Through my eyes

♥Love Like Winter ♥


Noona I’m so bored what time did mom say we could leave.” Junho yawned reaching his tiresome limbs to the sky then leaned his sleepy head on my shoulder. In unison we both release a weary sigh of boredom before sinking deeper in our office chairs.

“9ish I think.” Nonchalantly I replied back to him while I combing my fingers through his hair.

“Where’s Junsu Hyung he shouldn’t he be taking my shift by now?”

“How should I know?” said semi-jealous I was still stuck her for another 3 hours. Man I friggin hated slow days like this. “You know as well as I do how lazy Junsu Oppa can be; good for nothing brother.” I muttered to no one in particular. Glancing around the shop I noticed it was unusually still and quite today. Very few customers came into purchase merchandise and before we knew it Junho and I ended up falling asleep in the office behind the counter.

                                                        Ding Dong

Finally visitors. …Junho and I quickly stood up as we heard the store bell going off trying to greet the customers coming in through the door. “Annyeong hase__” I stopped in mid sentence when I saw Taecyeon, Min Ja and her little sister Min Jung. Greeting them all with a happy smile which quickly disappeared when I saw the last visitor; it was that creepy ert J what’s his face I saw 2 nights ago. What the hell was he company them here for. Once again my life why his is here? His very presence makes my skin crawl despite his handsomely good looks and chisel rock like chest.

“Jae Yong-ah annyeong”. Min Ja dropped Taecyeon’s hand rushing to my side to engulf my body in a big hug.

“Min Ja what’s up. Why are you guys here?” I asked surprised by their unexpected visit. Apart of me didn’t even care why they decided to stop by I was just happy to have company presence because waiting any longer in the shop I was nearly ready to put a bullet in my head.

“We were bored walking through the mall so we thought we stop by and say hi to you guys.” Min Ja smiled after releasing me from her embrace then gave me a slight grin.

“Not really Min Jung wanted to see her boo.” Taecyeon blurted out as he watched Min Jung’s cheeks turn from pale a yellow tone to beat red when she looked over at my brother.

“Taecyeon oppa!” Min Jung shouted at him then suddenly kicked him hard in the shin. Min jung scowled at him for putting her out on the spot light earning a low disappointing groan from Taecyeon.

“Ow what the !” Taecyeon let out yelped a loud in pain as he began rubbing his shin.

“Serves you right.”

“It’s ok Min Jung I missed you too.” Junho walked over hugged her lightly then placed a small kiss on her cheek. Aw they were kinda cute together but never in my wildest dreams did I expected the two like one another especially since Junho always picked on her when they’ll in elementary school. Loves funny that way I suppose.

“Aw how cute.” Taecyeon exclaimed continuously rubbing sore leg as Min Jung sent him a bone chilling glare. “Ok ok just don’t kick me anymore.” He flinched as soon she lifted her right palm in the air ready to smack him but luckily Junho caught it in time interlacing her fingers with his for safe keeping.

“Fine but next time it’s going to be straight to your balls for you, understood?”

“Alright geez just messin with you damn girl.” Taecyeon covered his crouch cowering in fear that she might actually do it.

“Well isn’t a sight for sore eyes.” Min throw her arm around my shoulders shaking her head is disapproval at the two. “My little sister and my boyfriend have such a loving caring and tender relationship for one another, don’t they Jae Yong-ah?”

Smiling at Min Ja I nodded my head in agreement then my eyes shifted over to the honey brown stranger the corner staring at the CDs on the rack. Damn; Min Ja must’ve noticed me looking at him because I felt her nudge me slightly to avert my stare. She gav me a sly smirk silently saying go talk to him. I looked at like she was out of her mind.

“Yah Jaebum oppa come here for a sec.” She said while dragging me by the wrist over around the counter towards him. No Min what the hell do you think you’re doing I don’t wanna know that creep; I barely can even stand his presence. God only knows what he was doing at that girl’s house that night, he's dirty.

“Yea?” He turned around and looking at us approaching him.

“I want you to meet my best friend Jae Yong.” She said as she pushed me in front of her forcing me to make eye contact with him. No I don’t wanna Min Ja, damn damn damn! Once again I struggled to mask my true feelings of disgust for him once she nearly shoved me in front of him. I dropped my eyes to the floor immediately in embarrassment trying my best to decrease the awkward tense amongst us.

“Hi I’m Park Jae Bum but all my friend call me Jay.” He held out his hand for me to shake as I tried to hold back my look of disgust that was already clearly written all over my face. I don’t know where that hand has been you creepy walking STD. Especially after I saw him the other night eww grossness.

“Annyeong haseyo chonun Kim Jae Yongimneeda.” I bowed instead in order to avoid any kind of skin ship with him displaying a fake smile on my face. I wanted at least pretend to be polite.

