The Moment When Reality Slaps You Across The Face

The Moment When Reality Slaps You Across The Face

I apologize for not posting this earlier!

As I gradually became conscious, I realized two things; one, I was very much ; two, I wasn't alone in bed. I was very confused about the arm carelessly thrown across my waist, as to why it was there and to whom it belonged. How much had I drank last night to indulge in some not so innocent activities with a stranger?

The stranger in question groaned and opened his eyes. My blood ran cold. The stranger wasn't a stranger but how much I wished he were.

I pretended to sleep. I needed to think this through. Why did it have to be him, of all the people?

"Oh ." I heard him whisper. He sat up in the bed and groaned again. I took a peak; was also very , judging by his exposed pasty white chest. I had the urge to run my small hands on his chest, tracing the scars of a though battle, but I abstained. I wanted to smooth out his dark messy hair, but I abstained. I wanted to hug him and make him feel better, but I abstained.
If only I had abstained from the sweet kisses and addictive touch, the low whispers and the blinding pleasure. If only I had abstained...

How could I react? How would he react? I was already pretty sure he regretted, the first words I had heard him utter in his creamy voice, were "oh " which aren't usually a sign of satisfaction. He only ever swore when he played those games and lost. He only ever swore when feeling unsatisfied, unhappy or in a bad situation.

I felt his stare on me. Why was he staring? It made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe he thought I was sleeping. I tried to make my breathing as regular and natural as possible. He continued to stare, or rather glare. Glare with his beautiful almond eyes, that frightened everyone yet fascinated me...

"This can't be..." I heard him mutter. He still seemed as confused as I was. The previous night was still a blur.

His phone rang, he quickly searched for it, to not awaken me. How topically him. It was this caring side, yet nonchalant and involuntarily seductive side of him that caused this...

"Teukie hyung..." He said softly, slipping out of bed. He remained silent while he looked for his clothes around the hotel room. I could the rustling of fabric as he put them on.
"Teukie hyung..."

He was now standing over me, probably fully dressed. The blinds were now open giving the world a full view of what had happened.

He was going to say it. Of course he would tell it to our leader with the perfect timing, even in a different country, in the mist of our busy concert routine. He was going to confirm my doubts. I didn't want to know what had happened, I didn't want to know I had cause this, after all, don't they say ignorance is bliss? I didn't want to know it was my fault. I didn't want him to take the blame. I didn't want him to acknowledge what had happened.

He was going to say it, I could feel his guilt as the events of our night it rolled off his tongue and turned into words barely above a whisper.

"Teukie hyung, I slept with Yesung hyung."

Oh, who is that mysterious man in Yesung's bed? Not so mysterious if you look at the tags of the story

I'm so sorry! I just kinda forgot about this story and I came home too late to post it last night.

I also apologize for the random title that probably doesn't match the story!

I wrote this while I was falling asleep studying, so I'm blaming you guys if I have a bad mark on my test!

Thanks to everyone who commented and susbcribed (it makes me feel fuzzy on the inside) and feel free to do so if you haven't already^^ I'll be posting more soon (?) since I have 2 weeks without any big project (other than my final biology project and english essay).

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Chapter 1: Kyu regrets it so much?:(
siana-chan #2
Chapter 1: I need moaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar ! It's only the beginning haha xD

I'm sure Kyu is swearing because he feels guilty too, I'm sure he loves Yesung and is thinking just like him : Omfg I just messed our whole relationship, we can't be friends anymore nuuuuh I'm gonna suicide xD

Well you have a beautiful writting too ! Please update xD
Goemas12 #3
Chapter 1: yea i kinda guessed that it was kyuhyun but dont that he regrets it hmmmmmm ^_-