At Prince Kyuhyun's Chambers

Mystery at Shiyen Palace


The Scarlet Serpents.

They are known as one of the deadliest groups of mercenaries in the Geoson. Legend has it that some ten years ago they rose during the chaos that followed the war against Pyongchae, the kingdom to the south.

They say that the Scarlet Serpents is always made up of three members. First, there is the fatal assassin with the wings and talons of a hawk. He can blend into the shadows and can strike his victims without a sound. Then, there is the treacherous thief who has the speed of a comet and the cunningness of a fox. He can walk through walls, get past the most complex of all security systems and can steal anything – from a coin pouch to swords plated with precious metals.  Lastly, there is a powerful sorcerer who can breathe flames and walk barefooted on ice. He can summon ghosts and brew lethal poisons and spellbinding potions alike.

The Scarlet Serpents.

Killers, thieves, criminals.

So called because their victims see nothing but a blood-washed spectacle before they succumb to a slow and painful, death.

They can either be one’s most dangerous enemy or, for a fee, become one’s most formidable ally.


“Stop,” Crown-prince Cho Kyuhyun ordered.

Immediately, Yesung, the palace minstrel, stopped singing. He looked expectedly at the monarch, who was sitting leisurely at the opposite end of the room. The Prince was dressed in black, blue and white robes lined with gold silk and embellished with intricate embroidery. His foot was stretched out and rested upon a velvet cushion where the physician’s assistant, Xian Hua, skillfully performed acupressure on the royalty’s toes.

“Repeat the song you sang two songs before,” Kyuhyun demanded.

“Y-yes, Your Majesty,” Yesung replied, nodding stiffly. As he struggled to recall the requested tune, a hundred million curse words flooded his mind. Damn this Prince, always asking me to do the most impossible of tasks. If he were a commoner such as I, I would’ve punched his nose. But alas, I am bound to this role of mine, unfortunately fated to obey his whimsical wishes. Finally, Yesung pin-pointed the right song and opened his mouth to sing. “Geunyeoga dola-oneyo…”

“Stop,” Kyuhyun said one more time when he noticed the door to his chambers push slightly open. He pulled his feet in, much to Xian Hua’s surprise and annoyance. His Royal Highness dusted his shoulders, straightened up and called out. “You may come in.”

Immediately, the doors swung open and in strode a broad shouldered man. His toned biceps were noticeable despite the loose monk’s robe he was wearing. He was followed by two other men, similarly dressed. One had fair skin and clean, angular features while the other had fierce eyes and a well-defined jaw line.  All three men bowed in unison.

“Good morning, Venerable Master Siwon,” Kyhyun addressed the monk, who was also the chief of the Royal Guards. 

“A blessed morning to you, too, Your Majesty,” Siwon greeted in reply.  

The Prince gestured for the minstrel and the physician to leave. Hastily, Yesung and Xian Hua packed up their belongings and stole out the door, bowing to the monk as they passed him. Once they were gone, the Prince proceeded to speak. “What news do you bring?”

“Your Majesty,” Siwon started. He looked over his shoulder and made sure the door was shut tight. To add further precaution, the monk lowered his voice. “The Serpents have arrived.”

“Where are they?” Kyuhyun instantly asked. A couple of days ago, after going through tedious processes, he finally managed to contact the ring leader of the Scarlet Serpents. He made a deal. For a handsome fee, the Serpents will be hired to prove his innocence in time for the trial while at the same time, to find the King’s true murderer. 

Prince Kyuhyun would finally meet the legendary group of warriors. The thought made his heart race. 


Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Please let us know what you think and comment! Nothing is better than hearing what you have to say! The next chapter will be up soon, we promise.

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Update please T.T
LOL siwon the monk. you totally deserve a subscribe