Chapter 54.

L's ual Preference (Unrated Ver.)





"Myungsoo.." Tiffany sniffed as she used more tissues to wipe her tears away. L rolled his eyes and patted her head. Come on! It was only a sad movie! And the female lead just died because of cancer, yeah typical. Still! It was only in the movies! And she had been crying for an hour now. "Myungsoo..." She sniffed again and L soothed her hair.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't cry.." He gritted his teeth as he said. This girl here.. was a true cry baby.

"Remember, Dongwook, I love you. Even if I am not here anymore, remember me in your heart. I will watch you from above. I will forever be with you."

Waterworks, is what they call it. Tiffany cried out loudly again, burying herself into L's chest. The members of Infinite snickered and looked at Woohyun's red face. At that, they laughed louder. Woohyun cleared his throat and L glanced at him. Tiffany looked up at the two when everyone went quiet and saw Woohyun glaring at L.

Pretending she was still crying, she leaned towards her right before starting her loud cries again and buried herself into Woohyun's chest. "Why?! Why must she die?! Why?" She cried as she softly punched Woohyun's chest.

"Shhh.. This is a bittersweet ending, Tiff. They will be happy in heaven." Woohyun comforted her and she looked up from his chest.

"Really?" She asked with red eyes and he nodded. "Hmm.." She snuggled into Woohyun's chest and his heart beat faster. L just shook his head at the scene. Tiffany was definitely having something for Woohyun. "It feels nice here.." She mumbled and the members held in their laughter by bitting their lower lips. Woohyun's face went red, this time because he was shy.

"Ermm... Tiff?" He called but she didn't listen. Instead, she snuggled in deeper. "Tiff, I-I n-need to g-go." Woohyun was referring to the washroom. Well, most people go to the washroom because they needed to piss. However, for Woohyun, he needed to settle a little small, well big problem, below, in his pants. You get where we're going.

There was no response from her and the members all slowly quietened down. Slowly, Woohyun lifted her away from his chest and she had her eyes closed, her breathing steady indicating she was already asleep. L took her from Woohyun and shook his head.

"First, she cries like a baby. Second, she sleeps like a baby. Third, she acts like a baby. Tell me why again is she a adult?" L spoke and Woohyun chuckled, caressing Tiffany's cheeks.

"Because she has a mature mindset."

L shook his head again and stood up from the couch, lifting Tiffany up from the couch bridal-style. Woohyun stood up too as he groaned, the pants were a little too tight for him now. "Settle that in the washroom." L nodded at the tent in Woohyun's pants and everyone laughed, excluding Tiffany of course. She stirred in her sleep and both guys sushed the members. "She's sleeping." L scolded the members.

"I'll go with you to her room before I settle myself." Woohyun told him and L glanced at the tent in Woohyun's pants once before nodding his head. Tiffany now sleeps in the Kim's house. She moved in last month when L's parents wanted them to get closer. It was a good thing for Tiffany; she didn't have to suffer in the hands of the witch. It's been two months now. The emptiness in the house was replaced with Tiffany's presence. However, the emptiness L felt, could not be replaced with Tiffany's.

Slowly, they walked up the stairs and reached Tiffany's room. Woohyun turned the knob and L went in. He set Tiffany down on the bed before Woohyun covered the comforter over her.

"You love her, don't you?" L suddenly asked and Woohyun put a finger to his lips before pointing at Tiffany.

"I don't know.. I just find her so familiar to 'Cry baby'. You know I've always liked Cry baby since young. I regretted not sending her off at the airport that day.. I never got the chance to tell her I like her. Tiffany is just so much like her, don't you think? I thought I could replace her with you but what I feel for you is like a shell in the ocean and Cry baby is the ocean. It's been years but I'm still looking for her.." Woohyun sighed.

"Woohyun," L started and Woohyun turned to him. "She said she likes you before she left. I never got the chance to tell you because I forgot and she never told me properly. She said it was her secret but I thought you should know. You two have been liking one another since young." L finished and Woohyun's eyes went wide.

"What?" He breathed out and L nodded.

"Find her, Woohyun. Bring her back from the states and show her how much you love her." L told him before looking down at his pants. "After you've settled that."

"." And Woohyun went running out of the room.

Tiffany shifted in her bed. "Why..." She muttered. "Why?..." She muttered again and a tear fell from her eye. "Why must she die, Ae.. Ki..? Will..." Another tear slipped again. "Our ending.. be like... this..." Another tear. "Too?" And then, more tears started to trickle down her eyes and cheeks.

