One Big Wet and Soggy Mess

The Cell Phone




GUESS WHO'S BACK!?~ Me of course! Kekeke~ I miss you all! Do you miss me?! Okay, I finally got the guts to update after editing my mistakes in the previous chapters. If you want...then re-read those chapters. I assume you need to anyways since I haven't updated in years >.< Please forgive me! I will stop talking now~ Enjoy the “long” update you voted for! It's not that long, but it clears things up a bit, I hope I won't be murdered by you soon!



Ha Neul POV~


“Okay, do you expect me to walk away, laugh, or slap you so you can stop dreaming?” Ha Neul folds her arms.

“I'm serious!” Taemin exclaims.

“You expect me to believe you?” He nods. “Come on Taemin. Stop joking with me and tell me SHINee's problem...I mean...You guys are...You guys have to be human!”

“Why can't you believe me!?” Taemin furrows his eyebrows.

“Because!” I look at him seriously. “This isn't a fantasy drama and I am not the lead! You are just idols who are suppose to be out of my life!”

“You think what I say is a joke? You don't trust me at all?”

“Uh, do you think I am persuaded right now?!”

“You are so...Aish.” Taemin bites his bottom lip angrily.

“Oh, so now you're mad at me?” I raise my eyebrows.

“Do you not expect me to be? Yes, I know we haven't known each other for that long and I am just a baby to you, but can't you just take me seriously? I am not joking. What do you think carried you here? I was calling for you.”

“Aish. I'm tired of this. Bye.” I turn away and drive off in my now working motorbike.

“Ha Neul!” Taemin yells after me but I wave it off. Wait...I heard my name too many times today...Did all of SHINee but Onew call me by my name?! I turn the bike back to the alleyway but see no one there. I drive around the streets looking for him but he wasn't around. I left for merely a minute, how did he disappear?! Is he really speaking the truth? Is SHINee really not human...?


Onew POV~


“So angry!” Taemin slams the front door shut followed by Key, Jonghyun, and Minho trolling behind. Quickly as I spot the diva, I hide my now empty boxes of chicken and my fingers quickly wiping my mouth with my sleeve.

“What's wrong?” I ask Taemin.

“Ha Neul doesn't believe me!” He growls angrily.

“Ha Neul? Who?” I ask him.

“Mystery noona.” Taemin plops on the couch, almost completely sitting on my hidden chicken boxes.

“Bwoh? When did she tell you her name!?”

“We found out~” Key diva does an eye smile despite the angry mood.

“How?!” I stand up.

“She told us her story and blurted out her name.” Taemin sighs, still upset.

“Why wasn't I informed?!” I get mad.

“Calm down leader.” Jonghyun pats my back.

“But it's not fair!” I whine angrily. “I wanted to be first to know!” I pout acting as if I am about to cry.

“Stop being such a baby, you're suppose to act older. No one will look at you seriously if you are like that.” Taemin says in a annoyed tone and walks into his room.

“What's his problem?” I straighten myself in place.

“You could hear thoughts and you can't tell what was he angry at?” Key folds his arms.

“He's angry that Ha Neul didn't believe him...he told her our secret.” Minho says.

“BWOH?! He revealed our secret to her?”

“Yeah. He thought she...would turn us back human.” Jonghyun sighs.

No way.” I drop my jaw making it hang wide.

“No lies. Our Taeminnie thinks that old lady's curse has a cure.” Key sighs sitting down on my now flattened boxed. He felt it and reached under the cushion. “Lee Jinki, what is this chicken box doing here?” Oh crap.


Minho POV~


After our leader was scolded and sent to his room by our Key umma, I left the living room and head towards Taemin's room. I reach my hand up about to knock on his door but stop after hearing loud whooshing noises. Understanding what the noises meant, I open the door slowly and quickly close the door. “Calm down.” I say to Taemin who was creating wind chaos in his room, making everything a mess.

Ignoring me, he continues his childish outburst and attack the walls, making his wallpaper fly off bit by bit. “Taeminnnie!” I walk towards him and hug him, stopping his attacks. Calming down, he drops his hands and relaxes his shoulders falling down to his knees. “Taemin-ah tell me what's wrong.”

“Hyung, I'm mad.” He mumbles in a soft...hurt tone. I hug him tighter.

“Tell hyung the problem.” I try to comfort him by patting his back.

“Is Minnie childish?”


“Don't lie...I am like a kid aren't I?” Taemin says in a barely audible tone.

“Please don't be like this. She was just...shocked, that's all.”

“She said it seriously hyung, I can tell.”

“Taemin. Put yourself in her position. If someone you barely know tells you they aren't human would you believe them?”

“Yes!” He says almost too quickly. I pull away from the hug and look at him sternly. “No...” He pouts and looks down.

