Chapter 30.

L's ual Preference (Unrated Ver.)



Hee Young yawned as she stretched her arms outwards. Her hand accidentally smacked L's face and he groaned, opening his eyes. Hee Young gasped and quickly retracted her arms, feeling bad that she had smacked L in the face. L just smiled and patted her head.

"Did you really had to smack me in the face?" He asked and she quickly shook her head. "Go get changed, silly. We're going to the beach today." L said and sat up on the bed.

"The beach?! Really?!" She jumped from the bed and asked. L nodded and she cheered, running to him and gave a big smooch on his lips. L grinned and pulled her back, giving her a deep kiss. She moaned and tried pushing away but L just tighten his grip on her and smirked.

"E-enough." Her muffled voice said and L pulled away. She gasped for air as L just walked to the bathroom. "This time, I get the bathroom." He said and slammed the door closed. However, he forgot to lock the door and Hee Young sneaked in.

"You're wrong. We're getting the bathroom." She smirked at L who got his shirt taken off halfway. "Really? Hee Young? Do you want us not to go to the beach today?" He asked and Hee Young tilted her head.

"Why not?" She asked and L took big steps towards her. Her head banged against the bathroom door and she gulped when L put a hand next to her head.

"Because.." He leaned in closer and kept the eye contact with her. "I don't think you'll be getting out of this bathroom without getting laid by me if you do so." He whispered huskily and she blushed.

"O-on second thought, I'll take the other bathroom." She banged her head against his and opened the door, running out of the bathroom.

L groaned and rubbed his temples, shaking his head. "She doesn't think complicated, right?" He asked himself and closed the door before taking off all his clothes.



L and Hee Young went down the stairs and saw Sungyeol setting the table up for breakfast. "You don't have to do that for today." L pointed to the table. "Why not?" Sungyeol looked at L and Hee Young who got dressed summery for the beach.

"We're going out to the beach today." L answered and Sungyeol ran to him. "Am I going?" He asked and L shook his head. "I want some time spent with Hee Young." L said and pushed him aside before pulling Hee Young with him towards the front door.

"What?! This isn't fair! Do you expect me to wait alone in this big house?!" Sungyeol retorted. "Yes." L said and closed the front door. "Oh, so now you want to play this with me? You're on." Sungyeol hissed and grabbed the car keys, his phone and wallet before leaving the house too.

He took another car from the garage and followed L and Hee Young from behind.



"We're here." L shook Hee Young to wake her up from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered opened and she rubbed them softly. She smiled brightly when she saw the beach. "Come on, let's go." L unbuckled his seatbelt and got off the car. Hee Young quickly unbuckled hers too and got out from the car. She ran as L went to the boot and got their bags out. He shook his head as he saw her heading to the sea. "Such a child." He sighed and closed the boot, walking to where Hee Young was.

He walked to spot and set their things down before taking his shirt off. Girls around noticed and started screaming and squealing at his body. They got so loud that Hee Young turned around and saw him. She blushed deeply and quickly looked away, not wanting to see his body. She dipped herself further into the water as she looked around.

L didn't bothered about those girls, instead, he kept his eyes on one girl. Hee Young. He threw his shirt to the bags and ran towards her. When he was nearer, he stopped and sneaked up behind her. When he was directly behind her, she still hasn't noticed and he s his arms around her waist, carrying her up. She gasped and screamed when she felt her body being lifted. L chuckled and turned her around.

"It's me~" He chimed and rubbed his nose against hers. She pouted and smacked his chest. "Childish!" She stuck her tongue out. "Hoi!" He said and let go of her waist, she plopped into the water and when she resurfaced, she choke on the water and coughed.

"YAH!" She shouted and L quickly ran away. She fumed and chased right after him.

Sungyeol who had just parked his car, leaned against it as he watched them play. He saw how L actually and shook his head. Just then, his phone rang. He took it out and saw L's father calling. He quickly went in the car and answered the phone.

"Yes, Sir?" Sungyeol answered. He heard voice clearing and some sobbing before L's father spoke.

