The Beginning

Your BEAST Choice


I was at the airport, visiting Korea from Canada.

Although I'm 100% Korean and was born here, I got a scholarship to a Canadian university.

Therefore last year, I moved to Canada, apart from all my friends and family.

The only thing that could make me feel better at ALL time were 6 boys.

"Boys of EAst Standing Tall"

"Boys 2 Search for Top"




I was about to get my luggage. I was waiting infront of the "luggage wheel" for mine to come. Beside me was a tall, handsome man, wearing a fedora. On the other side of me was a woman wearing a nice sun dress. I saw my luggage coming, grabbed it, and walked away. Right as I was about to walk out of the airport, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back; it was the man who was standing beside me 2 minutes ago. He was panting, out of breath. He said, "you- you have my luggage..." I looked down at it, and realized it was the exact same one; but had a different tag on it. I quickly said, "oh my gosh, I'm sorry! It looks exactly the same as mine, so I thought-" He cut me off. "I think I have yours. I thought it was mine too, but then I saw the name tag." I thanked him, and switched the luggage. I was about to leave, then realized... It was BEAST's Yoon Dujun. 


I was outside of the airport, waiting for a taxi to come. I finally spotted one from a far, coming my way. The taxi stopping infront of me, and I was about to go in. Just then, a guy came running at the taxi, and opened the car door right before me. I said without trying to sound rude, "uhm- excuse me, but I think I was waiting for a taxi before you were, so do you mind if I take this one?" He looked at me and said, "oh my, I'm so sorry! I was just in such a hurry that I didn't see you there. You can take this one, I don't mind." But I could tell he minded, so I told him he can just take it since he was in a rush. He kept insisting that it's fair if I take it. I couldn't really see his face because of his hat, suglasses, and his mask, but I recognized his voice. He opened the door and motioned me to get it. I finally decided to take it. He shut the door, and took off his mask and sunglasses, and flashed a smile at me... It was BEAST's Jang Hyunseung. 


I was walking towards the door, reading Junhyung's tweet from my iPhone. He retweeted Prepix's picture of Yoseop's choreography. Yoseop's solo album is coming out, and Junhyung is producing it. I got really excited and was smiling to myself, when... BAM! I walked into someone, and fell back. He was also on the ground, seeming like he was in pain. I tried to get up, but realized I sprained my ankle really bad. I fell back in pain, grabbing my ankle. The guy stood up, and reached out his hand to help me up. I wanted to refuse, but there was no way I could get back up. I grabbed his hand, and managed to stand up. He looked at me and said, "I am SO sorry! Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital? Should I call for an ambulence?" I replied, "no, it's fine. Thanks for trying to help though." I wasn't fine, but I didn't want to seem like a cry baby. He took my arm and put it around his shoulder, helping me walk to the chair. I looked over at him, and... It was BEAST's Junhyung.


I just picked up my luggage and was heading towards the door, but then I saw a crowd from a far. I wanted to check it out, so I walked over to where the crowd was. Unfortunately, they wouldn't even BUDGE. I tried asking them to move, I stood on my tippy toes, I jumped as high as I could... But obviously, it didn't work. I looked behind my shoulder, just in time to spot a couple of securities walking towards us. I quickly grabbed my luggage and casually walked away. I looked back to see the crowd walking away, looking depressed. There was a guy between the securities, and they were acting as his "bodyguards." I lost interest, so I walked out of the airport. Soon enough, the guy came out as well and stood about 3m beside me, waiting for a taxi. I quietly asked him, "are you okay? Why was there a crowd around you?" He replied, "Yes, I'm fine, but do you really don't know why they were crowding over me?" Then he made a sad puppy face. I looked closer at him... It was BEAST's Yang Yoseop.


I picked up my luggage and sat down in one of the chairs, since I was super tired from my lack of sleep. I couldn't get any sleep on the plane at all. I was going to call my mom and let her know that I landed safely, and that I should probably be arriving at her house in about 2 hours. But then, I realized; my phone was missing. I started panicing! I know for a fact that I had my phone when I got off the plane. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it. I had to go around, asking people if they found a phone. Everyone said no, and there was 1 last guy sitting in a chair. I walked over to him and asked, "excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think I lost my phone somewhere around here. Have you seen it?" He reached into his pocket and took out a phone. MY phone. He said, "is this what you're looking for?" I said yes and thanked him. He handed me the phone and smiled... It was BEAST's Lee Gikwang.


I called my mom and dad to tell them that I arrived safely. I was about to leave, when I saw a man stumbling and falling onto the ground. I ran over to him and helped him up. I asked if he was okay, and even though he seemed to be in a lot of pain, he said yes; the odd thing was that he kept hiding his face. He said thank you to me and tried to walk away, but of course, he couldn't. He hurt his leg bad, and I could just tell. I said I would call the ambulance if he needed it, but he stronly refused. I was very confused because he still wouldn't show me his face, but I didn't want to get into his privacy, so I just ignored it. He just simply told me that if he just put some ice on it, it would be fine. But of course, according to my instinct, it wouldn't just be fine with an ice pack. I supported him while he was walking over to a chair, still not showing his face. I told him that I would get some help and was about to walk away, but then he grabbed my arms, not letting me go. I looked at him, and he wasn't covering his face anymore... It was BEAST's Son Dongwoon.


That's it for the first chaper! I hope you enjoyed. By the way, the next chapters may not be as long LOOL 

and also, I will probably be writing a few chapters at a time (put them to "do not publish") and then just day by day, publish them. That way, I don't become that inconsistant with the fanfic.


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midnightangelxo #1
Chapter 1: Can't Wait :D