“You can't blame her Taeminnie.” I pat his head. “Come on. We had the curse for almost a year now, shouldn't you be use to it and drop the hope? I know it's not usually what people would tell you, but it's the truth. There is no cure whatsoever.”

“But I want to be human again.” He says in a hopeless tone.

“You still are yourself no matter what. It's not like we're real animals.”

“But we are animals hyung! I don't want to be a this! I want to be me again!”

“Taemin, I don't know what to say to you...”

“You do! You always know the answers to everything hyung! You always have a way to help Minnie!” He pounds my chest angrily and starts tearing up.

“Shh Taeminnie, hyung knows you're sad. But think about it, your hyungs all are animals as well, no need to worry. We're all in this together..”

“What about Onew hyung?! He's this unknown thing that is weak and useless and we don't even know what we could do with him! Face it hyung, we aren't in this together.”

“Taemin, don't be so mean. Onew hyung is struggling as well. As a phoenix...I only know how to control fire. It's useless. At lease your main power is wind...Onew hyung is just a special case. He will be like us in no time. He will be fine.”

“No he won't. He was a creature for one day and we couldn't even figure it out. Then, he got weaker. I don't want him to die! I don't want any of us to die!”

“Taemin snap out of it!” Onew hyung barges through the door and looks at him. “I am your leader. If I feel nothing is wrong and we shouldn't care. You should take my word! I know I can die! I know. But please, don't make it harder for me. Stop finding a cure and stop being so scared! You are the last to die anyways!” He turns away not looking at us.

“Are you guys fighting for that reason again!?” Key walks in followed by Jonghyun placing a hand on Onew's shoulder. “Stop okay? No worrying, no crying, no being mad. Let it go and let's enjoy the days we have left with Onew hyung and try cherish it. Let's go out and eat some chicken, in honor of Onew hyung.” Jonghyun guides Onew out with his arm around his shoulders while Key gestures for us to follow.




Key totally chose the wrong place to go to. This is the time when people buy food the least so most of the deliverers are present- including Ha Neul. Taemin looks at her halfheartedly and doesn't order food, forcing me to order for the starving maknae. “Must you always act grumpy after every fight? Look at Onew hyung, he's fine...” Key raises a hand gesturing to an empty seat. “Where did he go?”

We all stand up looking around the shop for him and finally spot him next to Ha Neul, talking in his serious face. She nods a few times and looks over at Taemin and sighs. She walks over to our table with him and sits down. Immediately, Taemin turns and looks at the other direction. She moves to the other end of the table and kneels on one knee looking at him, like looking at a mad child. “Taemin-ah,” She taps his shoulders but earns a childish grunt from him. “Taemin-ah, I believe you~” She whines a little, trying to get him to look at her. He turns at her slowly, looking up to her but still having his head low- again, like a child.

“You...You believe me? You believe that we aren't human?!” He says almost a little too loud. Luckily people were to occupied with their own things to notice. She nods at him and places a hand on his shoulder, apologizing. From that, he smiles his cheeky smile and hugs her. From his gestures...I know that he understands what he feels about Ha Neul isn't love- unlike what Jonghyun and Key explained at the annual- daily- SHINee meetings. He likes her as a noona, we all can tell...I assume...

“So...Umm...Now that I believe you...Can you tell me what exactly happened to you guys?” She looks at us awkwardly and smiles. “Leader, go for it.” She looks at Onew, gesturing for him to talk.

“No laughing...” Onew takes a deep breath and starts off the story. “It all started when SHINee came to Japan to debut...”



No One POV~


“I thought the performance was just an hour away.” Minho looks out of the van window and covers it again with the curtains.

“I think that we're late...” Jonghyun looks at his watch.

“Excuse me, how much longer will it take for us to get there?” Onew taps the driver's shoulder to get their attention. The van halts and the driver turns around revealing a strange face. “You're not our driver!” Onew turns around to the rest and see none of the workers or their manager. “What did you do with everyone!?” Not answering, the person chuckles and waves her hand making all of SHINee fall into a deep sleep.



Taemin slowly returns to his consciousness and realizes that all of them were hanging in chains on their wrists and ankles off a long wall. Trying to be free from his chains, Taemin looks around but see nothing useful- no key, no phone, nothing. Squinting his eyes, he sees a metal hairpin on the table near him. He reaches for it but the chains pull him back preventing him to get the help.




“Wait, you all were unconscious but Taemin?”

“Yeah...Sorry Tae.” Onew apologizes for the nth time.

“It's fine hyung, how long do I have to tell you that?”

“I was a bad leader, letting that woman hurt us like that. You were our hero nonetheless Tae.” Onew pats the maknae's shoulder.

“Don't you think it's ironic how the so called “weakest” member of SHINee woke up first? Like, no offense Taemin, but I would never think that you woke up first.” He Neul says.

