Phase 5

Falling in Love with You

Phase 5

“Manager, before I start eating I want to verify if you are the one paying for this,” Kyuhyun was eyeing the feast in front of them. All of them except Sungmin was standing in front of the big round table.  Sungmin truly reserved a private room at a high class restaurant with so many foods in their table.

“Don’t you worry the company will pay it!” Sungmin said as he led Ryeowook to one sit and sat beside him. Hangeng kindly assisted Heechul to one of the seats taking the adjacent seat to it which left the Yesung and Kyuhyun obliged to sit next to each other, not that Kyuhyun minded.

“Am I just imagining things or Wook sits pretty close to your manager while Heenim to Hangeng Hyung?” Yesung asked Kyuhyun.

‘I think they planned this,’ Kyuhyun thought while looking at Sungmin and Hangeng that were busy with their seatmates. Kyuhyun adjusted his seat to Yesung. He smiled saying, “I’ll be closer to you then.

“Wait your distance is okay now, we would look like a couple just like the four of them,” Yesung pointed one of his hand to Ryeowook and Sungmin while the other to Heechul and Hangeng.

“Hyung!” Ryeowook screeched.

“Hey!” Heechul shouted.

“Look, you two are blushing again!” Yesung said looking back and fro to his brothers.

Ryeowook started blushing harder while Heechul shouted again, “Mind your own business rabid dog!”

Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Hangeng were watching amazed by the interaction of the brothers.

“Ah wait Yesungie,” Kyuhyun called Yesung as all of them have started eating. “If Heechul Hyung is a stylist and Ryeowook is a composer what is your occupation?”

“Me? I teach the children in our neighborhood music,” Kyuhyun could definitely see a twinkle in Yesung’s eyes when he was talking about that, “Actually I don’t get any salary but it really makes me happy even if they think its worthless.”

“Who’s ‘they’?” Kyuhyun continued asking but this time anger was showing up.

“The people who should have gone to hell,” Heechul answered before eating a piece of meat.

“Huh?” the other three said.

“Um... as you know... Yesung Hyung really got a good voice and many talent scouts have been trying to make him an artist but he rejected that offers so...” Ryeowook wasn’t able to continue his sentence.

“So they told me that my talent will be a waste and it is worthless to teach the children how to sing,” Yesung continued. He looked at Kyuhyun who was starting to form anger in his eyes. He held one of Kyuhyun’s hands with his own, “Don’t worry... it is all fine. I’m not affected by their words.”

Seeing Yesung smiling at him while holding his hands calmed Kyuhyun immediately. He didn’t know why anger started to form deep inside him when he heard about that, it was a first that someone’s conflict really affected him. He believed that people should mind their own business but with Yesung, it seems like he couldn't do that.

Yesung shoved food at Kyuhyun’s mouth, “Let’s continue eating okay?”

Kyuhyun nodded. He smirked while saying, “Only if you feed me,” opening his mouth again.

“Then starve there,” Yesung said blushing while continuing eating.

“Oh... it seems like the rabid dog’s turn to blush huh?” Heechul said watching his younger brother.
Yesung choked on his food and started mumbling sounds that made all of them laugh.


“Ah... I can’t eat anymore! I’m too full!” Sungmin shouted holding his stomach.

“Oh here, drink this tea Manager. It will help your digestion,” Hangeng handed a cup to Sungmin.

“Thanks Hangeng.”

“By the way Manager, what is the reason for this anyway?” Kyuhyun asked pointing at the empty plates in front of them.

“Well you will have your first concert after you released your album,” Sungmin said with thumbs up.

“Ah... first concert... WHAT?!” Kyuhyun stood up from his chair.

“The company already got plans for your concert. Hangeng will be your special guest, so you need to stay here man.”

“It will be a pleasure,” Hangeng gave an okay sign.

“But... I... Agh!” Kyuhyun let out a sound of frustration. He just debuted almost a year ago and he will already have a concert of his own.

“And to make things more exciting for your fans there will be a raffle. The winner will also be a special guest at your concert and you will have a date with that person before the concert. Backstage pass is also given.”

“What?! What is so exciting with that?”