L furrowed his brows and sighed. Even in her sleep too.. Then, L left the room, closing the door gently. The members were gone when he went to the living area and the lights were off too. He looked into the washroom and Woohyun wasn't there too. They must have gone back.

L strolled up to his room and closed his door too. He plopped down on his bed and closed his eyes, trying to find sleep.

"Wah! This is so sad! That evil step sister!"

"Yah, Cry baby! This is just a show!"

"Still! Her mother is a witch! They have no money and this girl here is kind enough to offer her new step sister all her clothes but that stupid girl says that everything there is hers! Grrr... If I ever meet a girl like this, I'll slap her till she flies off to exo planet!"

"You sure you won't become like her too? Your family is rich too, you know. What if you become a brat?"

"No I won't. I don't want to harm others. I want others to be happy too! Like you and Aegyo king!"

"Ewww, you're so cheesy!"

Her eyes started to water and her lips trembled. "Is there anything wrong with that? I just want to show you how much I care for you guys."

"Okay okay! Don't cry! Don't cry! If you cry, I don't know how I can stop you without Aegyo King here!"

Then, she started bawling her eyes out. L's eyes widened and he looked around frantically. "Why is he not here?!" She yelled at L.

"I don't know! He said he went to get something! ! Stop crying! Or I won't give you ice cream!" At once, she stopped crying. L smirked, he finally knew how to make her stop crying.

"You're mean."

"I know."

She started crying again and L gave up. Right at that time, Aegyo king came in. He saw her crying and immediately rushed over. "Cry baby! Stop crying! I bought ice cream!"  She looked up and saw the tub of ice cream, beaming happily before frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Soo said I couldn't eat ice cream because I was crying."

"Did he?"

"No I didn't!"


"I really didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't! I swear!"

"Prove it!"

"Please! I really didn't! Would you believe her or me?"





L opened his eyes. Why was it so familiar to what happened a while ago? Tiffany.. really messed up his mind. Then, he suddenly realised something. Cry baby... Now without even thinking, it comes into his mind naturally.

I'll give you a starting point. 'Cry baby.' If you managed to find out who that is, I will give you another clue on where Hee Young is.

What was she trying to refer to? She couldn't be Cry baby.. Could it be she knew Cry baby? After all, she went to the states before. Whatever. Whether she is or not, he'll leave it aside and wait till more confrimation comes before deciding on things. And if it's true he desn't deserve Hee Young now and Tiffany knew when is the right time, he wouldn't search for Hee Young but wait until Tiffany tells him where Hee Young is.



"Hee Young!" Jessica shouted from behind and Hee Young turned around. "Wait up!" Hee Young smiled and stopped in her steps. Jessica panted as she held onto Hee Young's shoulders when she was in front of Hee Young. She ran all the way in order to catch up. "I can go back to Korea after I am done with University too! Then, I will be able to follow you back to Korea!"

"That's great!" Hee Young cheered and Jessica chuckled.

They both walked towards the library and suddenly, Jessica blurted a question. "Hee Young, why are you studying so hard for?"

"I have to. I want to be intelligent so I can fight for what I have lost."

Jessica held Hee Young back by the arm. "Seems complicated but whatever. Burgers?" She was trying to lure Hee Young into eating so she didn't have the suffer the wrath of words.


"Beef burgers."

"Okay!" Jessica grinned then pulled Hee Young along. "Hey! You tricked me!"

"Half, not entirely. We're eating burgers, right?"

"Yeah. So it is worth giving up my study time for." Hee Young chuckled before laughing. She didn't forget the promise she made with her sister.

"I can't wait for five years to end." Jessica grumbled.

"Five years may seem long but it's really short. In just a blink, it will be five years already."

"Yeah, okay. So, what drinks do you want?"


"Coke please!"

Hee Young sighed and shook her head. 'Myungsoo, are you trying to find me?'







Author's Note:

Yep. Beef burgers, YUM! I hope these few chapters are okay with you guys! And sorry if you've stopped any mistakes, I'm having some problem with the spell check recently.

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Will not write for today.. I have so much works going-on, x.x


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jivisha28 #1
Chapter 1: nice
Chapter 44: OMG! ALways keep the faith for infinity.. i shed a tear.. my babies are making me cry.
misscalendula #3
Chapter 86: read it.. love it.. fell for it.. do write more.. ur ff is awesome..
fransiscapsari #4
Chapter 30: i'm going to cry :'/
vicky1999 #5
one of the greatest stories read in ages.
Keep it up~! :D rooting for you<3
Chapter 86: HAPPY ENDING T^T
this was posted on my was a really really long time ago and so bookmarking it for later OTL
Chapter 30: that's sad :"<