“Hyung, continue the story~” Jonghyun taps Onew's arm.


Continue From Flashback~


“I. Have. To. Get. OUT!” Taemin struggles as he tugs angrily on the chains trying to take action, not patient enough to wait for his hyungs. Minho groggily opens his eyes and widens then when he sees blood drip from Taemin’s wrist to the floor.

“Stop struggling Taemin-ah! You’re hurt!” Minho reaches and grabs Taemin’s bleeding wrist gently, not wanting to hurt him.

“Hyung! It’s worth trying. I don’t want to be captured!” he yells yanking out of Minho’s grip. “At least when I die I can remember that I died trying!” He finally does a final tug and yanks the end of the chain out of the weak wall. “See?” He winces as he moves his wrist a little swearing under his breath because of the pain. Ignoring the immense pain, Taemin swings himself, reaching for the pin on the table. Biting his lip, he does a extreme swing and grabbed the item, twisting his ankle painfully. “AHH!” he yells in pain and tears up not wanting to move anymore. From his cries, the other hyungs wake up in shock.

He finally gathered enough strength and takes the metal pin picking on the lock of the chains. He succeeds and falls down on the hard ground curling himself into a small bundle and stays quiet, trying to endure the pain. “Taemin, give Minho hyung the pin.” Minho says wanting to distract Taemin from his pain and so he can be free as well to give aid for their maknae. The pained dancer drags himself with his injured ankle and wrists and passes the pin to Minho and falls down instantly.

“TAEMINNIE!” Key yells as he struggles out of his chains. After Minho is free, he passes the pin to the rest and embraces the maknae, making half of Taemin’s body lean on him and his legs lay on the ground. Key jumps down from the wall with ease and runs to Taemin. He pulls up his pant leg and gasps loudly in shock at the ankle’s frightening angle. “Oh my gosh please be okay!” Key cries as Jonghyun and Onew bend down and examines him.

“We don’t have t-time, let’s g-go.” Taemin says in a barely audible voice and with Jonghyun’s help, he was placed on Minho’s back and Minho pats the maknae’s sweaty hair.

“Let’s go.” The leader leads the group towards the door and all of a sudden, as he reaches for the handle, the door opens, shocking the rest. A loud squeaky laughter echoes through the room.

“You’re going nowhere!” the voice shouts at them and a strong wind pushes them on the ground. Minho quickly turns himself letting Taemin fall on him instead. “SHINee.” The person stands at the threshold and reveals her old but young face. She looked like a little girl but her face was wrinkly and pail. “Welcome to my home!”

“Who are you?!” The leader stands in front of his group mates, protecting them.

“A fan~” she giggles.

“The bigger question is, what do you want to do with us?” Key folds his arms looking at her.

“I want you to be mine.”

“Some fan.” Jonghyun says sarcastically getting angry at her excuse.

“Now how are you planning to do that?” Taemin says as he was helped up by Minho.

“I am planning to make you my servants, my pets, so you will be mines forever.”

“What the hell is wrong with this girl?” Jonghyun turns and whispers in Onew’s ears.

“Don’t know…But I think she’s serious.” Onew says back.

“Oh I am,” she smirks. “You will be my pets, my eternal slaves.” With a wave of her hand, SHINee starts to yell in pain an agony at the transformation. Slowly and painfully, they start to sprout inhumane parts and transform into creatures.


End of Flashback:


“Day by day we have to return to her and she would change us back when she wanted us to be at a schedule or perform for her. One day, Key thought of an idea and we tricked her. We….I wouldn’t say kill-” Minho was cut off by Key.

“We killed her. Well, we just pushed her into the “animal cage” with all of the the other men she liked. We escaped and went back to Korea.”

“Uh...I don't know what to say...” Ha Neul looks down at the floor and plays with her fingers. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because-” I get cut off by Taemin.

“Because you look exactly like the women who cursed us.”

“Gee, thanks.” Ha Neul says in a sarcastic tone.

“I didn't mean it like that! You're not wrinkly and ugly~” Taemin realizes his mistake and facepalms.

“So what do you want me to do?” She asks and we all stay quiet. She's right. Even if she looks like that women, she is just human...She doesn't have any powers and Onew hyung is on the verge of dying. There is nothing for her to try and there is no hope for SHINee.

“Is there anything that you can do to help?” Taemin asks pitifully.

“I know nothing.” She frowns.

“Onew hyung, how long is your lifespans now?” Jonghyun asks.

“One month.” Onew answers as he looks reflection on the metal fork.

“SHINee can't just end like this, we need to find a way to at least make Onew live longer.” Key sighs.

“I think I can help you guys.”

“Really?” Taemin says excitedly.

“I can't, but Dubu can.” She smiles and gets up. “Be right back.”

“I told you having hope is great.” Taemin smiles happily.

