I Don’t Want to Talk, I Just Want to Love You...

I Never Thought That I'd Fall In Love (Again)



I kissed her, I don't know why... but now I'm pretty sure that she never will suffer because of someone again. I hope...


He kissed me

He kissed me

He kissed me

He kissed me

Now, I'm confused!!!!! Someone help me, because:

  1. Henry tried to kiss me before
  2. Onew thinks that EunHyuk and I have an affair
  3. And EunHyuk said that he loves me

I'm going crazy because of them!!!!

When EunHyuk left me I looked to him, only this. I don't know what I'll do now.

"Sorry Jojo..." He said "I'll,...bye" And went downstairs.

"Wait! EunHyuk!" I ran after him.

~After running like crazy~

We were in front of the building.


“For you, I know that doesn't matter. You love Onew, and never will love me"

“Please, we have to talk...”

“I don’t want to talk, I just want to love you...”

“But I can’t love you in the same way”

“I know, and understand” He said and left me.

Why the life/love is so hard?


“But I can’t love you in the same way” 

Those words were repeated in my mind.

I lost a friend

I lost my beloved

I lost her

My everything...


EunHyuk, I broke his heart.

Henry, he broke my heart

Onew, is heartbroken

I don’t know what I’ll do now...


I know that this chapter is so small, but I'll try to update soon!! :)

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Lucy97 #1
Chapter 1: why is my name being used?
MusicChibi, thanks for being my first reader to comment this story, thanks for the tips too! I hope that you still enjoying this! :D
Do you enjoy this new chapter? The pictures are the best!! :D ushushushushu
I know this chapter is small, but I just wanted to write against!! The last picture is so funny!!!! usahuhsuahsuhas :)
Keep waiting, I'll write soon! Sorry... :(
Onew FINALLY come back!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! ^▿^
I already started write the 10 chapter!!!! I'll come back...
Anyone vote! T_T I'm thinking, maybe I will stop write the story :/
I think I'll write today or tomorrow the 8th chapter... ⋀⊽⋀