The red thread that snapped in two

Love and Hurt
Bad Guy - 100%


The sun peered over the horizon and casted a soft light over the rows of living quarters in Nonsan Military Dependent's Village. The vast land was built with minimal building and the common properties were built with straw-laid roof and mud-consolidated bamboo wall. The peoples' market and facilities are located closely and conveniently.

The Nonsan Military camp, situated at a close proximity of the village, housed about a few thousand skilled members of the armed forces or soldiers. Since, the sensitivity of the soldiers’ identity is of high importance, the surrounding areas of military camps were heavily guarded, including the dependents’ village. For the sake of clarification, relatives of soldiers had to present their resident permit in order to have access.

That was how people in the Nonsan Military Dependant's Village lived. Everyone knew each other and they lived in perfect harmony.

A slim petite figure, dressed in green combat pants and black combat boots paired with a gray tank top was one of the early risers of the village. Walking around the market, on a lollipop stick with her long, silky black hair swaying in the morning wind. Everywhere she went, every crook of the market, people would always flash their smile to her and she'd never hesitate to return it.

She is Kim Ara. The well-known female trainer of Combat and Defense at the Nonsan Military Camp. Though she had a flawless and beautiful exterior, she was one of the toughest and a skilled fighter. While other females had rows of makeup on their dresser, Ara had a row of swords, 2 umbrella magnums and pistols on her wall. Wherever she goes, her weapons would always hang dangerously on her waistband. According to her, you will never know when danger might come knocking at your door. Everyone knows her, every guy has a thing for her but they knew better that they wouldn't stand a chance with her. She was like a goddess, pure, untouchable and humble.

"Good morning Ara!", an ahjumma who was setting up her fruit stand, greeted her.

"Good morning ahjumma! Hope you sell a lot today! Hwaiting!" Ara responded with her pearly white smile and popped the lollipop back into .
She didn't have any particular thing to do that morning. She just wanted to roam around the village and enjoy the morning air but her booted feet eventually found its way to the market.

*The air this morning is fresher than yesterday* she thought with a smile. She continued her way down, greeting the stall owners. As she turned a corner, she heard a faint cry. Her feet stopped walking, her sharp ears detected that the cries came from somewhere nearby. Ara walked towards the cries and it grew louder. There, in front of her, stood a young boy, about no more than 5 years old, in a yellow t-shirt and dark pants, crying his eyes out.

Instantly, all her flashbacks of 3 years ago started to play in her mind.




Cries echoed in the abandoned warehouse outside the border of Nonsan Military Dependent's Village. 2 siblings were held captive by the Giant, an underground gang who kidnaps little children and sells them off to Pyongyang for ion. They were low-profile but their businesses were active.

Unfortunately for these siblings, they got tangled into this mess and had no other way out.

Ara and her little sister Risa, were enjoying their sibling moments on her Ducati when a few men started to tailgate her in a black Mercedes. Panic stricken, she picked up speed and rode her bike like there's no tomorrow. Little Risa held on her elder sister's t-shirt for dear life. Luck wasn't with them when she came to a dead end at an alley. The men closed in on them and smirked at her. Ara hopped off her bike, pulled Risa behind her and held out her helmet with her right hand. Shaking with fear, she swung her the helmet at them with her hand. The men didn't seem fazed but continued to close in on them.

"GET AWAY!! I SAID GET AWAY!!!" Ara screamed her lungs out. Beads of sweat started to form on her temple. She was scared. Not for herself but for her little sister. She mentally cursed them for catching her off guard plus she didn't have her weapons with her.

One of the men in a gray suit took the lead and walked up to her, stopping just a few centimeters from her. He flashed her a yellow-tainted teeth and smirked which sent a shiver down her spine. The man bent forward, took a peek at behind Ara and smile. Little Risa could only hide her face behind Ara's back.

"Jin Pyo. I am Jin Pyo. Give me the little kid and I'll leave you alone" the man said looking straight into Ara's eyes.

"Over my dead body, you bastard!!" Ara swung the helmet on his face with force. He stumbled back and cursed. His henchmen were about to tackle Ara when the he raised his hands up, signaling them not to do anything.

Jin Pyo straightened himself, wiped off the blood from the corner of his lips and tilted his head from side to side. He closed in on what's left between him and Ara and without warning, he slapped her. With that impactful slap, Ara went down and her helmet rolled off.

"UNNIE!!" little Risa cried and crouched beside her elder sister.

"Get that little girl" Jin Pyo ordered his men. His men started to move when Ara scrambled up and swung her fist right into the faces of the men. She could only put up a short fight. She knew she couldn't win against these men but she tried her hardest to protect the only family member she had. Kim Risa.

Ara went down again. Her energy depleted. She was badly beaten and kicked. Her mind grew dizzy but she fought it.


The cry of her sister made her head snapped up. One of Jin Pyo's men managed to grab hold of little Risa and was carrying her away to the black Mercedes. Little Risa struggled, bit the arm of her kidnapper but her bites and struggles were of no use. The black car drove off with a screeching noise.

"RI-RISA!" Ara whispered in pain. She got up, wincing at the pain she recieved from the blow, limping to her Ducati. Without bothering  about her lonely helmet, she sped off following the black car.

She followed them to an abandoned warehouse outside the border of Nonsan Military Dependent's Village. Apparently, they had taken a detour where it wasn't guarded by the armed forces.

She stopped far enough where the men wouldn't notice her and entered the warehouse discreetly. She hid behind boxes and pillars and found where they held her sister captive.

Little Risa was crying her eyes.

"SHUT UP!" one of Jin Pyo's man screamed at the crying little girl.

