Secerts. Part 1

Childhood friends

Sydney was the kind of girl that could hold friendships for a long time. she especially held one for 16 years, Lee Joon was one of her first friends in Korea when she moved. Everyone ignored her because she was different, blonde hair and she was from Canada. Lee Joon was her neighbour and her saviour. Walking home form school she got and email from someone named an old friend, " Who is this person and who would name themselves that?" she thought.

In Apartment

" Chapters 1 to 24! what is wrong with my teacher , he must be on crack or something!" being a A+ student was harder than she thought.

~ Cell Goes off ~

"  I don't have time for this crap !"  said Sydney as she got her cell of the kitchen table

" Hello!"  Sydney was not the person to bother during homework

" Hi, is Sydney there by any chance?"Said the person who sounded alot like her old friend Lee Joon

"This is Sydney,and who my you be?" hoping it was Joon

"My name Is Lee Joon. We used to be neighbours and best friends"

Sydney was speechless the person who was there for her her whole life and has bin missing ( from her) just called her

" What would you like?" she said trying to hold back her happiness and her tears

" i wanted to apologize for leaving you without telling you"

" Can we meet at the park we used to play at?"  Joon said hoping she would agree

" sure, I'll be there in five minutes"

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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 4: Happy New Year!^^
Haha G.O is so sly :D
Please update soon
khunhojjang #2
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 2: awe Joon wanted to impress Sydney
and he confessed!
I wonder how she'll react to the confession...
PS: I changed my username^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 1: yay the first chap^^
WHAT?? Joon didn't tell her that he was moving?
update soon ^^
KeysLove4ever #5
Chapter 1: Thank you *bow*
i am working on it
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
your story sounds interesting
i hope you'll upload the 1st chap soon^^