“We know, you're always right Taemin-ah.” I smile and ruffle his hair.

“DUBU!” We hear Ha Neul yell.

“Uh...” Key raises his eyebrows. “Should we come and help her?”

“Ani, she can do it.” Jonghyun smiles.

“YES YOU ARE!” We hear a loud boom and Dubu stumbles into our table and falls on the floor.

“H-hi?” He waves at us awkwardly. Ha Neul glares at him and quickly he straightens his shirt and smiles.

“Well?” She taps her shows.

“The cure is simple.” Dubu says slowly.

“And?” She says annoyingly.

“I don't know how to explain it...” Dubu sighs.

“Noona, how do you know your friend is reliable?” Taemin looks at his oddly.

“Hey!” Dubu complains.

“His father is a traveler and his mother studies mysterious stuff so I just thought of him.” She nods.

“Mysterious stuff? Really? Out of all words out there you choose mysterious stuff?” Dubu folds his arms.

“Yes, now tell them what your parents said.” She folds her arms.

“They told me that there is a mountain that holds the secret to this mysterious tale. She says that the animals- in this case SHINee- must partner up and each go through obstacles to earn their own cure. The only problem is, SHINee can't be split evenly...”

“Wait, but we aren't the same animals, wouldn't it be a different cure for each person?” I ask.

“No, there are four doors on the mountain. South, North, East, and West have a section of the cure and by sundown, you must all meet up in the center and drink from the sacred streams and read the spell.” Dubu says slowly.

“Four doors? Even with an additional person, we can only go through three doors.” Onew says sadly.

“Maybe I can help.” Dubu shrugs. “I mean, you are idols and are also Little Devil's friends, I'm glad to help.”

“Thanks a lot.” Taemin bows.

“No problem, just find another person to help if Little Devil agrees to help and we can try. The only problem is, you can only try this once a week, and Onew only has two weeks of living-”

“Two weeks?” Jonghyun stands up in shock.

“I thought it was a month!” Key also stands up.

“How do we know we can trust you?” I remain seated.

“Suit yourself, but when time comes and Onew dies, don't come crawling to me for help.” Dubu walks away in anger and we all exchange glances.

“Two weeks?” Onew looks down sadly and tears up.

“H-hey, don't worry. Dubu is pretty hot-headed. He'll get over it soon...It's just, you guys should believe him. He has more potential than we think.” She explains.

“We only have two tries and we have to find three people to help...This is such a pain.” Jonghyun angrily pounds the table.

“Maybe we can ask our manager.” Key says.

“I'll help too.” Ha Neul nods.

“But...Who else would help us?” I ask. “Our manager has to help us but we have to convince him first. Ha Neul is on our side...and we have to find another person since Dubu is upset with us.”

“I'll convince him. He's my best friend, he'll help.” She smiles.

“Our lives are in your hands.” Onew says and we all stand up and bows to her.

“No problem, just don't pressure me, I'm just one person.” She awkwardly scratches the back of her neck.

“We really appreciate it.” Taemin bows once more and we all head back to our dorm.


At the Dorm~


“Onew, why did you say you can live for one more month, but that Dubu kid said otherwise?” Key asks.

“Maybe the rate of death gets faster each month.” Onew says sadly.

“Sorry we can't help you hyung.” Taemin frowns.

“No problem, I'm glad you guys are still here.”

“We would never leave you.” Jonghyun places his hand on Onew's showing his support for Onew.

“And most importantly, you won't leave us.” Key smiles and places his hand on top of Jonghyun's and Taemin and I copy.

“SHINee will never leave each other.” Taemin smiles.

“Not even death can separate us.” I smile and start the group hug, bringing Onew hyung to tears.

“D-dont cry, or else I will cry too!” Key starts sobbing on Onew's shoulder.

“S-stop, I'm going to c-cry!” Jonghyun also breaks into tears. At this point, SHINee is just one big wet and soggy mess.





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Chapter 24: expect the unexpected..
quite impressive [nods x3]
stellasweet #2
Chapter 24: I thought Onew was dead when I read that it was their dog I burst out laughing
bidlv4evr #3
Chapter 24: Omg the ending was! Hilarious and cute. Of course the girl had to propose!!!
Chapter 24: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha of course it had to be like this. :))
EXOticBabyB2uty #5
Chapter 24: To summarize this story in one word: wow. I mean, I was lookin for a fluffy story but this is waaaaay better. :)
Chapter 12: zombies????? vampires????? animals?????? lol XD
Chapter 2: hhhhhhhhhhhhh minho such a great job
2489 streak #8
Chapter 24: Aww, that was a very cute ending!! x] I'm sorry to see this story end, since I loved reading about Onew and Ha Neul. Best of luck with your other stories!! :)
Chapter 22: Aaahhhh!!! What's happening?!?!