
Portrait of a Portrait: Clumsiness


Nayeon entered the cafe and quickly scanned the place with her eyes – he was at work today. Who? Aron, the waiter, a boy who caught Nayeon's eye some time ago. Since that day the girl has been a frequent costumer of this cafe.

The maiden ordered her usual drink and cake then took a seat at her usual table. Today it was an exceptionally quiet afternoon – not many people were enjoying the calm and warm atmosphere of the cafe while sipping their drinks and talking about their doings.

There were some schoolgirls in the cafe. They sat behind the table next to Nayeon's. These girls had put their bags on the floor under the table – this little fact brings us to the incident about to happen.


As we all know bags have a tendency to fall over when they aren't nicely balanced on their spot. And that's what happened when Aron was making his way up to Nayeon's table. One more step and just then the bag decided that it was a good time to lean and wrap its straps around the boy's legs and pull him down on the floor.


The tray, holding a hot drink and a slice of a delicious cake, got slammed on Nayeon's table with such force that everything on it flew through the air. The hot drink followed by the cake made a flight of victory landing on Nayeon's blouse and trousers.


Nayeon gasped in shock but no words came out .

Aron shot up – eyes wide, cheeks puffed, ears red – looking like a hamster.

„Oh no! I'm so sorry!“ he squeaked with an unusually high pitched voice. What?! What's wrong with my voice?! Now I'm embarrassing myself even more!

The owner of the bag also jumped up and started apologizing.

Nayeon smiled, embarrassed.

„It's alright really...“ Then she finally realized how hot the drink was. fell open and she started waving her hands, looking like a little chick. Hot-hot-hot! Why now? Why in front of him?!


Solly, a waitress, had been working here long enough to know how to handle these situations. She grabbed Nayeon's hand and pulled her towards the back room.

„Aron! Stop standing there! Take her bag and bring it here!“ Solly ordered her dumbfounded colleague, „And clean up the mess, please.“


The girls had reached to the back room and Solly closed and locked the door.

„Take off your clothes.“ the older girl ordered.

„What?“ Nayeon hesitantly asked.

„Take off you clothes or you're going to get burned!“ Solly said.

Nayeon obeyed this time. Solly took her clothes and gave the girl new ones – the cafe's uniform.

„Look at you. It fits perfect. You should work here.“ the waitress noted.

Nayeon just smiled shyly.

„You're a special girl, you know.“

„Hah. What are you talking about?! I'm not special!“

„You are. This has never happened before. Aron has never tripped over or dropped anything.“ Solly went on. „He was obviously nervous because of you and that's why he didn't look where he was stepping.“

„You're just saying it to make me feel better.“ Nayeon argued.

„No, I'm not. Every time you're in the cafe MacAron turns into an airhead.“

„Macaron?“ Nayeon raised a brow.

„Aron – macaron. Or do you prefer hamster?“ Solly smiled slyly.


Both girls bursted out laughing.

Aron heard that and knocked on the door. Please, not the Macaron joke.

„Is everything OK in there?“ he asked.

„Yeah. Mr Macaronies, everything is absolutely fine!“ Solly shouted. She went to the door and opened it, saying: „I'm having so much fun with your girlfriend here.“

„Wha- She's not-.“ Aron stuttered turning red. You're blowing yourself, stupid! She's not?!

„Right...“ Solly chuckled and stepped out of the room.

She pushed Aron into the back room and whispered to the boy: „She likes you.“ And thus Solly closed the door.


The two lovers stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say or do.


„So...erm... are you OK? I mean the clothes. And the drink was pretty hot.... You didn't get burned, did you?“ Aron suddenly spoke. That was normal, right?

„Ah, no. Everything is fine. Nothing's burned.“ Nayeon answered with an attempt of a smile on her face. Now I even don't know how to speak properly? That's just great!


„But your clothes are ruined now...“ Aron went on.

„I can wash them at home. No harm done.“ the girl assured.




Someone knocked on the door and opened it. It was the manager. Aron's eyes widened.

„Sir! I'll get back to work right away! I'm so sorry.“ the young waiter bowed rapidly.

The older man raised his hand to hush his worker.

„No need. Solly told me what happened. I'll give the rest of the day off. Be nice and take this pretty lady home now.“ the man said with a friendly tone.

„Yes, sir. Thank you.“ Aron said, once again, bowing.

Nayeon bowed, too, as the manager left.


This little moment gave Aron enough time to calm himself down. For once he was thankful that he had Solly as a fellow worker.


„So... shall we go, Nayeon-ah?“ Aron asked motioning at the open door.

„Of course... Wait! How do you know my name?“ Nayeon took a step back.

Aron tensed up again. I'm dead now.

„The...the... when you payed with your card... then your name...I looked it up...and...“ Aron tried to formulate a nice and logical sentence. Tried.

Nayeon chuckled at the silliness of the boy. It was obvious the he didn't mean any harm when he looked up her name like this.

„It's OK, Macaron.“ the girl smiled.

„You know, if you say it then I don't mind.“ the boy smiled.


Aron lead Nayeon out from the back door.

„We're going by car?“ the maiden got surprised.

„Of course.“ the gentleman answered like it was the most natural thing in the world, „Where to?“ Aron said opening the door for the girl.


The car-ride, in the other hand – you could actually feel the awkwardness. That what happens when you haven't planned the things through.

Nayeon kept looking out of the window so she could distract herself from everything and not to blush which she did anyway. She looked around the car, too.


„Hey, what's this?“ she asked pointing at a velvet box in her sight. You, moron!

Aron didn't answer but he did squeeze the steering wheel a bit stronger now.

„May I open it?“ Nayeon went on. Nice move... Think before you open your mouth. Maybe it's not for you.

„If you feel like it.“ the driver got the words out of his mouth. Palms are sweating... my heart is working overtime!

The girl took the box and peeked inside. She gasped.

„Wow! It's so pretty! - Who is it for?“ Wow! Now this was a really dumb move.

„I don't know. You know there's this pretty girl I like and I thought maybe she'd like it.“ Aron said with full seriousness. Why is it so hard to just say: 'I like you'?

„I'm sure she'll like it. It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen.“ Nayeon played along. I'm that pretty girl, right? I mean... Solly said...


Silence again.


Aron pulled over infront of Nayeon's home. He sighed and looked at the girl sitting next to him.

„I like you, Nayeon-ah.“ he quickly said. There. Done. Said it. Finally.

The maiden looked at the boy, baffled.

Aron felt the atmosphere getting awkward again.

„I... like... you, too...“ Nayeon slowly said and paused but then started giggling, „MacAron.“

Aron relaxed himself and joined the, now laughing, girl.

The boy took the girl's hand once they had had their laugh-attack.

"You know... Nayeon-ah. I think I have to rephrase that last sentence." Aron started and looked into Nayeon's eyes, "I love you."



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Chapter 1: Omgosh that was adorable! I honestly hope something like that happens to me, but then again, I probably wouldn't know how to react haha
lolo659 #2
Chapter 1: That was sooo cute!! I loved it.
DLite4Life #3
Chapter 1: dslfkghjdlfjghdkljfghsd... ARON IS SO CUTE!!!!! LOVE THIS!