“Watching you being harassed will be exciting. Well the management is the one who planned it. I think it is to secure the sales of your album.”

“But what if the person is a ‘he’?”

“Whatever the gender is, you need to do it,” Sungmin said.

“Then should I prepare the clothes for the MV and the concert?” Heechul asked.

“Ah yes. Please include Hangeng’s clothes too,” Sungmin answered.

“I will start practicing for a dance number?” Hangeng asked.

“Yes, you will also have a special stage with Kyuhyun. This will also make your activities in Korea longer.”

“D-Do you need my help Min?” Ryeowook asked.

“Of course Wookie, if you can make a song for the concert it will be really great.”


“Can I go home already?” Yesung asked.

“No! You can’t leave me behind!” Kyuhyun answered.

“Hey! I’m asking Sungmin not you Kyuhyun,” Yesung replied.

“Yes, you can go home now with your brothers. It’s pretty late so we will drop you off your house,” Sungmin said after paying the bill.

“Y-you will go with us at our house?” Ryeowook asked.

“Yes!” Sungmin beamed.

“W-We might disturb you... I-I’m pretty sure Heechul Hyung got his car, right Hyung,” Ryeowook looked at Heechul.

Heechul glared at Hangeng, “Someone kidnapped me earlier in the house that I didn’t manage to get my car.”

“Hey that isn’t kidnapping. I fetched you,” Hangeng calmly defended.

“Ah... that explains why it is so loud earlier at the house,” Yesung said.

“So that means we need to bring the three of you to your house safely,” Kyuhyun felt excited bringing the brothers home.

“W-We can take a taxi,” Ryeowook suggested to Sungmin.

Sungmin shook his head, “Sorry but I strongly disagree Wookie.”


“No more buts Wookie, let’s go now,” Sungmin happily grabbed one of Ryewook’s hand and started walking with him to the entrance.


Inside the van they ended up being paired again.

Hangeng was the one driving. Beside his seat was Heechul who was browsing through his sketches.

Sungmin and Ryeowook took the middle seats. When Kyuhyun and Yesung tried to sit beside them Sungmin extended his legs to the seats and said, “We are already packed here.”

Kyuhyun just shrugged as he let Yesung seat first in the rear seat. The other four seemed to have conversation with their partner while Yesung just put on his earphones and looked outside the window.

Kyuhyun tugged one of the earphones, “Can I borrow this one?”

Yesung who was getting sleepy nodded and returned to looking out. Kyuhyun put on the earphone, ‘Hmm... ballad... just like what I expected...’

Suddenly Yesung hit his head in the window, “Ow...” He said as he touched the part that hit the window.
“Are you fine?” Kyuhyun asked as he replaced Yesung’s hands with his.

“Yes... but my sleepiness is now gone,” Yesung was staring at the hands that were massaging his head.
“Your hand is much bigger than mine,” Yesung showed Kyuhyun his hands, “I think mine stopped growing when I was still a child.”

Kyuhyun took Yesung’s hand and compared it with his, “Yes it’s really small like a child’s.”

“No need to repeat what I said,” Yesung retrieved his hand that was compared to Kyuhyun’s very long hand.

Kyuhyun took the hand again, “Not just that, it is also very smooth, something like a candle.” Kyuhyun couldn’t help but kiss the hand of Yesung.

“Yah! What are you doing?!” Yesung shouted while a blush formed in his cheeks.

Kyuhyun grinned after what he did, “I kissed your hand.”

“Please don’t be so noisy! You’re not the only people in here,” Heechul said as he tried to look at the rear seat but instead he saw Sungmin cuddling to a blushing Ryeowook, “Hey Manager, our maknae is neither a teddy bear nor a pink bunny that you can hug like that.”

“How did you know I like pink and bunnies?” Sungmin asked as he tightened his hug to Ryeowook who blushed more, “For me Wookie is a cute bunny. Can I continue hugging you Wookie?”

“A-Ah... Y-yes...” Ryeowook answered.

Kyuhyun looked at the scene in front of him. He sat properly again beside Yesung before saying, “I’m jealous of them Yesungie.”

“Call me Hyung! Snuggle yourself,” Yesung said as he gets the earphone from Kyuhyun’s ear.

