Weird Night...

I Never Thought That I'd Fall In Love (Again)


-What?! I don't have to prove nothing to you!

-So I don't believe You are really boyfriends

-Okay! Don't believe, But I know it is True - I need lie to him, after every lies I hear of Henry - You don't know nothing about... - Suddenly I felt his arms around my waist, your lips in mine, EunHyuk was kissing me!!!!!! 

He held me tight, while your soft lips delicately move with mine. It is good. Wait, Jojo remember Onew.

You are not enjoying the kiss, you are not enjoyng the kiss! When he finally leave me, Henry look at us surprise.

- Oh, You are so cute together!!!! u.u - KyuHyun said

- … So, you still thinking we are lying?

-Okay, I sleep in the couch!

Me, KyuHyun and EunHyuk climbed the stairs.

-Okay, good night Jojo! - EunHyuk said and go to his room smiling

-Good night!

-Jojo, You have to sleep in the same room to EunHyuk. I don't want interrupt nothing between you two - He run to my room, and locked the door before I say something.

-I have to take my pajamas!!!!! Get out of MY room! - No response of him

I went to EunHyuk's Room, sit on bed. He was taking a shower. After a little time, left the bathroom. When he look at me, make a strange face, confused.

-What you are doing in my room?

-After you leave us, KyuHyun "stole" my room and locked the door. He only said "I don't want interrupt nothing between you two". So now I have to sleep In your room

-This is really weird

-Okay, I will sleep in the other couch, good…

- No! I was not telling you to leave. Stay with my bed, I will sleep in the extra mattress…

-I stay with mattr…

-With my bed

-Okay, but I need pajamas too!

-I lend you a shirt and a shorts

- Thanks a lot! - I kiss his cheek, he blushed

A change my clothes and now finally go to sleep. I have a weird dream (again). I was in a unknow place, walking to somewhere, following my steps. I saw a couple far away from me, kissing each other passionately. When approched, recognized the guy. He is, Onew.

The tears are rolling in my face.

-Why you are doing this to me too?

-Because I don’t love you - He continue the kiss with the other girl.

EunHyuk’s POV:

I was in shock. This night, only one thing to say: really REALLY weird night. I kiss Jojo!!!! I think... I really like her, so much. But she love Onew, she never would look to me in this way :/, I could hear someone “crying”, Jojo.

-Why you are doing this to me too? - She repeat sometimes - I need you...

Wait! Me? I don’t think so EunHyuk, my conscience said.

-I need you... Why? - She repeat

-Are you fine? - I sit by your side - Why you are crying?

Her cell phone rang. I have to answer.


-Hi! Jojo, it’s Onew. I can’t call to you before. I was in the trainee, so how are you? I miss you so much!



-She can’t talk to you now...

-Who’s talking?

-It’s a Jojo’s friend...


-Yeah, she can’t talk to you now, because she’s sleeping

-Okay... I talk to her after... - He hang up

I think he don’t believed we are ONLY friends... I lay by Jojo’s side. Only for the case she start cry against.

Jojo’s POV:

I woke up, in the EunHyuk’s room, with his arm around my waist. Wait!!!! His arm around my waist ????

-What you are doing?

-What? - He quickly leave me

-What you are doing?

-You started to cry, and say “I need you...Why?”. I simply tried help you to stop cry

-... I was crying?


-And talking too?

-Oh... Of course

Weird! *_*

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Lucy97 #1
Chapter 1: why is my name being used?
MusicChibi, thanks for being my first reader to comment this story, thanks for the tips too! I hope that you still enjoying this! :D
Do you enjoy this new chapter? The pictures are the best!! :D ushushushushu
I know this chapter is small, but I just wanted to write against!! The last picture is so funny!!!! usahuhsuahsuhas :)
Keep waiting, I'll write soon! Sorry... :(
Onew FINALLY come back!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! ^▿^
I already started write the 10 chapter!!!! I'll come back...
Anyone vote! T_T I'm thinking, maybe I will stop write the story :/
I think I'll write today or tomorrow the 8th chapter... ⋀⊽⋀