
A Rooftop Smoke

            It was a quiet night in the studio. No sound could be heard except for the scratch of Jiyong’s pencil putting his thoughts into lyrics and the steady click, clicking from Seunghyun who was on the computer. The two had been at it for hours working and creating music. Well one of them had been working for hours. Seunghyun had got distracted and started toy shopping online around 11. He was surprised that Jiyong actually hadn’t caught him yet. He must really be in the zone tonight.

            Jiyong leaned back in his chair and stretched as he yawned. It was nearly 2am and he needed a smoke. He turned his chair to face Seunghyun. He could see the reflection of expensive bearbricks on his glasses. Jiyong chuckled to himself. No wonder he had been quiet for so long.

            “Yah, Hyung. Do you have any cigarettes? Lets go smoke.”

            “How come you never have your own? You always say you’ll buy some of your own but you never do.”

            “I will later! Promise!” But why would he when Seunghyun was always around with some. In fact it was the main reason he didn’t get any of his own. Smoking was a good excuse for them to get out and be alone even for just a short time.

            “You said that last time!”

            “But this time I will! Hyung!! Just one!”

            Seunghyun sighed, took off his glasses, and pulled the pack from his bag on the ground by his feet. “Just one!”

            “Hyung, you’re the best,” Jiyong smiled as he followed the older male up to the roof.

            The city air was cold and fast moving on the roof but neither of them had trouble lighting their cigarettes. They were practiced. Jiyong smiled with the relief of the smoke. He looked up at the night sky as he blow out a lungful.

            “Wah! Hyung! Look at all the stars!” Jiyong said, now twirling around, tying to see the entire sky. He wasn’t particularly satisfied so he laid down on the cement rooftop and beamed up at the sky.

            Seunghyun looked up at the sky. There weren’t that many stars. They were in a city, how could there be? He peered back down at Jiyong, still smiling wide.

            “The ground is filthy. You are going to get your clothes all disgusting.”

            “Hah! Like I care.”

            This was a new one for Jiyong. Something was up.

            “You will later. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”

            “You’re no fun. Come on. Come lay here and look at the stars with me!”

            This Jiyong was scaring Seunghyun. Not that Jiyong couldn’t have fun and appreciate the stars but not on a work night like tonight. It was usually Seunghyun who was trying to lighten the atmosphere on their late work nights. It was just yesterday that their leader had been so distant and distracted until he blew up and told everyone off for not working harder. Plus Jiyong had let the toy-shopping slide too. He knew he had been caught but why wasn’t he punished or scolded?

            “Hey Hyung. Have you ever wondered what it would be like…” But Jiyong trailed off. Something was clearly on his mind. Normally Seunghyun wouldn’t push it but curiosity was really getting to him. Whatever it was, was big.

            “Wondered what?”

            “What it would be like to smoke upside down!” Jiyong called, springing up and running over to a horizontal pipe several of feet off of the ground.

            “Have I ever what…?” Seunghyun side eyed him.

            “Like this! Watch me then you try!” Jiyong put his cigarette in his mouth and grabbed the bar. He walked up the connecting pole and swung his legs over the bar. Then let go with both hands. He indeed was hanging upside down. He reminded Seunghyun of a schoolgirl except for the cigarette that Jiyong was now taking a pull from.

            Seunghyun couldn’t help it. He burst out a loud laugh that shook his whole body. He laughed until Jiyong became a blur because of the tears in his eyes. Then Jiyong started laughing too. Laughing hard and loud. His face grew bright pink like his hair and he had to clutch his abs which ached from the laughing. And then Jiyong’s legs couldn’t take it anymore and he plunged to the ground. He landed on his neck and his body crumpled up.

            “Jiyong!” Seunghyun rushed over to Jiyogn’s shaking form.

            He rolled the boy over and stared down at the pink, tear stained face. Jiyong smiled back up at Seunghyun still laughing.

            “Ah geeze. I guess that wasn’t the best idea. My cigarette is gone.” Jiyong started to pout at this thought.

            Seunghyun gave him a smart smack upside the head.

            “Yah! I thought you were really hurt!”

            “OWW! I am now!” Jiyong rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his hair up. But he started to laugh again almost instantly.

            “What could you possibly be laughing about?”

            “Ah,” Jiyong sighed. “It just feels so good.”

            “What does?”

            “This! Just being here! With you! Being this happy! I am just so happy that nothing can cover this feeling except laughing. I can’t help it,” Jiyong shrugged.

            “And what do you have to be so happy about?”

            “Hyung,” Jiyong sat up straight and crossed his legs, looking intently at Seunghyun now. “Can I tell you? Can I really?”

            “Uhh… yes? What is it? You can always tell me anything,” Seunghyun was seriously confused now. What could possibly put Jiyong in this state? Seunghyun wasn’t just confused though; he was scared. Jiyong had been keeping something from him. Was he leaving the country? Had he met a girl? Both thoughts made his stomach ache in discomfort.

