




Written by Iznaberry


My ‘Dara’ birthday oneshot





“I can’t do this anymore…”


The meaning and seriousness of her words can’t seem to get through his head. Her face remains expressionless and her lips form a straight line as she waits for his response. But what should he say when her words won’t register on him, he just doesn’t get it at all.


“Seunghyun?” She whispered his name like it’s the last name she wanted to say and when did she ever call him with his name? He can’t recall when was the last time she called his full name because it has always been Tabi or Mr. Choi when she’s angry. But never Seunghyun, except when they were just mere acquaintances, likely the association of being a stranger. Is she considering him as a stranger now?


His eyes blinked a few times before the realization dawned at him.


‘I can’t do this anymore…’ Her words played on his mind that made him look at her. Trying to control his temper, he pretended like he didn’t hear her so he asked, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”


As if there’s a fuse that suddenly got wired, she burst in anger, “That’s the problem, Seunghyun. You never paid any attention to me or to our relationship.”


“What?” He sounded surprise at her accusation. No, wait, he was surprised. Trying to control himself from lashing out, he wrapped his arms around her, “Dara baby. What are you talking about?”


She shook her head slowly as she freed herself from his embrace. Then she sighed before she finally said, “If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re hopeless.” Her face remained passive but her eyes are almost wet with tears. “I’m sorry, Seunghyun. It won’t work anymore.”


And as if his feet were glued on the floor, he watched her walk away without looking back at him then taking his heart away.



 After a while and because of his buddies’ influence, he decides to stop moping and starts having fun again. He parties harder than ever and drinks until he can no longer stand. Flirt with as many girls as he can and betting with his friends’ who get the girl first. Stupid things that he usually did before she came. Stupid things that he did to have fun whenever he gets the time. Stupid things that he did to numb the empty feeling she caused.


“Tee-oh-pee in the house!” One of the in-house DJ shouted his name while his buddies pushed him towards the stage. He smiled and grabbed the microphone from the DJ. Then he roared, “Make some noise!”


Oh yes, he let himself get lost in the loud music and drain himself with it. He was successful there for a moment until the noise has finally died down and silence is there to accompany him.


“Hey baby!” One of the girls at the bar whispered in a come-hither tone. “Want to have some fun all night?”


He was about to nod when he saw her staring at him at a distance. Her eyes filled with hurt and disappointment. He was at lost. He didn’t know what to do. Just looking at her now, she looks thinner than he can remember. Her face has lost its colour and she looks so sick now.


“Your friend, baby?” The girl asked as she wrapped her arms around his arm.

At that moment, he saw her eyes widened at the endearment and before he can speak up to refute, she’s already turned around and ran away.




A sudden feeling of anger rises from inside as he pushed the girl away and glared at her, “I am not your baby. Never was and never will.”


“Oh, don’t say that. You haven’t tried me yet.” He got to admit that this girl is thick headed than he is. She even purred like a cat on heat that just turned him off. her lower lip, she whispered, “I’ll let you take control.”


He threw in another glare and spurted out some disgust before he turned around. He shook his head and walked away from that place before he can do something that can’t be change.



Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. He feels like a zombie living his life. It’s getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning when he knew that she’s not there anymore. He didn’t realize how much she means to him until she’s gone. The small things she did like ringing him every morning to wake him up as his personal alarm. The small post-its she left whenever she needs to leave and she has no chance to say goodbye. The simple messages she sent every day to let him know how much she cares.


Those simple things he took for granted. Now, he never can have those.


He looked at the mirror and saw his unshaven face. His eyes got dark circles and his lips were dry and brownish from too much smoking. If she can see him now, she’ll probably scold him until his ears would burst.


Ah, he’ll take any scolding just to have her back.


He grabbed his phone to send her a message and saw the drained battery. At least, he wanted to ask if she’s happier now that he’s gone. If she is, he would be happy for her. He just wanted to hear something from her before he enlists for the military. He didn’t even realize that it’s time already.


He just needed to hear her voice and that will be enough for him. So he runs out of his rented room and looked for the nearest payphone. With the last of his cents, he called her number just to get her voicemail.


