HeeChul's Revenge

I Never Thought That I'd Fall In Love (Again)


There I was, thinking, crying, (almost) sleeping, desolate, sad, and the most important part... alone (I’m a forever alone \o/). What I did wrong? What I did for deserve this? I don’t have more him, close to me, like before. He’s different, or I’m going crazy? So many questions...

~ One week later ~

“EunHyuk still avoiding me, he started with this since Onew appeared in the dorms. I want SO MUCH know who is the person who really like me. Why he don’t tell me? And we are “boyfriends”, but we don’t talk with each other!!!!”

I wrote it in my new diary and put on top of my bed. And went downstairs, the members not yet returned of SM, anyone for talk with me ¬¬’. I’ll go to... *thinking* ...somewhere.


We were in SM starting the 2nd Album!!!!! But now going to home after a tiring morning and part of afternoon.

~ After arriving ~

The members asked me for call Jojo to dinner. I went to her room, but she wasn’t there, I sat on her bed and found a small notebook. In front of this was written "diary". FINALLY, I’ll have my revenge!!!! MUAHAMUAHAMHAUMH *evil laugh*

Flipped to the last page where she had written.

WHAT???? EunHyuk is her boyfriend ???? Someone knocked the door, and ruined my moment.

-HeeChul? Jojo? - Kibum asked

-She’s not here! I’m going now

-Okay - We both went downstairs

When I sit at dinner’s table, Jojo arrived!  I have to tell what I discovered for someone!

-Jojo, do you have to tell something to us? - I asked

-No..., why?



-No..., why?


HeeChul are weird in this night...

After the dinner I went to my room, and my diary was open on my bed. I don’t had left it like this, my diary was closed. But now open in the page that I wrote about Onew and, EUNHYUK! 

Someone discover about it!!! HEECHUL!

Wait, wait HeeChul... I'll have my revenge too!

I went to the room of Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun, to talk about the discovery of Heechul.

- How you know that HeeChul is the person who read? - EunHyuk asked after I tell

- He was weird at dinner, you didn't see? Asking questions...?

- Okay, bit strange... but, tomorrow we talk again, I want sleep!

-Okay, good night EunHyuk!

-Good Night!

-Good Night KyuHyun!


-He already sleep! ¬¬'

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Lucy97 #1
Chapter 1: why is my name being used?
MusicChibi, thanks for being my first reader to comment this story, thanks for the tips too! I hope that you still enjoying this! :D
Do you enjoy this new chapter? The pictures are the best!! :D ushushushushu
I know this chapter is small, but I just wanted to write against!! The last picture is so funny!!!! usahuhsuahsuhas :)
Keep waiting, I'll write soon! Sorry... :(
Onew FINALLY come back!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! ^▿^
I already started write the 10 chapter!!!! I'll come back...
Anyone vote! T_T I'm thinking, maybe I will stop write the story :/
I think I'll write today or tomorrow the 8th chapter... ⋀⊽⋀