“Hey, I’m just kidding. We just met so how can I do that to you? We are not as intimate as those two,” Kyuhyun pointed to Sungmin and Ryeowook.

“Cho Kyuhyun....” Sungmin said with a scary voice.

“I’ll shut up now,” Kyuhyun said before whispering to Yesung, “At least we can do this.”

Kyuhyun got the earphone from Yesung’s right ear and made him rest his head in his shoulder. “What are you doing?” Yesung asked as he removed his head from Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

Kyuhyun forced Yesung’s head in his shoulder again as he put the earphones, “It is more comfortable this way.”

Yesung tried to remove his head again, “What is comfortable with this?!”

“Couldn’t you really be silent?” Heechul was irritated again.

Kyuhyun rested Yesung’s head in his shoulder again and rested his own head on Yesung, “Just like this.” With that Yesung decided to surrender and enjoy the comfort in their position.

He was starting to set in when suddenly the song of Kyuhyun played in his Ipod. Yesung hurriedly got his Ipod to switch it to the next song when Kyuhyun stopped him, “Do you want me to sing it for you?”

“N-no need,” Yesung got a blush again, ‘Stupid! You just told him earlier that you are not a fan of his and there you are caught listening to his song.’

“Then I’ll just hum it for you,” Kyuhyun said before starting to hum. His hummed the sad song in a different and happy way. He couldn’t stop being happy after knowing that Yesung got his song in his playlist which was entitled, “Favorites”. Yesung immediately recognized that Kyuhyun was humming the song in a happier way but he just shrugged it off since he liked hearing Kyuhyun’s hum as much as he like hearing the boy sing.

Heechul once again looked back to the pairs at the back, finally they were silent. He got his camera and took pictures of them (for blackmail?) after seeing that they were acting like couples. After that he sighed.

“Being jealous?” Hangeng asked as he glimpsed at Heechul.

Heechul looked at Hangeng, “I’m not. I’m just tired. That’s all.”

“Really?” Hangeng asked. He smiled as he focused on the road in front.

Heechul didn’t answer as he rested comfortably against his seat.

“It would really be my pleasure if the princess will cuddle or rest his head on my shoulders,” Hangeng said catching Heechul’s attention, “So that way the princess would feel comfortable and protected.”

“You said ‘his head’, how many times do you I need to tell you I’m not a princess?” Heechul tried to say in an angry voice, “... Maybe I just look like one.”

Hangeng smiled again, “You just don’t look like one, you actually act like one.”


“The princess beside me is really a snob, selfish, narcissist and got a really bad temper, but I wonder why I’m starting to fall in love with him.”

Heechul started blushing but he continued staring at Hangeng, “You... you read too much fairy tales... So are you going to be the prince?”

“No,” Hangeng’s calm smile never leaving his face, “I would rather be the knight that will protect and will always be beside the Princess.

Heechul started to feel his heart beating so fast. After stopping the car in front of the Kim residence Hangeng stared back to Heechul and said, “I’ll definitely not drive next time so that I can always keep my eyes on the princess like this.” He smiled once again.

“W-Why do you smile like that?” Heechul asked before gathering his things and getting out of the car with a loud sound that woke up the four.

“We are already here?” Kyuhyun asked as he looked out the window.

Yesung nodded as he shoved Kyuhyun out, “Let me out already.”

“M-Min... We are already here,” Ryeowook whispered to Sungmin. “Wake up now...”

‘I’m just pretending to be asleep,’ Sungmin pouted, “We are already here?” Sungmin faked a yawn and started stretching,

“Wait Chul,” Hangeng removed his seatbelt and followed Heechul to the door of their house.

The four followed them. Before Heechul got a chance to open the door it is already opened by their mother, “Oh welcome home my babies! Oh we have visitors.”

“Nope, they are not visitors just passer-by,” Heechul said as he entered their house.

Hangeng, Sungmin and Kyuhyun immediately bowed and greeted.

“Sorry for disturbing you Miss, we just escorted them here,” Sungmin said.

“Come in then, it would be really rude to let you go away after knowing all of you escorted my babies home,” their mother signaled them to come inside.

“Ma, we’re not babies anymore,” Yesung said as he followed Heechul in the living room.

