Chapter Three

Snow White and the Thirteen Idols

Three hours later, Eun Mi had been approved to work as Super Junior’s housekeeper. She had met with their manager, who had then gone with her to SM HQ to meet with the powers that be. Siwon had left her with the manager as he had a schedule, but Eun Mi felt she was in safe hands with his manager and made small talk as he drove her to and from her meeting with SM.

“Congratulations on getting the job.” The manager smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove towards her new home. “I think the boss really liked you, especially if he offered to handle all your school expenses and debts.” Eun Mi smiled; she still didn’t know how to handle all the kindness she had received in the past few hours. “Well, we’re here.” He pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car, collecting her duffle bag and opening her door.

“Oh, I can get that.” She said, reaching out for her bag.
“It’s fine.” He chuckled, it’s my job.

“I’m not one of your boys. I’m their employee too. Please don’t treat me on their level.” He was a little taken aback by her request but nodded. Siwon had told him some of what he knew about this new girl, and he didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t comfortable with.

“Alright, shall we go meet your new employers then?” Eun Mi nodded and followed him into the apartment building, carrying her duffle bag with her.

They made it up to the first apartment and he let her inside.
“This is the apartment you’ll be living in. The other one is right above this one on the 12th floor. I’ll show you your room and then I’ll take you upstairs and show you the other apartment.” The manager explained, heading through the messy apartment to the room she would be staying in. Hana just nodded and followed him down the hall. He opened the door and in front of her was a neat, small room with a single bed, a desk, a small bookshelf, built in wardrobe and a bedside table with three drawers. Nodding, Eun Mi set her duffle bag down the plain comforter and looked around, imagining how she could make it more homely.
“Is the room alright?” The manager asked, watching her look around.
“It’s lovely, thank-you.” She replied politely, stepping back away from the bed. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to go see the other apartment now, and then I’d like to start cleaning.” He nodded, looking at the girl kindly. What kind of life had she had to not act excitedly over her new room? His younger sister was the same age as Eun Mi and the two girls couldn’t be more different.
“Of course.”

When she had been left alone, she went back down to her room to pack away her things and set out the few valuables she had, before changing into comfortable clothes. She then began the task of cleaning up. She busied herself with dishes, laundry, vacuuming, moping and dusting – boy did these two apartments need it. She started off in the upper apartment, making the place spotless before heading down a level and working on that apartment. When she was done, Eun Mi pushed past her tiredness and made a simple kimchi jjigae and put it on the stove to cook, before lying down on the couch and falling asleep.


“Who is she?” A voice came from above her. “And why is she in asleep on our couch?”
“Who cares, she cooked for us and cleaned up.” said another. Hana tried to ignore the voices and continue to sleep.
“Yah! Don’t be so rude. Clearly she’s exhausted after cleaning up our place. We should let her sleep.”
“Guys! Some one’s been in our apartment and clean—oh, yours’ is clean too.” Hana sat up and looked at the handsome faces staring down at her. She noticed Siwon standing to one side and smiled at him.
“Boys, this is our new housekeeper, Bae Eun Mi. I hope you’ll treat her well.” Siwon said, smiling back at Eun Mi. They all bowed and a man with dimples smiled politely at her.
“Let’s introduce ourselves properly.” The dimpled man said. “We are Super Juni—“
“Or!” The rest of the boys yelled, holding out their right hands. Hana blinked and sat back slightly at the loud noice.
“Um, it’s a pleasure to meet you?” She said, standing up quickly and bowing. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go check on dinner.”

Pushing past the group of boys, Eun Mi hurried into the kitchen. She hadn’t expected to meet them all at once. Eun Mi bit her lip and stirred the jjigae before moving to start on some ssamgyupsal and side dishes to accompany the main meal.
“Sorry if they startled you. I didn’t think they’d all be home at once, we usually have schedules that keep us all from being in the one place at once.” Siwon said, coming into the kitchen. “They can be a bit much all at once.” He chuckled and leaned against the kitchen counter.
“It’s fine, I’m just not meant to so many people – let alone boys – all in the one place at once. My village was pretty small so there weren’t many young people around. I was home schooled with one other girl by the lady in the nearest house.” Siwon nodded and continued to watch her work.
“Well you don’t need to worry; we’re all friendly so we’ll take care of you.” Hana wasn’t sure how to take that statement. She’d never really had friends, not since she was a young girl and her mother was still alive. She just nodded and served up the finished food.
“If you don’t mind, could you tell me where the table is so I could set it up?” Siwon chuckled and began to get out the bowls and cutlery.
“We’ve already set up the table, so just bring it out. I’ll send someone in to help you.”

Eun Mi watched him leave and then heard the boys playing a game of kawi bawi bo. She rolled her eyes and picked up the large bowl of jjigae.
“I’ll get that.” said a voice from the door way. Eun Mi looked up to see a rather grumpy looking, feminine man in the doorway.
“It’s fine, don’t bother yourself.” She replied, noticing that he really didn’t want to be talking to her, let alone helping her out.
“Just give me the pot.” He replied, coming closer and taking the pot from her. “You just get the other stuff.” With that comment he left the room.
‘What a rude jerk.’ Eun Mi thought, screwing up her face.  She picked up the plate of ssamgyupsal and a tray with the side dishes on it, before carrying it out into the living room.
“Here, let me help you with that.” said a different boy, taking the sides tray from her, while another took the plate of meat. Eun Mi watched them sit around the long table and serve up their food.
“Aren’t you going to sit and eat with us?” said a young looking boy, startling her slightly.
“Oh, I have a serving for me in the kitchen. I’ll just eat it in my room.”
“Sit.” The dimpled man said. “Donghae, go get her meal and bring it in here.” Another boy got up and ran into the kitchen, bringing her small bowl of jjigae and small plate of meat out and placing them on the table between him and another boy.
“Oh… Thank-you…” Eun Mi said, bowing and sitting awkwardly between the two.
“So, Siwon tells us you’re a medical student?” The dimpled man offered between bites. Eun Mi nodded in reply.
“What area do you hope to get into?” asked a larger man.
“Paediatrics.” She replied, after a mouthful of jjigae. “I’d like to work with children, and deliver babies.” Eun Mi looked back down at her food and continued to eat.
“Hyung,” said another man, turning to look at the dimpled man. “We didn’t introduce ourselves.”
“Right, mianhae.” The dimpled man apologized, causing Eun Mi to look up. “I’ll start. My name is Leeteuk, I’m 29 and I’m the leader of Super Junior.” He nodded at the grumpy, girly boy who wiped his mouth and spoke.
“My name is Kim Heechul – but I’m sure you know that – I’m 29.” They then proceeded to go down in age, all the way to Kyuhyun – the boy who had asked if she was going to eat with them. They then looked at her expectantly.
“Oh, right. Well, my name is Bae Eun Mi, I’m 21 and I’m your new housekeeper.” She said softly.

Once dinner was over, she packed up the dishes and carried them into the kitchen to wash.
“Do you need any help?” asked Siwon, coming into the kitchen once more. Eun Mi shook her head and stacked the dishes.
“I’m finished.” She headed back out into the living room and bowed at the group. “Well, unless you need me to do anything else, I’m going to go study for my finals and then have an early night.” She bowed again and turned to go into her room. It would take her a while to get used to living with so many boys, but she was trying.


*AN- I’ve used their western ages as the eastern age system confuses me slightly.

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