequel it is hehe. Done reading this one, she's pregnant? Kyaaaa. What will happen next? I'll be waiting for the sequel authornim ^^
cielnek066 #6
Chapter 30: SEQUEEEELL XDDD PLEASEEEEE! I enjoyed the story and I want to see Yunho gets out of prison himself for something good. XDD Pleaseeeee author-nim? :))))) Hwaiting and Fighting!
Chapter 30: argh, I knew it, she'a pregnant
sequel ? I need that
adwijung #8
Chapter 29: yeah sequel...woah so jin aegis pregnant yunho's child..its a good story..i glad i read ur story....
Chapter 30: oh sequell
XDoubleComboX #10
Chapter 30: O.O i did not see that coming...

Awesome story!! Can't wait for the sequel!! ^_^