"Sungyeol-ah." L's father called huskily. "Yeh?" Sungyeol pushed the phone nearer to his ear.

"H-Hye Mi..." L's father dragged and sighed. "Passed away." Sungyeol froze. He couldn't hear anything, only L's father's voice echoing 'Passed away'. "Sorry?" He asked again as he gulped.

"Hye Mi.. She passed away." L's father repeated. "How.. No, but why?" Sungyeol asked.

"Remember how I said I sent Hye Mi over to the states to receive better treatment?" Sungyeol nodded but L's father couldn't see. He continued, "Me and my wife weren't actually in Jeju.. Few days before Hee Young went to visit her sister, Hye Mi called me and asked for a favour.. She said the doctor told her that her cancer was getting even worst and her days were numbered.

She didn't want her sister to see her pass away so she called me. She asked me if I could seek a better treatment for her or move her somewhere else so her sister won't be able to see how she die. I thought of Hee Young and I agreed. I sent her to America. I heard that there was an oncologist in America who was a professional in this industry and I sent her to him. For few days, her condition was getting better but suddenly, just two days ago, she got worst again.

The doctor called me and I rushed over here. However, just today... she.. died.. I saw her die.. in front of me. I thought I told you so you could see to that she is happy for now. I know how that poor girl is. She'll probably just stay and do nothing her whole life knowing her sister passed away. Before I break the news to her, treat her well. See that she is happy. Her life is just going downside, I feel so sorry for that girl." L's father finished and Sungyeol's eyes started welling.

"Yes, Sir." Sungyeol answered and L's father choked on his tears. "Very well then.. I'll be back the day after tomorrow. Take good care of Hee Young. Remember, make her happy." The call ended and Sungyeol threw his phone to the side. He put his face into his palms and for a long time in a while, he cried. He knows how it feels to have a kin taken away. He didn't know how Hee Young would react when the news reaches her.

He just had to make sure it would be kept away from Hee Young for now. He looked up and saw her smiling happily at L who was splashing water at her. "For now.. just enjoy this few moments." Sungyeol mumbled and got out of the car.

He ran towards Hee Young and L before tackling them down to the ground. Both L and Hee Young was so shocked they just stayed still and blinked their eyes. When they both got back to their senses, they pushed Sungyeol off them.

"YAH!" They both cried and Sungyeol winced. L noticed that his eyes were a little red and put a hand to his shoulder, looking into his eyes. "Were you.. crying?" L asked and Sungyeol quickly shook his hands off his shoulders, looking away.

"N-no." He quickly answered and looked back at the two. "I mean, yes." He looked at Hee Young. L and her both looked at each other and back to him.

"For leaving me alone at home! Do you know how scared I was?!" He shouted at the two and they chuckled. "What a kid." They chorused and Sungyeol gaped.

"What?" He said lowly and L nudge Hee Young. "On the count of 1..2.." He whispered to Hee Young.

"3.. RUN!" L pulled her along with him as they ran. Sungyeol took off and ran after them. As he looked at how Hee Young's hand flew with the wind and how bright her smile was, he was sure that, he didn't want to be the one who would take away her smile. If someone had to break the news to her, it would be L's father.

"I just hope nothing else can be even worst than this." Sungyeol mumbled to himself.



Author's Note:

I hope this is okay x.x

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Will not write for today.. I have so much works going-on, x.x


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jivisha28 #1
Chapter 1: nice
Chapter 44: OMG! ALways keep the faith for infinity.. i shed a tear.. my babies are making me cry.
misscalendula #3
Chapter 86: read it.. love it.. fell for it.. do write more.. ur ff is awesome..
fransiscapsari #4
Chapter 30: i'm going to cry :'/
vicky1999 #5
one of the greatest stories read in ages.
Keep it up~! :D rooting for you<3
Chapter 86: HAPPY ENDING T^T
this was posted on my was a really really long time ago and so bookmarking it for later OTL
Chapter 30: that's sad :"<