"Tsk tsk Hyun Jin. That's not a way to speak to our little miss." Jin Pyo lazily flicked his wrist from where he was sitting with a cigar in between his fingers.

Ara's fist shook with anger. She looked around and spotted a piece of broken wooden plank. She picked it up and planned her next move.

"What are you doing here?!" a voice came from behind her.

Ara spun around with wide eyes, surprised by the voice.

Without giving her reaction time, Jin Pyo's men grabbed her and dragged her over to where Jin Pyo was.

"Boss, the big sister is here snooping on us" his men notified.

Jin Pyo looked up from whatever he was doing. His eyes showed amusement.

"I knew you would be following us. Welcome to my lair!" Jin Pyo stood up, held both his hands out and spun around.

"! LET GO OF MY SISTER!" Ara struggled in the grasp of Jin Pyo's men but they only held on tighter.

Little Risa watched her sister and didn't dare say a word, afraid she would be screamed at again.

Jin Pyo stared at Ara and motioned for his men to bring Risa over. His men did as told and shoved Risa to their boss.

He put both his hands on Risa's shoulder and gave her a light push.

"Go on little miss, go to your sister. She's waiting for you isn't she?" Jin Pyo patted her head.

Risa's eyes glinted with happiness while Ara had a surprised look on her face.

*What is he doing?* Ara thought but her train of thoughts were broken when Jin Pyo spoke again.

"Little miss, go on. I'm letting you go" Jin Pyo smiled at Risa.

The men holding Ara, let go of her. Risa smiled and ran towards her sister.

Ara spread her arms wide open and Risa started to run into her sister's arms.




A loud gunshot was heard. And that was when Ara witness her life crumble in front of her very own eyes.

Her little sister, Kim Risa, fell to the ground lifeless.

*NO* "NO!!!!!! RISAAAAAAAAA!!" Ara's knees went weak and she crawled over to Risa's lifeless body.

"GO! GO! GO!" Jin Pyo ordered his men. They were already hitting the wheels and escaping leaving the 2 siblings alone in the dark, lonely warehouse.


Ara shook the flashback out of her head and walked towards the crying boy. He reminded her a lot of her little Risa. She stooped down low to match the little boy's eye line.

"Hello there!" Ara said in a gentle voice.

The boy continued crying, "UWAAAAHHHHHH!"

"Hey, little boy. Are you lost?" Ara asked him.

Rubbing his already swollen eye, he nodded. Ara had an idea. She fished something out of her pocket and held it out to the boy.

"Here, I have something to show you!" Ara opened her palm.

The boy stopped crying and look at her palm. His swollen eyes glinted with happiness. There, sat in her palm was a lollipop. The little boy tried to reach for it but Ara emclosed her palm and blew into it. When she open her palm, the lollipop was gone. The little boy stared from her palm to her face with his big brown eyes clearly surprised with what Ara just showed him.

"Wow! Noona can do magic!" the boy smiled and clapped his hands.

Ara smiled, "There's more. Wait"

She brought her right hand up and reached for the boy's ear. The little boy squirmed and laughed at the ticklish feeling. She then brought her right hand in front of the boy and opened her palm. The lollipop sat there as if it hadn't been missing before.

The boy tilted his head in confusion but slowly a wide smile spread across his face.

"This is for you! So, tell noona your name and how you got lost?" Ara ruffled his hair with a big smile. Of all things that Ara adored, it's children.


*Aish! Where the heck is that kid?!* a pissed Jonghwan hissed in his thoughts

He came to the market with his little brother to get him a new pair of shoes when the little tyke decided to explore the market by himself. Jonghwan searched every corner of the market but couldn't find his annoying brother. He lifted the lid of empty oil barrels, searched below covered tables but he couldn't find him. His feet started to betray him but he continues on. He perspired a lot and took off his leather jacket revealing his lean muscular arms below the tank top and wiped his sweat on it.

"Yeongjun ah!" he called out. He walked on and came to the spacious corner of the market. His eyes wildly scanned the place.

"YEONG-" he stopped when his eyes landed on his little brother conversing with a stranger. He couldn't make out the stranger as her back was to him.

*Aish this kid!* Jonghwan stormed towards fuming with anger.


Ara learnt that the little boy's name was Jo Yeongjun.

"Noona, what is your name?" Yeongjun asked shyly.

"Ara. Kim Ara." she replied with a smile.

At that name, Yeongjun's eyes widened in surprised.

"Now you seem surprised? What's wrong?" Ara asked when she noticed his surprised look.

Just when he was about to answer, he heard his name being called and he knew who it was. Yeongjun looked up and saw his elder brother storming toward  him.

"Yah! Jo Yeongjun! Where did you go?!" Jonghwan yelled from where he was.

"Jonghwan hyung!" Yeongjun gasp and hid behind Ara. Ara stood up and turned towards the male who was making his way towards them.

At the sight of the stranger, Jonghwan stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes. *Kim Ara*
All of a sudden, his anger dissipated.

For Kim Ara is Jo Jonghwan's crush.

Both of them blinked at each other before the Ara broke the silence.

"Sunbaenim? You're Yeongjun's hyung?" she asked with a smile.

Jonghwan snapped out of his thoughts and took a cautious step forward.


She nodded and beckon Yeongjun who was hiding behind her to come forward. Yeongjun walked up while grabbing tight onto the hem of her tank top.

Ara glanced down at the little tyke with an adoring smile. She patted his head.

"Yeongjun-ah, go to your hyung. He must have been worried sick about you", she said to the little boy.

He didn't need to be told twice and walked over to his hyung who was staring at Ara.

