Elevator Confessions

Elevator Confessions [ONESHOT]


It was that type of day again. Cho Min Ra was stuck in detention at school for being tardy to class and getting into a random fight with one of the girls at lunch that she didn’t start but got blamed for. The only thing that ran through her mind was what her cousin, Cho Kyuhyun of Super Junior, would think when he has to be the one to pick her up. The idea of being a university student yet still getting a detention bothered her and she already knew Kyuhyun would either yell at her and call her parents to inform them that she got a detention or for getting a detention at the university again.


She had missed the last bus to get home and she would have to call Kyuhyun to let her stay at the SJ dorms again. She took her mobile out and texted her cousin. “Kyuhyun oppa… I had detention again… could you pick me up?” she texted. She stood there, waiting for her cousin to come.


Moments later, a car started driving up to her and the window rolled down. It was Donghae and his girlfriend, Hee-Rin. “Min Ra dongsaeng, get in… Kyuhyun oppa is pretty upset with the text…” Hee-Rin explained. “So Hee-Rin and I decided to pick you up instead…” Donghae added. Min Ra nodded and went into the back seat of the car. Hee-Rin turned around and looked at the younger girl. (Oh! Hee-Rin is supposed to be about 6 months older than Min Ra…why I’m telling you this… I don’t really know…) “Min Ra… what happened that got you detention this time?” she asked. Min Ra looked at her. “Unnie… I honestly don’t know… it happened at lunch and I accidently bumped into another girl who happened to be a fan of Kyuhyun oppa and she kept asking me to sneak her into the dorms and I refused so she started fighting with me.” Donghae’s eyes widened and Hee-Rin shook her head.


Hee-Rin’s phone started to vibrate and she looked at the text she received and she started laughing. “Oppa… Hyukkie oppa got left behind at the KBS Building after he got out of the bathroom again…” she said. Min Ra’s eyes lit up as soon as she heard Hyukjae’s name. “We’re going to pick him up, unnie?”she asked. Hee-Rin nodded.


Moments later, they arrived at the KBS Building and Eunhyuk was already outside waiting for them. “Donghae-ah… it took the two of you long enough…” he said, opening the door to the backseats to see Min Ra there. “Oh! Min Ra-ssi… what are you doing here?” he asked. Min Ra blushed. “I had detention again…” she mumbled. The older Super Junior member slid into the seat right next to Min Ra and Donghae began to drive back to the dorms.


Once they were at the dorms, Eunhyuk and Min Ra got out since Donghae was going to be driving Hee-Rin back to her own apartment and to watch Finding Nemo with her, and possibly spending the night at her place again. The two of them waved at the couple as they drove off. Min Ra started to get nervous because she wasn’t sure what Kyuhyun will say to her. Eunhyuk began to walk into the elevator and Min Ra was walking as if she were a snail. He laughed and grabbed her arm, pulling her in.


The elevator began to go up to the sixth floor where the Super Junior dorm was. Suddenly, the elevator stopped, the lights started blinking and the whole elevator went dark. “What happened?” Min Ra asked, a little scared. “I think the electricity went out…” Hyukjae said. He could vaguely see Min Ra and saw that she was scared. He walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder. “Min Ra-ssi… are you okay?” he asked. Min Ra looked at him and nodded. “Neh… it’s just… I’m a little claustrophobic…” she explained. There weren’t any other people in the elevator, but she did have a fear of being stuck in one. Ever since she watched Mystery Six, she’s been scared that something creepy will happen in an elevator.


Hyuk took his mobile out and used it as a light. “There has to be something that will let us contact someone…” he mumbled. He looked for the emergency phone and Min Ra stayed as close to Hyukkie as possible. He found the phone and tried to call but it wasn’t working. He gave a nervous laugh and Min Ra started crying for help.


He held her close to him, hugging her and rubbing her back to calm her down. “Min Ra-ssi… calm down… yelling won’t do anything the power will come back soon…” he said, in a soothing voice. Min Ra’s heart started to beat faster. Never did she admit to Lee Hyukjae that she had feelings for him that were considered to be more than one that would be like siblings. She slowly calmed down as he held her.


The two of them stood there in silence for several minutes. Min Ra couldn’t decide whether she should admit to him that she really likes him. Just then, he broke the silence. “Min Ra-ssi… your heart’s beating fast…” he plainly said. She blushed. “It is?” He nodded and nervously laughed. “Mine is too…” he said. Min Ra’s eyes widened. “I like you, Min Ra-ssi…” he said, confessing. He couldn’t tell that Min Ra was blushing at this sudden confession. “I liked you the moment Kyuhyun introduced you to us and the first time you got detention and stayed over for the night…” He looked at her, looking for some type of reaction. There were another moment of silence and Min Ra was smiling. “I like you too, Hyukjae oppa…” she said.


Eunhyuk smiled and hugged her tighter, kissing the top of her head. The power suddenly came back on and the elevator continued to the sixth floor. The two of them held onto each other, so neither of them fell. However, during the sudden shake Hyuk’s lips accidently crashed onto Min Ra’s. The elevator doors opened and they looked at each other, surprised, but then the two of them burst in laughter. They walked out of the elevator and into the dorm, their hands interwined.


Unfortunately for Min Ra, Kyuhyun was already there waiting for her. “Min Ra, why did you get another detention?” he asked, his arms crossed. Min Ra automatically hid behind Eunhyuk, afraid of her cousin raging and chasing her around the dorm. “Kyuhyun, take it easy. Min Ra didn’t start the fight this time… she told me about it…” Hyuk said. She looked at Eunhyuk, surprised at what he said, especially since she never told him why she got the detention. Eunhyuk looked at her and winked. She smiled.


“Alright Min Ra… but I’m telling uncle and auntie about it tomorrow… you’re staying in my room tonight with Sungmin hyung… I’ll bunk with Hyuk hyung for the night…” Kyuhyun said. It has always been like that when Min Ra stayed for the night. “Araso…” she replied. He then took notice of Hyuk and Min Ra’s hands. “The two of you better not do PDAs in front of me either…” he added laughing.


I hope you like it!!! :)

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Great oneshot.Made me laugh:D
misseusimple #2
Laughed at the last line. XD hahaha, KYU. :P
Jae_Angel #3
I Love it you're a creative thinker and thanks for sharing your one shot it makes me laugh and feel so inlove especially to eunhyuk :)) hahhahah<br />
your great :)) continue it :))
jiayixdubu #4
Eunhyuk! =D
I love this one shot.. :) LOL at Kyuhyun's line “The two of you better not do PDAs in front of me either…” hahahaha