            Jiyong stood up then and went to stare out at the twinkling city. He sighed and rang his hands together. He ran his hands through his hair, leaving it standing straight up. As Jiyong fidgeted Seunghyun watched. The boy was filthy. Dirt covered every inch of his clothes and some was smeared on his face. Dust flew from his hair as he continued to play with it.

            Seunghyun got up and joined Jiyong at the edge of the building. He looked over at him, a gentle nudge to tell him he was waiting without pushing to hard.

            “Hyung, I am tired of fighting this. Last night I decided to no longer fight it. I love you Choi Seunghyun. I am not going to fight myself over that anymore. I am not going to fight it anymore and it feels so good! I am going to fight for you now. Fight to prove to you how much I love you. Fight to prove how real this love is. Fight to…” but Jiyong’s confession was put to a halt as Seunghun crashed his lips onto Jiyong’s.

            Jiyong didn’t kiss back but took a step back. He touched his tingling lips then burning cheeks.


            “You don’t need to fight for me. Not if you’ve already won.”

            “If I’ve…”
            “Ji, I want you too. I need you, You are…”

            “No, Seunghyun. Its not like that. I love you. I am not ‘just willing to give us a try.’ Or ‘see where things go.’ Nothing like that. I love you. And I am in this 100%. Whatever that means I am ready for it. I am done fighting all the fears of falling for a man. For falling for my best friend. For possibly ruining the band. I love you and I am ready to love you for the rest of forever.”

            Jiyong finished and gave his hair another ruffle as he smiled out over the city.

            “Gosh it feels so good to say that. To finally just accept it.”

            Seunghyun was more then taken aback. He had considered loving his best friend as more then a friend, yes, but this was a shock all the same. He looked at the small boy in front of him, on top of the world because of this silly love.

            Slowly, hesitantly, Seunghyun came up behind Jiyong and gently put his arms around the small body. Jiyong leaned back into the hug with a happy sigh. Seunghyun put his face right up next to Jiyong’s and placed their cheeks together.

            “ Of course you are like this, Ji. Typical Jiyong. When he does something its 100%. Puts his full self into it. No holding back. Just one thing I love about you.”

            Jiyong turned around in Seunghyun’s embrace so they were facing each other.



            “Hyung… Are you su-“

            “You aren’t the only one who’s been doing some thinking. You were just the first one to actually do something. Again, typical. No holding back.”

            Jiyong stared up at the strong, handsome face of the man he loved. His eyes filled with glistening tears as what was happening finally hit him. Choi Seunghyun loved him? It almost felt to good to be true.

            “Now your face is going to get all muddy,” Seunghyun laughed as he wiped tears off of the man’s gleaming face. The dirt from the crash landing was mixing with his tears.

            Wind blow Jiyong’s pink hair softly and he shivered. He hadn’t noticed how cold he had gotten on the rooftop. It caused his cheeks and nose to become pink as well. Seunghyun was finding it hard to focus on anything else.

            “Have I ever told you how much I love the color pink?” Seunghyun whispered as he brushed some of Jiyong’s locks off his face. He brushed his fingertips across Jiyong’s cheeks, down his face and then across his plump pink lips. His fingers trailed under the boys chin and then slowly he brought the face close to his.

            Jiyong closed his eyes and smiled in anticipation. Their lips met and suddenly Jiyong didn’t feel so cold anymore. He pressed himself close to his warm hyung as he deepened the kiss. Seunghyun’s hands wondered to Jiyong’s soft hair. Jiyong twisted his arms around Seunghyun’s waist. Absent mindedly, his hands wondered down into the older man’s back pockets.

            “You know its extremely hard to kiss you when you are smiling so much,” Seunghyun teased, keeping their faces exceptionally close.

            “Your lips…” So many things Jiyong could say about his hyung’s lips. “Taste good. Can I have another cigarette, please?”

            Seunghyun chuckled deeply. He placed his forehead down on Jiyong’s.

            “I thought you promised only one this time? Do you think just because you’re my boyfriend now that I would let you off easy and give you another?”

            “No. I thought you might do it because you love me now.”

            “Ji, that’s why I have always been giving you cigarettes.”

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mikadosm #1
Chapter 1: Jiyong is so lovely is this story! Thanks for sharing~
awkwardphrase #2
Absolutely adorable. I was happy the whole time reading it. Thank you! I really adore all your works. :)
Chapter 1: Love the flow, love the story
elisechoi #4
Chapter 1: Nice! I like this writing style. The story flows and it's a very natural feeling. As if you know them :)
Chapter 1: this is lovely... <3<3
simplyobsessed #6
Chapter 1: aw this was adorable! I love it. :)
Chapter 1: I like it :) your fluff is sweet