"H-hyung......" Yeongjun started.

Jonghwan looked at his brother, took a step forward and raised his hands. Yeongjun's eyes widened and cowered with his hands protecting himself from the blow that his hyung is about to give him. But it never came.

Instead, Jonghwan stooped down and ruffled his brother's hair. He smiled at him and said,
"'I'm glad you're safe, you little punk! I'll go really mad the next time you do this again. Understood?"

Yeongjun uncovered himself and blinked rapidly at his hyung. "You're not mad at me?" he questioned.

Jonghwan shook his head and pulled him into a hug. "Just don't go wandering around again. I'll cut off your legs if you do"

Yeongjun gasp and shook his head frantically while raising his right hand, "I promise hyung! Boy scout's honor!"

Jonghwan laughed and stood up. Yeongjun beamed at his brother and turned his attention back to Ara who was watching the little "reunion" in front of her.

Ara smiled down at him and said "Well then, I guess this is my cue to leave. Good morning to you sunbaenim. Yeongjun too!"

She did a 90 degree bow and spun her heels around.

All Jonghwan could do was stare at her back. He, just like the rest of the guys were too afraid to act upon their feelings and he hated himself for that.

"NOONA!!" Yeongjun yelled. Ara turned around and found Yeongjun running towards her.

*What is he doing?" Ara and Jonghwan thought at the same time.

The little tyke pulled on her tank top and she crouched down. He began to whisper something in her ear. Ara listened and glanced at Jonghwan once. Jonghwan on the other hand, flinched when he saw the glance she made.

*Now what is he up to?* he thought.

Ara nodded, stood up and walk over to Jonghwan.

His eyes widened and his insides churn in panic.

* ! What do I do?"

Even so, he kept his cool. Ara stopped in front of him and smiled up to him. His heart melt into a pool of goo at the sight of her bright smile.

"Sunbaenim, errr..I was told you had something to give me?" she questioned.

"S-something? L-L-like what?" he stammered. He glanced down at his brother and the little tyke made a charade of a phonecall to him.

*He wants me to...WHAT? This sneaky punk!*

"Sunbaenim? So you have nothing to give me? I'm disappointed" she made a pout and smiled right after. "If you don't I'll make my move now. See you around, sunbaenim"


Ara turned around again and started to walk off. Yeongjun panicked and immediately nudge his brother.
"Hyung! Don't just stand there! Go!" Jonghwan knew this opportunity won't happen again. He knew how hard it was for the guys to start a conversation with her. He wouldn't want to be like the other guys anymore.
"ARA-yah" Jonghwan yelled with confidence in his voice.
She turned around and look at him.
She walked over and tilted her head in curiosity. "So you do have something for me?" she asked him with a teasing smile.
With the confidence that he gained a few seconds before, Jonghwan nodded.
"Yes, my number"
As if she already knew, Ara smiled, nodded and took out her phone. She passed it over to Jonghwan and he key in his number.
"Give me a miss call" Jonghwan said.
She did and he saved her number.
"I'll call you" Jonghwan smiled at her and walked off with Yeongjun.
Ara nodded, returned his smile and walked off.
Jonghwan turned into a corner and immediately his legs went jelly and he slump onto the dusty ground.
*OMG! That was scary!*
Yeongjun was jumping up and down clapping his hands. "Hyung! You did it!"
Jonghwan smiled at his little brother and ruffled his hair. 
"Thank you Yeongjun ah." He thanked. 
"No problem hyung. Noona is very nice!"
Jonghwan's smile widened even more, if possible. Then he eyed his brother in suspicion. 
"What were you whispering to her about?"
"Hmmm...", Yeongjun placed his index finger on his lips and looked up"....I only told her about your little crush"
That night, Jonghwan's life changed. He searched for Ara's contact and pressed the call button. His heart palpitated nervously in his ribcage. On the third ring, Ara picked up.

His eyes widened in shock, he panicked, lost grip on his phone and accidently pressed the end call button.
He stared at the phone in his hands ,dumbfounded.
*What did I just do? Did I just hung up on her?*
His phone rang.
*She's calling me?! ! What do I do?*
He in his breath and let it go. It calm his heart a little. With that little confidence, he cleared his throat, "Ah ah", and picked it up.

"Sunbaenim!" the cheerful voice on the other line greeted him.
He smiled with twinkling eyes.
"Oh Ara-yah! I was just about to call you!"
"Really? Funny. You just did." She laughed on the other line.

He turned crimson and  mentally smack himself.
"O-oh that. Hahaha. I must have pressed it by accident" he gave an awkward lie.

Ara didn't say anything but her tinkling laughter was enough to calm himself down.

"Ara-yah, do you, perhaps, want to take a walk with me?"

"Now? Sure! I've got nothing to do anyway!" she answered.

"Great see you in 10mins? At the main gate?"

"Sure sunbaenim, see you!"

And they hung up. Jonghwan couldn't wait for their meeting.

Jonghwan arrived first at the front gate of the military camp. He straightened his black leather jacket and dusted a lint off. The soldier guarding the gate bowed at him. That's how high Jonghwan's rank was in the military. He had access to every part of the village. So does Ara.
No later than 10seconds later, he heard the shuffling of boots on the sandy ground. He looked up and his heart elated with joy.

Ara, dressed in her signature black cargo pants, black boots and her gray t-shirt with a dog tag hanging around her neck. Her long black hair shined under the moonlight. She may not be the best dressed female around, but she was certainly the most beautiful amongst them.