“Nice to meet you.” Politely he bowed in return then smiled at as if he knew I was avoiding his touch at all cost. Then, he smiled… That type of smile that lights up a room. The type of my smile that sets are to curves short comings of a person straight.The guy did have star presences that’s for sure.

Again the same feeling I felt from that night when I saw him staring at me from across street hit like a ton of bricks. My heart sped and my stomach fluttered uncontrollably; why?  All these random emotions came from a simple yet pleasant smile. It highlighted everything about face making a small portion of his personality shine through even brighter. His soft eyes turned upside down into like little crescent moons matching his perfect set of bright pearly white teeth emphasizing his beautiful moist lips. Wow no wonder why women throw themselves all over him 24/7 he’s got a killer smile; too bad he’s a manwhore.

“Ok let’s go?” Min Ja said as she linked her arm around mine. I took a deep breath trying to regain control over my heart rate once more switching back my attention to her.

“Where are we going?” I turned to her puzzled snapping out of my awkward trance.

“Come on the four of us are going to lunch now.”

“What do you mean just the four of you? What about me and Min Jung?” Junho began to pout.

“Yea that’s right Min, I need still to watch the shop.” I tried to explain.

“Nooooppppe Unni that’s why Junho is here.” She answered back pointing to my little brother, who was not the least bet please with the situation.

“What! Ain’t this a bitc__”

“Shut up Junho we brought your woman here to keep you company so be happy.” Taecyeon said giving him a smug smile then winked.

“Oppa it’ll be fine. I’ll help you out around here okay?” Min Jung give him a light kiss on the cheek bringing a smile back to his face. Is it sad apart me was jealous of their happiness because at my age I still find myself doomed to be forever alone. Whatever, it’s fine as long as I can get the hell outta this store.

“Hehe you smiled I’m off the hook bye dongsaeng.” I waved to him then quickly ran out of the shop as fast as I could.

“Yah, Noona! Yah!” I could hear Junho yelling my name cussing at me as we left the shop but I paid him no mind. He was so adorable when he was angry. It was almost the equivalent of a pooh bear getting upset with trigger. I know a lot of siblings fight especially older sisters and little brothers but, I was actually very close to my dongsaengs. He was like another best friend I could always depended on and he can be very charming and loveable at times when he’s not bugging the crap outta me.

“Ok where do you guys wanna eat? I’m hungry anybody up for Korean BBQ?” Taecyeon said while rubbing his belly.

“Ne oppa sounds good.”

“Okay let’s go.” Taecyeon throw his arm around Min’s shoulder as we all began walking.

                                                                                     *:・゚✧♥♥♥ ✧・゚:*

Jaebum and I kept our distance from one another the entire time; in fact we acted like we didn’t even notice each other’s presence at all. When we arrived a Cho Sun’s Kabli restaurant and we were quickly seated. The seating arrangements felt a little bit uncomfortable with Taec and Min were sitting across from each other while Jaebum and I were also sitting across from me forcing me to look at him.

As much as my mind was telling me to resist I couldn’t help but to steal a few glances at him from time to time. Even though I knew he was a erted douchebag that didn’t stop the man from being good looking. I really hate to admit it the guy was friggin hot I’m not going to lie, however I still wanted absolutely nothing to do with him and his devilishly lustful appeal. I'm sure he most have caught me staring at him once or twice but he just smiled back at me sweetly and continued looking through the menu as if nothing happened at all.

“Oh yo hyung, you heard about Wooyoung’s birthday party coming up on the 30th?” Jaebum asked Taecyeon trying to relieve the tension between us.

“Yea that is gonna be wild. Yea ma man is turning the big 21.”

“Oppa you didn’t tell me he’s having it this Saturday.” Min Ja playfully pushed him interrupting his excitement. “Jae Yong we need to go shopping to find something to wear.”

“What? You’re going too?” Taecyeon blurted out in a disrespectfully tone before I could even answer back.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm going he is my friend too." Min Ja replied casually what you could hear the irritation leaking from her voice.

"Well I kind of wanted it to be a boy’s night so, I don't want you there." Taecyeon said while looking straight at Min Ja. It was then I saw her entire face changed as she looked up at Taecyon to meet his eyes. Oh no, it was about to be hell in this restaurant I thought to myself shaking my head I looked over at Jaebum who was only looking around as if he didn't really care for getting involved.

"What do you mean you don't want me there? It's a mutual friend, if anything I expected us to go together, I am your girlfriend. But if you want it to be a so called boy’s night." Min Ja emphasized “boys night” with sarcasm but her eyes stayed firm looking Taecyeon dead in the eyes. We just simply listened quietly as she continued. "And if it was a boy’s night why would it matter if I was there? What exactly do you do on a boy’s night where I can't be at the same party?"