“Hi…” He started awkwardly. “Dara, it’s Tabi… I mean, this is Seunghyun. I know you probably don’t want to hear anything from me now… but… I’m entering the military tomorrow… I just want to ask if I can see you last time before I go…  I’ll be waiting at the bench where I met you… I…”


And just like a cliché movie, the line went dead as the time runs out and he has no more coins in his pocket. All he has is a limited time and the waiting game starts.



He’s been there all night long and the night is coming to an end. He only got few remaining hours before he has to leave and board the train that will take him away. Would she come? In the first place, did she ever get his message?


His heart didn’t help that it feels like there’s a large black hole all the positive thoughts in him. He guessed she moved on with her life already. Maybe she even decided to forget all about him. After all, he’s the guy who never prioritizes her and she deserves the best.


The clock is ticking and it is time for him to go. He sighs as he grabs his things and with his back hanging lowly, he started to walk away from the bench. He started to walk away from their memories and slowly going away from her.


Goodness, he can only laughed at his old self that never believed that a heart can feel heavy as a lead. But now, not only he believes in it, he feels it and it’s really heavy. Like his whole body feels the burden of it. Finally reaching the bus stop that will take him to the enlistment centre, he heard someone calling him.




A frown appeared on his face as he tries to recognize the voice and saw the bus coming.




Dara? He thought but shook his head. That’s not possible, right? No, it can’t be her. He told himself that he might have imagined the voice and realized that the bus has stopped right in front of him. Thinking that it’s his mind playing tricks on him, he stepped on the bus.


“Tabi!” That name made him stop and turned around. There’s only one person who calls him by that name. Right there and then, he saw her looking a little flustered and still trying to catch her breath. Dara yelled again, “Tabi!”


“Dara…” He barely said her name and was about to step down when she told him not to.


“No, you have to do your duty. I can understand and you only have to listen to me before you go.” Dara said and her voice sounded breathy. “I… I love you. I never did forget you…”


Then the bus driver honked at them while throwing glares while the other passengers were looking at them like they are from some primetime drama.


“I… I’ll wait for you until you’re release from your duty. Then, we’ll talk.” Dara yelled before the bus doors have finally closed. Her eyes were teary-eyed as she waved her hands to send him off.


And that’s something he embedded in his mind until the day they meet again.



Two years seems like a very long time for him. Even though there’s always a letter coming in for him from her every week, it’s not enough. He misses her badly. His released date has been kept from her because he wanted to surprise her.


She’s sitting at their favourite bench while reading his past letters. Yeah, he knew that it’s his because of the paper and he saw her smile. Goodness, how he miss her smiles. Slowly, he walks toward her and waited for her to turn around.


It took her five full minutes before she felt that she’s not alone and as soon as she met with his eyes, her eyes started to get wet from her unplanned tears.


“Tabi!” Dara whispered his name as her arms wrapped around his neck. She murmured, “I miss you. I thought… you’ll be released later this year… but you’re back now.”


“I am.” He whispered as he pulled her up for a kiss. “I miss you.”


“Me too… me too.” Dara repeated as if she can’t believe this. “You’re really back…”


“Yeah, I’m back for good…” He said. “I’ll stay until you want me to stay.”


“Until the end of my lifetime?” She asked.


“Until the end of mine.” He answered.



Note: Err, a very cliche story. ^^ Mushy... stupid plot, I know. Anyways... a very late... answer to a mushy request... I guess. Maylabs, sorry for not ... reaching your expectation. /criesinthecorner..

My net connection just came back. 



















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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 1: (⌒▽⌒) Love it! thanks
Chapter 1: Aigoo. Love love love.. Ke ke ke.
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute!
Chapter 1: awww . sweet Tabi-ah :">
Chapter 1: even though it's mushy.. it's love <3 thanks unnie for this :-D
Onepenny #6
Chapter 1: Nothing wrong with a heart warming cliche :) really enjoyed that :)
Crazy4dara #7
Chapter 1: I'm a er for TabiSan stories. I love it!
quirkychie #8
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa ~ this is so nice. i love it!
sujukat #9
Chapter 1: it's sweet and simple, berry unnie! very nice...i thought dara was sick though..wahaha
riskakikukeko #10
Chapter 1: nice tabisan oneshot! :))