Ara caught sight of her sunbae and waved at him. She stopped in front of him and smiled.
"Hello sunbaenim!"
Smitten, he didn't reply to her.
Ara laughed and waved her hands in front of Jonghwan's face.
He snapped out of his thoughts and blushed.
"Sunbaenim? Are you feeling sick?" she questioned, concern written over her face.
He rubbed the back of his neck and gave an awkward laugh.
"Yeah I'm fine. So...shall we go?"
Ara nodded earnestly.

They walked towards the Banya-san park. It was a silent walk but it wasn't an uncomfortable one either. They walked side by side enjoying the night breeze.

Ara broke the silence and looked at him.
Jonghwan who was looking down turned his head to her.
"I heard..." she left her sentence hanging.
He gave her a confused look then his eyes widened.
He remembered what Yeongjun had told Ara earlier today. About his crush on her.

"N-no. Urmm..the crush..thing..I-I..."he stammered and blinked rapidly.
"Hm? Crush? What crush?" Ara asked baffled.
" it's not about...that....?"
"About what?"
"Nevermind! Nothing!" Jonghwan walked ahead to calm his burning face.
*That was embarassing. Guess Yeongjun didn't tell her about it after all. That punk!*

Ara laughed at Jonghwan's reaction. *Sunbaenim, I know*

She ran and caught up with him.

"Sunbaenim, do you know that you are the first male to ask me out?" she looked over to him.

Jonghwan gave her a side look, trying to avoid her gaze.
She nodded.
"I was beginning to wonder if they are actually guys."
It was Jonghwan's turn to laugh.
"Now you're laughing?" she asked amused that Jonghwan had the ability to laugh.
"Hey, I'm human too alright? So you actually don't know?"
"Know what?"
"They are all afraid to ask you out."
"Aaah, so you must be proud you could do so", she rested her index finger on her chin.
He flushed red and looked away.
Ara doesn't know why she loved teasing her sunbae like that. She liked how shy he was around her.

"Thank you sunbaenim" she said.
He turned to look at her with a questioning look.
"Asking me out. I was waiting for that brave guy to come up to me and ask me out. I'm glad it's you, sunbaenim"
Shocked crossed his face. Did he just heard it right? The untouchable goddess was glad that he asked her out?!

Ara smiled and nodded her head at Jonghwan. She knew what he was thinking.
Jonghwan softened and continued walking beside her. They talked about almost everything they could.

As the days passed, Jonghwan and Ara got a lot more closer much to the envy of the rest of the guys in the village. The two were seen everywhere sometimes with the 3rd wheel, Yeongjun.
In the day, the two would be seen practice their shooting in the military shooting range, sometimes at the garden, having a swordfight dual. After their activity, they would rest on the grass patch and have a cold drink. At night they would take walks near the Nonsan River.

Jonghwan was proud of himself that he managed to get close to Ara. The girl of his dreams. The little crush of his has turned into this thing called love. Yes, he love her but he was waiting for the right time to confess. His best friends, Minwoo, Rokhyun, Changbum, Chanyong, Hyukjin and Sanghoon who were also fellow trainers laughed at him when he first told them that he's going out with Ara. They thought he was delusional. But when he brought her over to meet them, they gawked at him. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Ara was glad to meet Jonghwan's friends. They were a nice bunch and they hang out often. She finally had people to call them her friends. Ever since she entered the military, everyone was too timid to approach her because of her goddess-like beauty.

On a particular night, Jonghwan decided to confess to her. He told her to meet him at their usual night spot, the Nonsan River.

They met up and sat near the river bank. It was quiet. Lights from the nearby ships casted a faint light on where they were sitting. No sound of crickets. Nothing. Just them and the night breeze.

This time, Jonghwan broke the silence.
"Nowadays, Yeongjun doesn't seem to annoy me anymore. It's annoying."
Ara laughed at his statement.
"I guess he found someone else to annoy?" she quipped.
"Really he's annoying you? I'm sorry" he apologized.
Ara shook her head. "Ani, he doesn't annoy me. In fact I'm rather happy to have him by my side."
Jonghwan looked at her as she was staring into blank space. The wind blew her hair in swirls and she took the loose strands and tucked it behind her ear.
The silence urged her to continue. She opened up about her painful past to him which only she knew.

"I had a sister about the same age as Yeongjun. Her name is Risa."
Just by saying her name, Ara's heart stung with pain.
"She died in front of my eyes"
At that sentence, Jonghwan eyes widened in surprised. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't. Instead he waited for her to continue.
She told him about the time she was enjoying the day with Risa till the part when Jin Pyo shot her mercilessly.
Ara's fist shook with anger. So did Jonghwan's.
"If I ever find them again, I won't hesitate to kill them" she declared.

Jonghwan placed his hands on her shoulders. He turned her around so she would face him.
He lifted her chin and he noticed tears welling up her brown eyes.
Without saying anything, he pulled her into a tight hug. She clung onto his jacket and sobbed. All those 3 years of tears she kept, drenched the jacket of the male she was holding on to.

Jonghwan smoothed her hair in a comforting manner. He liked the warmth radiating from her body. The petite body in his arms made him want to protect her even more. He would do anything for her because he was head over heels in love with her.

Jonghwan pulled back and gazed into her eyes. He wiped a few stray tears away and cupped her cheek. He took the opportunity to study her face. The perfect eyebrow, those brown orbs, her nose and her pink lips. Finally his eyes travelled back to hers and he spoke.

"Whatever you are going through...I will always be there for you. Whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, I'll lend mine to you. Because you know why?"

Ara shook her head.

"Because I'm in love with you" he finished.

Surprised was evident in her eyes. She knew of her feelings for Jonghwan but she didn't expect him to return it so soon.