Taecyeon leaned back choosing his words carefully, "See why do you have to take it there? It's just I see you every damn day so I want to have a day where I don't have to have your presence around me. Damn you act like you have to go everywhere I go." Taecyeon stated frustrated his voice beginning to rise. Min Ja's eyes glazed over signaling that she was pissed.

"Excuse you! Nobody has to be where the hell you are! Damn what am I your ing stalker! Sorry to break it to you but we live in a small city where everybody knows each other! If you got invited to a party more than likely I have gotten invited to the same party!" Min Ja began yelling causing a scene in the middle of the restaurant.

My cheeks began burning with shame so I looked down trying to hide my face. The waitress came to take our order but decided to just come back later. Why God why?

"Okay then I just won't go to the party if you’re going to." Taecyeon responded nonchalantly.

This pissed Min Ja off I knew from the shock of what Taecyeon was saying, I could see the mouth full of words that needed to process before she speak them all out at once. "What is that supposed to mean?! You would rather not go at all then to go the same party as me? We sit around at home all the time,  that is not spending time together. If you wanted space that damn bad then why do you keep coming to see me?"

Min Ja asked her voice no longer controllable. Taecyeon shrugged his shoulders, "Because at that time I do want to see you, but when I'm with my boys I want to be with my boys, I mean damn can I not be around you at least every once in awhile?"

Jaebum stopped to look at Min Ja then nudged Taecyeon on the arm. He really just needed to stop talking because he was making the situation worse with his every word.

"Your such an you know that? The way I see it you don't have to sit next to me let alone talk to me but whether or not my presence is there is something you would just have to deal with because I am going to the damn party whether you like it or not." Min Ja stood up from the table grabbing her purse.

"But since you need so much damn space then stop coming over! And if you can't carry on your night while I am there, then you are planning on doing things you have no business doing in the first place, and if you weren't me being there should not ruin your night. I won't trip as long as you don't give me a reason to so you I'm going UNDERSTOOD! Come on Jae I suddenly lost my appetite, in bastard"

I looked at Taecyeon that proceeded to look at the menu as if he didn't care. I stood up not knowing if I should say goodbye or not. I decided against it, I didn't need my ears to bleed from Min Ja cussing me out for talking to him when he just disrespected her like that. I grabbed my Yoshi back then once again my eyes were drawn back to Jaebum as he stared back into mine. He looked like he wanted to say something to stop us from leaving but couldn’t gather his words quick enough so instead he just simply took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

“Jae now!” Finally our eye contact broke as Min Ja snatched me by the wrist storming out of the restaurant.


*:・゚✧♥♥♥ ✧・゚:*

We walk down the busy city streets completely silent heading towards Min Ja’s house. I knew when she got like this it’s best not to say anything at all and just let her be for awhile until she calms down.

“Min are you okay?” I asked after 15 minutes trying to gather the courage to speak.

“Yea lil bit better now thanks.” She gave me a fake smile then shifted her eyes to the floor withdrawing back into her on thoughts again. When we reached her house she open the door took off her shoes then dropped her keys off in the basket on the counter.

“I’m home.” She said aloud trying to greet whoever was home. As long as I’ve know Min and her family her parents were hardly ever home because they always worked late. Min Ja and Min Jung have always been on there own ever since 4th grade. We turned the corner to find Jun Ho, Min Jung and Chansung chillin on the couch watching MTV music videos while eating her out of the house and home.

“Dongsaeng what are you doing here? I thought you were watching the shop?” I yelled at Junho who was stuffing a fist full of chips in his mouth.

“Well; after you abandoned me Junsu Hyung and mom took over so I was bored and came here.” I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly feeling guilty for leaving him in charge of the store alone…again.

“I didn’t abandon you I was kidnapped.” He quickly sent me a glare of disbelief. “Don’t give that look you lil brat you saw Min Ja drag me out of the store.”

“You were skipping for joy when you left.” He said while throwing a couch pillow at my face luckily my ninja like reflexes kicked in and I dodged it.

“Oh you lil come here!” I leap at him over the couch then put him in a headlock then twisted his ear.

“Aaa noona stop that hurts.”

“Well you shouldn’t have throw things at me then uh, ya lil bastard.”

“Jae Jae leave em alone I think you tortured him enough okay noona?” Chan sung swiftly tossed me over his shoulder and began spinning me in circles.

“Ahhh, yah Hwang Changsung put em down!” I screamed smiling yet hella dizzy.

Chan sung he gently pulled me off him holding me in his arms which some wrapped around my waste. I vision spun for a while then everything became calm again. When I realized his arms wear wrapped around me I lowered my head to hide my smile as I rhythm of heart sped up. When I looked up I noticed everyone was giving Chan sung and I a bewildered what the hell are you guys doing look.

“Umm Chan sung, up can let go of Unni now.” Min Jung said trying to break the awkward tense in the room. He quickly let go of me trying not to give everyone the wrong impress of our relationship then we took a few steps away from each other looking in the opposite directions.

