Ch. Finale!

Photo Booth

"Hyung's let's go out tonight everyone else is busy, so why can't we have fun too?" Donghae uneasily shifted in his seat.

"What about them?" Ryeowook pointed out the window.

"We need a distraction." Donghae mummbled. "I know let's trade off!" He yelled excitedly.

"Let's do it, I could use some fun." Eunhyuk chuckled.

"Don't forget me." Kyuhyun said exiting his room already ready to go out.

"Alright, here's the plan." Donghae smirked.



"Just one more branch Rin and then your free." Hana cooed.

"I know, don't rush me!" You hissed back finally out of the tree.

"Finally, now where to?"

"The center? We can get the proof of our late night trips there in the photobooths for Minyoung." You said smirking.

"Yay. Let's go!"

"Shhhh, do you want my umma to hear us."



"Hey its a puppet show!" Hana pulled you.

"Let me take some photos for my Noona okay?" you said pointing at the photobooth near to you.

"Alright I'll be waiting at the show okay?" Hana said walking away.



'Please select your border and sit in the snap zone.'

*Jiyoung Noona will love the dolphin border.* you though making your selection.

"Hey, someone's in....."

"Hi, excuse me." A random guy said before kissing you. After a few seconds the curtain was ripped open.

"Omo, Noona were so sorry forgive us." A group of girls apologized quickly closing it.

When they left the boy stopped kissing you.

"Thanks for covering... Oh selcas, I like the border. Name's Ryeowook by the way." He said as he left taking the pictures with him.

"Rude." You shot back. "Hey my pictures." you frowned before selecting another round.


'Please select your border and sit in the snap zone.'

*Alright stars this time.* You thought while hitting the start button.

"What the..."

You were cut off with a kiss from a new pair of lips. This time when the curtain was opened a new group of girls began apologizing before running off in embarassment.

"Uh, thanks. Ummm....Eunhyuk." he said shaking your hand. "Oh stars. Bye Bye." Eunhyuk mummbled running out of the booth with your photos.

"Not again." You hissed making selections again.



"Hi, I'm Kyu, nice to meet you." He said quickly before kissing you.

After the voices got further away he dashed out quicker than he entered taking your photos with him.

*Arg, why does this keep happening is their some prank being pulled on me. Fourth times the charm I guess.*


"Why me..." You grummbled while sitting next to the fourth guy to ruin your pictures before you could take them.

"I'm sorry if I have ruined your night, I just need to escape them." He said moving the curtain a bit to show girls looking left and right frantically.

"It's okay you aren't the first to pull this on me tonight.."

"I'm Donghae by the way." He extended his hand.

"Rin." You said smiling as you shook hands.

"So why are you taking pictures alone?" He asked showing a gummy smile.

"My noona is studying in paris and she likes it when I send her photobooth pictures because we always took those kinds together."

"I think he might be in one of these." You heard people mummbling outside.

"Oh no." His face looked grim as his hands swiped across the screen selecting start as he kissed you.

The kiss was soft and sweet. As his hands wrapped around you pulling you closer your hands trailed to his neck.

"We lost him." You heard the same voices mummbling.

The kiss didn't end though, you continued until you were out of breathe. When he pulled away he smiled at you before grabbing the finished photos and writting on them.

"Keep in touch." He smirked while handing you three of the four photos.

On the back of the photos you saw a note.

~I hope to kiss you again sometime soon. xxx-xxx-xxx Call me. Donghae.~


"Rin, where have you been?"

"Taking photos." You said handing them to her.

"Who's that, you can hardly see a his face." She asked puzzled.

"Donghae, I'm meeting him at Candy apple in a few minutes. You up to join, he's bringing a friend."

"Sure. Did you hear there were some members of Super Junior running around earlier."

"That band your obsessed with?"

"Yes, who else." Hana said crossing her arm over her heart.

"I will never understand you, come on let's hurry."

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