"I love you so much, Ara." Jonghwan whispered while tucking in the loose strand of hair behind her ear. He leaned in as he closed his eyes. Ara shut her eyes instinctively. His lips caressed hers softly before he claimed that pink lips of her in a deep kiss. Thousands of butterflies fluttered in their bellies and fireworks exploded in their heads. Jonghwan angled his head for a better position and her bottom lip. She understood the signal and parted her lips slightly to allow his tongue to play with hers. He drew her closer if possible so that they were in a very tight embrace. His hands raked her soft vanilla-scented black hair and she tightened her grip around his neck.
They pulled back and she gazed into his blurry eyes.
"I love you too, Jonghwan oppa"
There, she said it. Those three words that Jonghwan had been wanting to hear.
The next day, Jonghwan made a special announcement to his friends. As expected, they weren't surprised at all.
"Why am I not surprised?" Changbum rolled his eyes.
"It's so obvious they were in love with each other." Hyukjin supported.
"They were?" Rokhyun blinked, confused.
"Hyung, you're so oblivious" Sanghoon nudged him.
Rokhyun scratched his head, confused.
Minwoo and Chanyong wiggled their eyebrows at the new couple.
"You know where to find it. I hid it inside my pillow cover. Go ahead and help yourselves." Minwoo gave a thumbs up and walked out of the room.
Jonghwan knew exactly what his hyung meant and turned crimson. He stole a glance at Ara who was blinking at him with a confused expression.
"Jonghwan hyung, mass practice in 10mins! Come on!" Sanghoon called out to him.
Jonghwan looked at Ara. He felt a little reluctant to leave her and go for his practice.
"It's okay oppa, I'm having my training session in 15mins time. Once I'm done, I'll leave you a text. Okay?" she said while tapping his nose gently.
"Are you sure? I can ditch my practice if you want me to", he bargained.
She shook her head. "Don't. I'll see you later okay?" she winked and walked off.
"Yah!" Jonghwan pulled her by her waist.
She blinked up at him. "What's wrong?"
"You forgot something." he told her.
"Hmm? I don't think so. No"
Jonghwan leaned in and tapped his cheek with his index finger. Ara got what he meant and chuckled at her mischievous boyfriend. She tippy toed and leaned in to kiss his cheeks. At the last minute, Jonghwan turned his head and her lips crashed onto his. Ara's eyes came in the middle and she blushed. He kissed her forehead and left to follow his friends.
*Sneaky* Ara thought and shook her head with a delightful smile. She left the room and headed to her the field where she had to train a group of new female soldiers.
A few hours passed and Ara was done with her training. She went into her locker and took out her towel to wipe the sweat off herself. She took out her phone and texted Jonghwan.
"Oppa~ I'm done! I'll be taking Yeongjun out for a ride while waiting for you, okay? Ppyong~!"
She snapped her phone shut and went to fetch Yeongjun. She made sure to have her weapons hidden within her so that Yeongjun wouldn't freak out.
Ara arrived at Jonghwan's home and knocked on the door. She heard the shuffling of feet and the door opened.
"Yeongjun-ah, are you ready?"
"Ne!! Let's go!", he pulled on her shirt.
Ara lifted the tiny boy onto her bike and fixed the small helmet on him. That used to be Risa's. She then hopped onto her bike.
"Hold on tight!" she told him
Yeongjun nodded in excitement and grabbed onto her waist tightly.
She sped off and Yeongjun screamed in exhilaration. The two of them stopped by a ddokbokki stall at the market and ate to their heart's content. After which, Ara thought of chilling at a nearby park. She sat on the grass patch and watched Yeongjun play.
"Noona! Come over and play with me."
Without hesitation, she got up and walked over to Yeongjun.
"What do you want to play, Yeongjun-ah"
"Let's play hide-and-seek, noona. I'll hide, and you seek. Araso?"
"Okay. Call!''
Ara closed her eyes, and started to count. From far she heard Yeongjun yelled, "Don't peek!" After counting up to ten, she started her hunting mission.
"Yeongjun-ah, where are you~~~" She heard giggles coming from the bushes on her right.
She pretended to walk past the bushes and called out to him, but her eyes were fixated on a pair of tiny shoes that was wiggling in the bushes.
Yeongjun saw her and tried his best to hide himself. He saw Ara's boots walking away and sighed in relief.
*Hihi! Noona can never find me!*
Ara walked around the bushes and stopped behind it. She knew exactly where he was and crouched down.
"BOOOOOO!!!" Ara trudged into the bushes.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!" Yeongjun spunned around surprised.
"Noona found you, Yeongjun-ah"
Yeongjun scrunched up his face but beamed right after. She helped him up and dusted off the dirt from his pants.
They spent the afternoon playing all sorts of games. Ara was really contented spending time with Yeongjun. She treated him like her own sibling.
*If Risa was here, she would make a great companion for Yeongjun* she thought to herself.
Ara watched Yeongjun trying to catch a butterfly. He hopped and giggled. His hands snapping against each other trying to get hold of the butterfly.
It reminded her of how Risa used to catch the butterfly with her butterfly net.
"Unnie! Look at that butterfly!"
Ara giggled at how Risa tried to catch the butterfly with her net but she kept missing it. She hopped about but it only made the butterfly fly higher.
Her train of thoughts broke when she heard a loud scream. Panic engulfed in the pit of her stomach. She scrambled up and shouted for his name,
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Instantly, her thoughts went back to Risa.
*NO* she picked up her pace, swallowed a lump growing in and cupped the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it out in case anything happens.
She searched deep in the forested part of the park and her eyes landed on a small figure crouching down with his back facing her.
Yeongjun turned back and his eyes glimmered in delight. She stopped running and walked hesitantly towards him.
He brought his closed hands out in front of her and opened his palms. It revealed a beautiful butterfly with it's wings a bright blue color.
Her knees gave way and she landed on the ground next to Yeongjun. She grabbed him and pulled him into her embrace.
She sighed in relief. "Don't go wandering around by yourself again"
Yeongjun turned to her with a curious look, "Noona, what's wrong?"
Ara shook her head and smiled. "Let's go, it's late. Your hyung would be looking for you by now"
Yeongjun nodded and giggled, "My hyung, your oppa!"
They walked off when all of a sudden, their path were blocked by a figure. Ara looked up and her eyes widened.
Hyun Jin looked from Ara to Yeongjun. Seeing that he was eyeing him, Ara pulled Yeongjun behind her.
She drew her sword and pointed in directly at him. Yeongjun flinched when he saw the object from behind Ara.
"I see you have your weapon with you today," Hyun Jin said with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Don't. Come. Closer," Ara said in a hard tone.
Hyun Jin walked at a slow pace towards her and instinctively, she shuffled back while hugging Yeongjun with her left hand.
"It's been a while isn't it? 3 years? Did your sister wrote you a letter from heaven?" he said mockingly.
Hyun Jin gave a hearty laugh and eyed Yeongjun.
"I've been noticing him for a while now. He'd make great money," he said reaching out for Yeongjun.
Ara directed her sword at Hyun Jin's chest and he stopped.
"Don't you dare try, Hyun Jin. I will never let you."
Hyun Jin straightened his jacket and snapped his fingers. Instantly, his men came out from all sides.
Ara's eyes widened but she remained calm. She protectively hugged Yeongjun pointed her sword in their direction.
"Like the previous time Ara, you're outnumbered. Give me the boy and I'll set you free."
With that, she charged at Hyun Jin. Both stood in one place, trading feints, s and parries with lightning speed, almost impossible to follow.
Ara had no trouble matching Hyun Jin. She knew each and every move he was about to make.
"Yeongjun ah! RUN!" Ara shouted without taking her eyes off Hyun Jin.
Yeongjun skittered off. Hyun Jin's men chased after him.