“Noona why are you blushing?” Junho asked while giggling at my cheeks turning bright red. Not going to lie’ the boy had my heart rattling with excitement, and my mind spun just from his touch.

“What no I’m not, shut up.” Simply I brushed off the entire situation denying the truth of his accusation then sat on the couch next to him as if nothing happened.

“I going upstairs to go lay down for awhile” Min Ja said in a solemn meek voice then headed up to her bedroom closing the door behind her. Everyone turned to me curious as to why she was acting this way. We all knew Min Ja’s personality is usually bright and happy go lucky so they knew something was up when she was acts likes this.

“Unni what happened to my sis.” Before I could answer I watched Chan sung get up from the couch and head up her room to check on her. I stared at the door closed Chan sung just entered silently thinking to myself.

“Unni, unni JaeYong-shi.” Min Jung tried over and over again to get my attention but her voice became inaudible to my ears.

“Noona.” I felt Junho gently shove my shoulder shaking me loose from my thoughts.

“What, yes?”

“Min Jung was talking to you; couldn’t you hear her?” I looked at Junho confused then looked Min Jung. Junho continued to such my face for clues then looked up to Min Ja’s door were I was staring at then back at me.

“Oh I’m sorry Min Jung I didn’t hear you, I think my blood sugar is low because I haven’t eaten yet so I’m spacing out. I’ll be right back I’am going the bathroom to splash water on my face. I think Chan sung spun me just a little too much.” I lie through the grit of my teeth.

I quickly got up to go the bathroom and locked the door behind me then splashed the cold water on my face hoping it revive me. Leaning over the sink I saw blood suddenly dripping from my nose. “Damnit.” I said to myself touching my nose trying to clean the blood off.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a nosebleed this would often happen to me as a kid when was frustrated, depressed, or sleepy to the point where completely I stressed myself out. I pinched my nose shut holding my head back to stop the current of the blood flow in its tracks. The blood finally stopped after a few minutes then I looked up in the mirror at my reflection.

Why am I acting like this? Was I really jealous of Chan sung and Min Ja’ friendship? I don’t understand she is my best friend since diapers and we rarely ever fought. Then when we do it’s usually over something stupid like why did you steal clothes without me knowing. I always knew Min was pretty than me, smarter and had more boyfriend experience than I’ve ever had but; I’ve always been perfectly fine acknowledging those facts; so why am I feeling this way now?

Yah Kim Jae Yong why are you taking their friendship so seriously? Chan sung is just being a good friend trying to comfort her; like you should be doing right now. But at the same time he did admit that be wanted Min ja for himself. Uggh its funny hearing the saying nice guys finishes last…Well, what about us nice girls finishing last? We never admit it or about because were better at hiding it.

“Jae Yong noona, I sincerely think she should be with me.”

Chan sung’s words suddenly came back infecting and ringing my ears like high pitched whistle only animals can hear. Those words are starting to make me wanna question our friendship. Maybe; I just was overreacting a bit and it’s just all in my head. I thought to myself taking in a deep breath then finish cleaning my face caused didn’t want anyone to see me like this.

I open the bathroom door and began walking over to Min’s bedroom to check on her. When I approached the door I noticed it was partly propped open so I began to open it a little more but stopped when I overheard Min and Chan sung talking.

“Noona; noona please don’t cry anymore okay it’ll be alright.” I stayed at the door silent as I watched him wipe her tears away and pulled her in a warm embrace.

“Jae Yong what you doing there?” I jumped startled as I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.

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2 chapter updates in one night what son! like a boss!!


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abezface #1
Chapter 8: update soon plz
Chapter 8: awww that ;/ but i think ill cheer myself up with jay's new mv :3 omffff *-*
reiixhelleyubin #3
Chapter 5: i love how.. yubin is with his taec, but so sad.. theyre fighting..
but i hope that everything will be OK .. ^_^

and i love yubin and yuri.. friendship !
nice story! :) i hope you'll make more stories.. and i hope.. yubin
will be your character.. keke! kamsa ! <3
Chapter 7: haha how smooth is he :P dude did you see that pic of Jiji/Jay on twitter??? would've been nice if bae was there too but anyways LIFE HAS BEEN MADE X3
Chapter 7: wow! I am so glad that i subscribed to this! This is a wonderfully written story! I love it! i cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for the wonderful story. :) <3
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 6: he's only being nice now cAuse he's got caught. pftt.
Chapter 6: go away taec -__- dumb@ss.
niceee! :D can't wait for the next update! :3
niceee! :D can't wait for the next update! :3
I haven't gotten to read this yet but thanks for the link :) Jay Park is my favorite! I can't wait to read your story! I'll probably start tomorrow and you can expect that I will have comments :)