My first love

His Everything

"So what made you fall for Lee Joon?" 

My first love was in high school with a boy one year older than me. His name was Lee Joon. He was popular, good looking and handsome, just how a young girl like me dreamed their first love would be like. He was loved by all, his charm and looks made him easy to fall for and I knew then I didn't stand a chance with him, he was just my crush, the boy that I wanted to be mine. I could never talk to him and I hardly even saw him as we were in different years. I knew he didn't know who I was but I didn't care as long as I knew who he was. Back then, it was the sight of him that won me over.

Two years later I had just left high school and was applying to college and then I saw him. I had not seen him in two years but as soon as I saw him, the high school memories came flooding back. The blushing everytime I saw him, the dreaming of being in his arms, the butterflies in my stomach everytime I heard his name, it all came flying back. Then in college, one day I passed him and I could smell his beautiful scent. He smelt so warm and caring, he smelt so inviting and I wanted to hold him in my arms. Back then, it was his smell that won me over.

College went quickly, and my love for Lee Joon slowly died. I did kind of still liked him however I knew it was never going to happen so I didn't care as much. I was much more mature and was no longer the high school fangirl. I had changed until one day on a cold winters day in my last year of college, I was walking to my lesson until I walked into someone. It was Lee Joon and for the first time, I heard his voice loud and clear. "Sorry" he said. That was it, that was all that it took. Back then, it was his sound that won me over.

One year later, I was happy and I had a stable job. I had grown up and had gotten boyfriends however I still had that soft spot in my heart for Lee Joon. I had not seen him since college and I thought I would never see him again until one day I went to my friend's birthday party, we were at her house and then she introduced her boyfriend and his friend. Her boyfriend's name was Seungho and his friend's name was Lee Joon. "Hey there" he said. That was one of the best days of my life. Me and Lee Joon were together the whole night, he remembered my name from college and I told him we went to the same high school too. We talked about anything and everything and it was perfect. Later that night, Lee Joon kissed me. The kiss was so passionate and so full of love. I remember the way he my bottom lip begging for entrance and I remember the way our tongues battled for dominance. Back then, it was the taste of his lips that won me over.

Me and Lee Joon became a couple afterwards. I was so happy to finally have him as my own, never in one hundred years I would think we would be together and it happened. I loved him and he loved me. On his 22nd birthday, we expressed our love further. I remember that first night together. The way he my cheek with his soft fingers, the way he kissed my lips so gently and caringly. The way his hands felt in my hair and all over my body. The lust in his eyes, everytime I touched him. The mixture of feelings I felt as we explored each other's bodies. The sparks of electric I felt everytime our bodies made contact. The way he made me forget everything else when he embraced me. The way he made me feel special and the way he fit perfectly. I remember it so well. Back then it was his touch that won me over.

Now, I think back to our past and think about our future together and I smile. He is my husband and the father of my children and without him, I would be lost. There are many reasons to fall in love with someone and that's what happened to me. I fell in love with him because of the sight of him, the smell of him, the sound of his voice, the taste of his lips and his touch but I love him because he is him, my first love and my last love.

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Chapter 1: .... this is beautiful ... i have tears literally. gorgeous. your an amazing writer.
Chapter 1: Aww!! this is so sweet!! it is nicely written also!! loved it.. hehe
Chapter 1: 'tis is love ^^
ashley123456 #4
Chapter 1: Awww >u< It's sweet <3