"Noona!!! Help!"
The men caught up with Yeongjun and one of them grabbed him by the collar.
He easily lifted Yeongjun up and he struggled against the big guy.

"Noona!" Yeongjun called out.

Ara spun around only to be kicked in the gut by Hyun Jin.
She went down along with a bloody lip and bruised face.

Hyun Jin gathered his men and took Yeongjun along with him. Yeongjun tried to kick the big guy but his legs were too short.
"LET GO! NOONA" Yeongjun screamed.
They scrambled into their black mercedes and sped off with the echoing of Yeongjun's voice ringing in the air.

Ara rolled over her belly and thought
*I won't let history repeat itself*

She took out her phone with much effort and dialled Jonghwan's phone but it went to voicemail. With no other choice, she lifted herself up and picked up her sword. She limped over to her bike which was far ahead wincing with pain.

As she supressing the pain from her stomach while walking back, she saw a figure lying down on a bench with a headphone stuck to his ears. She walked closer and realised who it was. She quickly ran over to the figure forgetting her pain.

"Changbum-ah!" She shook him forcefully.

Changbum open his eyes and adjusted them to the light. Shocked crossed his face not because of who he saw but what happened to her.

He got up in a haste, lifted her chin and examined Ara's face and
"Ara, what happened?"

She shrugged his hands off her face and grabbed his shirt
"There's no time! Could you please get back to the camp and tell Jonghwan, Yeongjun's been kidnappped! I have to get Yeongjun now!"



She hopped on her bike, tucked her sword back in her sheath and rode off. Changbum too, without a second of hesitation, sped off back to the camp.
Jonghwan and his friends plopped themselves down on the couch in the lounge room meant for only the officials.
"Man, I'm hungry after all that training." Hyukjin complained
"I wonder how Changbum hyung managed to ditch training without getting caught. Jeez." Sanghoon commented.
Chanyong, Minwoo and Rokhyun shrugged and decided to take a nap.
Jonghwan fished out his phone from his leather jacket and turned it on. He received a text from Ara and smiled.
*Tch. Sometimes I think you're in love with Yeongjun instead of me*
He laughed at his silly thoughts. Even though he just met her this morning, Jonghwan missed Ara a lot. Just as he was about to call her, the door to the lounge room burst open and in came a panicky Changbum. His eyes scanned the room and landed on Jonghwan.
The room fell silent. Even the napping guys were awake now.

Jonghwan stood up in panic "WHAT?!"
He strode over to him and grab his collar.
Changbum forced Jonghwan's hand away.
"I'm not hyung! Ara's going to him now. We should hurry! She said to head to the abandoned warehouse off Nonsan village!"
*!* Jonghwan ran off. Panic and fear grabbed at his heart. All he could think of was his brother and the love of his life, Kim Ara.
His friends chased after Jonghwan and got into their respective automobile.
*Wait for me Ara. Wait for me Yeongjun-ah. I'll be there*
He started his black lamborghini and drove off at a dangerous speed.
Ara reached the all too familiar warehouse. She shivered at the sight of it. It brought bad memories to her at that moment. She shook it off and determined to get Yeongjun back even if it means risking her life.
Carefully, she sneaked into the warehouse. Her sword dangled dangerously on her waist. She cupped her hands over the hilt, ready to attack if she was caught. Stealthily, she snuck behind cardboard boxes and crates. She peeked over a tall box and there, she saw Yeongjun being tied up to a chair. Anger rose from within her. She was ready to kill those people to avenge her sister's death.

