I Want To Find A Better Me

I Want To Find A Better Me

I, Lee Taemin of unstable mind and body cannot think of anything, I just want this pain to go away. 

They called me , , ing , But did that stop them fron trying to fufill their desires which was moments to come?

All four of them wanted one thing I wasn't willing to give and what they thought was theirs and thought they had the right to take it anyway. I was once vibrant, had spark, but now it's as if that died away quickly as a flame would during the rain.

But something came up, someone found out and reported it and the destructive four were taken away. You would think I would be happy but I'm not. You ask why I'm still not happy?

Because they took my happiness away, over and over, completely stripped it away until there was none left.

I'm gettting help, you know, because I want it I truly do. It's taking time but I know under the , insulted, depressed Taemin, I know there is a happy Taemin, A better Taemin and I will do anything to get that Taemin to the surface and be myself once again. Free from this disturbed Taemin.


Free from the pain.

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Chapter 1: Is this a poem,if so it's good ^▼^