"Ara, if you're here now, you can come out. Don't play hide and seek with me", the familiar voice said.
Ara gulped with wide eyes. She knew who it belonged to. She knew it very well.

Jin Pyo.
 The man who mercilessly shot her beloved younger sister, Risa.

Ara braced herself and stepped out of her hiding spot. She walked towards the spacious area of the warehouse and showed herself to Jin Pyo.

Yeongjun saw Ara and his eyes lit with hope.
"Noona...", his voice came out muffled.

Jin Pyo looked up from where he was sitting and grinned at her.

"Ara, my beautiful Ara.." he said.
"Let the boy go, Jin Pyo or I'll kill you with my bare hands." she threatened with cold eyes.
"My my, no need to be so hostile." He clasp his hands together and rested his chin on them.
Ara stood a safe distant from Jin Pyo and his men. One wrong move, god knows what will happen to Yeongjun.
"I think you're deaf, Jin Pyo. I ing said let the boy go!"

"What can you do for me then?" he asked with an evil look on his face.

Ara drew her sword and attack the man closest to her. She kicked his legs and shove the sword into his abdomen. The rest of the men started to attack her as well but with her quick reflexes, she managed to elbow one man in the face and spin kick the other.

Jin Pyo was currently enjoying what he saw. Hyun Jin was by his side smirking at the show in front of him.

The men were ganging up on her. They threw punches at her but she managed to block it just in time. One man spun her around and gave her a punch in the stomach. She doubled over in pain but steadied herself. Another one grabbed her hair and threw a slap to her face. Ara didn't faze. She continued to attack them with her sword. One by one fell to the ground. A few were injured from her attack.

Seeing that his men were down, Jin Pyo called for back up and another group of men came through the door.

Ara spun around. Her energy were depleting but she had to save Yeongjun. She ran towards him and undid his tie and hugged him protectively. Ara breathed hard and swallowed the lump in . She pointed her sword at the incoming man and they stopped.

"Don't come any closer to you bastards!" Ara screamed.
She glanced at Yeongjun and saw fear in his face. She kissed his cheek and whispered to him.
"When Jonghwan hyung comes, run to him. Don't look back okay? Promise me."
"But noona..."
"Promise me Yeongjun-ah."
He nodded and hugged her.

Ara turned her attention back to the men. They were already closing in on her when the sound of engine echoed outside the warehouse.

*What the-* Jin Pyo stood up and look at Hyun Jin questioningly.

The door burst open and 7 males in their combat attire appeared at the doorway.

*Oppa...* Ara thought. She was happy to see him despite the situation.

Jin Pyo fumed and screamed.
"Who are you guys?! How dare you barge into my territory?! You have no business here. Get out!"

Jonghwan stepped up and sneered, "Those two..", he pointed to Ara and Yeongjun, "..are my business."

Jin Pyo looked back and forth between Ara and Jonghwan.
"Ahhh, Romeo saving Juliet. How romantic." he mocked.

Minwoo was next to voice out "Let them go NOW!"

Jin Pyo scratched his chin and smirked.
"We can't do that without a fight, can we? The winner gets to whatever they want with them"

Jonghwan's anger was over the top. He glanced a look at Ara who was protecting his younger brother and saw that she was badly covered with bruises. His heart ache at the sight.

Minwoo signalled with his hands and they charge towards the gang. Chanyong grappled a man with his hands and he fell to the dirty ground lifeless, Sanghoon threw his dagger at the big sized man who was charging at Rokhyun. Hyukjin and Changbum teamed up and knocked down 5 men and one go.

Jonghwan fought his way through the sea of gangs and reached Ara's aid. She was fighting with one hand on her sword and the other wrapped around Yeongjun.
Jonghwan kicked the man who was aiming his gun at Ara and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Both of them said at the same time.

Jonghwan hugged both of them, relieved.
"Thank goodness you guys are alright!"
He pulled back and said "Get out of here while you still can. Now go!"
Ara didn't budge.
Instead she shouted for Changbum.
Changbum ran over and she pushed Yeongjun into his arms.
"Get Yeongjun out of here now. I have unfinished business to take care of."
Changbum nodded and threw Yeongjun onto his back. He fought his way out, dodging attacks from the opposing gang.

Ara brushed past Jonghwan only to be yanked back harshly.
"What are you trying to do?!" Jonghwan hissed.
Ara stared right into his eyes with her cold ones.
"I'm going to kill that bastard with my own hands."
Jonghwan put his hands on her shoulders and hissed at her.
"No, leave now! I don't want you to get hurt!"
"Oppa! I have to do this. He kidnapped Yeongjun. He tried to do the same thing he did to Risa! How do you expect me to sit back and watch?!" she yelled.
"WHAT IF YOU GET KILLED?!" Jonghwan yelled.
Ara avoided his eyes. "I'd rather die than see history repeats itself", she whispered.
She removed Jonghwan's hands from her shoulder, and held his hands with her own.
"Oppa, let's do this together. I'm sure we can bring him down."
Jonghwan looked down at Ara, and knew the determined look in her eyes. He cupped her cheeks and planted a soft kiss on her lips. He rested his forehead on hers and whispered, "Let's do this."
Together they mingled with the sea of people and fought to cease the Giant gang. Ara and Jonghwan targeted Jin Pyo and Hyun Jin.
They fight between them were of different level. More blood were spilled but neither backed down. Ara swung her sword at Jin Pyo but he blocked it with his own. Clanging of swords echoed the warehouse. Jonghwan and Hyun Jin, on the other hand were using their fist against each other. Hyun Jin send a blow to Jonghwan's face and he stumbled back. He wiped off the blood on the side of his lips and charged at the bastard who punched him, sending a flying kick to his head.
As they fight on, Rokhyun and Hyukjin were to first to knock out followed by Sanghoon and Minwoo. Those who were still struggling to fight were Chanyong, Jonghwan and Ara. Jin Pyo's men outnumbered them and eventually the surviving three went down.
Each of Jin Pyo's men grabbed Jonghwan and his friends by their arms and made them stand. The force caused them to wince at their injury.
Jin Pyo specifically ordered Hyun Jin to grab Ara by her shoulders. She was forced to stand although her knees betrayed her. She wanted to struggle but she has no energy left. She coughed out blood and wince at the burning sensation in .
Jin Pyo spoke, "I guess I won"
He smirked and picked up Ara's sword that was forgotten on the dusty ground. Jonghwan and his friends were wide alert now when they saw Jin Pyo walking towards Ara with the sword in his hand. Fear gripped Jonghwan's heart and his heart thudded uncontrollably at every step Jin Pyo made towards his girlfriend.
"Now what do I do to this troublemaker here?" Jin Pyo question, mostly to himself. He stopped in front of Ara and lifted her chin with his filthy hands.
Ara spat at his face and in return, he slapped her hard.
"! DON'T ING TOUCH HER!" Jonghwan yelled, outraged at the sight of his girlfriend being abused. The rest of his friends are only able stare at the scene in front of them, fearing what the leader of the gang will do next.
Jin Pyo ignored his cursing and put his attention solely on Ara. He grazed the sword slowly on Ara's cheek, down to her neck and taunted her. Instead of fear, Ara felt the hatred for the guy in front of her grew even more.
"Tell me, Ara, what should I do with you? Should I let you go......or should I do this?" Jin Pyo tightened his grip on the hilt of Ara's sword with a menacing look and plunged it into her abdomen. Ara gasp and her vision started to become hazy. She felt a numbing pain on her abdomen and looked down. She saw her own sword being plunged into her body. Hyun Jin released her and within a split second, she was already on the ground.
The warehouse turned eerily silent for a few seconds.
"NO!!!!!! ARA!!!!!!" Jonghwan screamed and struggled from the grip of the big-sized man but it was no use. The grip only got stronger. Tears welled up in his eyes as he had to witness Ara being stabbed in a horrifying way.
Jin Pyo pulled out the sword from her abdomen and turned to Jonghwan. "Now, for the Romeo".
Jin Pyo signalled to Hyun Jin and together they walked towards Jonghwan with the sword gripped tightly in his hands.
With the little energy she had left, Ara supported herself up with her left hand. Her body was lunging forward but she managed to keep balance.
*No, I won't let him hurt oppa. No. I won't let that happen. I won't want Yeongjun to live without his hyung*
She struggled to reach into her black boots with her right hand and brought out her umbrella magnum. Surpressing her gaping wound as she stood up, she aimed the magnum at the back of Jin Pyo's head.
*Adios Jin Pyo* She pulled the trigger and her gunshot echoed.
Jonghwan stared at Jin Pyo who was already sailing to the ground. Ara pulled another trigger and Hyun Jin was next to go down.
Jin Pyo's men scattered out of the warehouse knowing their boss and his right wing man was dead.
Jonghwan and his friends were free. Right when they started to rush over to her, Ara had plopped onto the ground.
Jonghwan scrambled over to her.
"ARA-YAH! ARA!!" he screamed her name with tears flooding his eyes. He lifted her head up and tore off part of his t-shirt to dab onto her wound. Ara's face was pale and it hurt him to see her in that dying state.
Minwoo, Rokhyun, Chanyong, Hyukjin and Sanghoon rushed over and their eyes widened in surprise. The heart-wrenching scene was too much for them to watch. They looked away to supress their tears from falling.
Ara opened her eyes, "O-Oppa. J-Jonghwan O-Oppa..." she whispered.
Jonghwan stopped dabbing on her wound and stared at her.
"I-I did it oppa. Y-Yeongjun is s-safe. The little kids here would be s-safe", she smiled faintly despite her condition.
Jonghwan could only hug her and sobbed in her hair which used to smell of vanilla but now, it smelled of death.
"Ara-yah, don't leave me. Please", he cried.
Ara reached out to touch his face. "O-oppa. I-I love y-you so much".
Those three words pierced his heart. It ached in agony and misery. He used to love hearing those words from her pink lips, but now he hated it.
Jonghwan leaned in and kissed her for the last time. His tears rolled off and mix with her blood. He pulled back and caressed her bruised cheek.
"I love you too, Ara. I love you so much", he sobbed.
With that, she smiled and closed her eyes forever.
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exocstacy #1
Chapter 1: will u make a sequel to this? hahahaha i'm sorry????? im just boreddddddd kekeke jjangg!!
exocstacy #2
Chapter 1: so lets wait for kai's fic to be updated... I cried in the end.. why do aera have to died? poor jonghwan and yeongjun. she have to follow risa's footstep to heaven T.T I hope you'll make a sequel to this..
Chapter 1: omg that was so touching D;
Ara is so kind hearted..too bad she died T.T
jonghwan will be mortified now andand yeongjun too...
janale6 #4
Chapter 1: it was too good.. i cried :/
KurosakiAmore #5
update soon! get ur brain working! NOWWWW! kekekeke
Putrihosiana #6
Sounds good!! Update soon!!