“You will always be our babies,” their father made his way beside their mother.

After all of them have entered the house their mother suddenly screamed.

“What’s wrong darling?” their father asked.

“I just realized that the two of them are celebrities, Cho Kyuhyun and Hangeng, and that person is the manager. I didn’t know that my sons are already in the limelight.”

“Ma, Heenim is styling them while Wook is the composer of his new song,” Yesung pointed to Kyuhyun.

“Ah yes, that’s right. We really thank you for having wonderful sons,” the three of them smiled and bowed.

“Ah aren’t all of them very nice,” after hearing their mother said that, Heechul and Yesung both rolled their eyes.

“Please sit down while we get some food and drinks for you,” their father said.

“We’re really sorry but we must go now. We just wanted to be sure that all of your sons can go home safely,” Sungmin said.

“Aw, that’s too bad... Be sure to come back here when you have time, Okay?” their mother said.

The three of them nodded, “We will go now,” Ryeowook was the only one who volunteered to see them off. Before going out of the door Kyuhyun run back to Yesung and said, “Number...”


“Can I have your number?” He asked as he gave his phone to Yesung. Yesung gave his phone to Kyuhyun too, “Please give me yours too,” before punching the number.

After that Kyuhyun grinned to Yesung, “So... I’ll see you next time?”

Yesung just smiled and shrugged, “It depends.”

“I’m sure we’ll definitely meet each other again Yesung,” Kyuhyun touched Yesung’s philtrum which somewhat surprised the older. He ran to the door and waved, “See you soon philtrum maniac!” before going out of the house.

Yesung was left blushing, it took some time before he shouted, “Hey! I’m not!”

“Yeah you’re not, you’re just a Kyuhyun’s philtrum maniac,” Heechul said as he stood up and made his way to his room.



Later that night all the three siblings received messages.


From: Chinese Guy (Hangeng)
Good night Chul.
Tomorrow I’ll come to your house again to accompany you ;D
I hope you have a good beauty sleep tonight Princess~
I’m really sad that I can’t be beside the Princess at this time to protect him from his nightmares.
I wish I’ll be in your dreams to protect you.
See you tomorrow!

Heechul blushed again and immediately replied to the text.

From: My Princess Chul
What is good with the night? Kkkkk
You don’t need to come here tomorrow, I can manage.
Are you really insane? I’m not a princess
My dreams would be nightmares because you would be there.
Good night too Geng.

After that Heechul changed the contacts name from Chinese Guy (Hangeng) to My so called Knight Geng.


From: Min (^_^)
Hello Wookie! :D
I really had a good time today, is it because I’m with you? ;))
Is it okay if you also come to the recording of the MV? @_@
It is sad by myself... ~_~
BTW It is really nice and comfortable hugging you! <3
I’m sorry if I hugged you too tightly. >_<
Good night Wookie~ :-*

From: Wookie ^v^
Hi Min ^^
I had a good time today too.
Of course I’ll go with you with the recording, not just because I’m the composer...
Don’t worry, I’m okay with you hugging me ^^
Good night too Min, sweet dreams!


From: Cho Kyuhyun
Did you miss me already Yesungie?
What are you doing?
I’m playing games and I’m already missing you...
It is really fun meeting you today, it really made my day
Come to the recording of the MV ok?
I’ll be waiting for you.
Let’s meet in our dreams okay?

From: Yesungie
Nope, I’m not definitely missing you.
I’m preparing the songs for the children for our class so I can’t come to your shooting.
Yeah I had fun meeting you too.
Do your best on the recording, Fighting!
Good night.

From: Cho Kyuhyun
That is very unfair.
How can I do my best without you around?
I demand that you come to my shooting!

From: Yesungie
What a brat...
You have taken recording before without me right?
I’m busy.

From: Cho Kyuhyun
With you at my recording I can show my best emotions and I’ll be Super Kyuhyun!
Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.

From: Yesungie
To how many girls or person have you flirt with saying that kind of things?

From: Cho Kyuhyun
Hey I don’t flirt!
Well... they flirt with me...
But you are the only person, I have said that ^^
Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.

From: Cho Kyuhyun
*insert image of pout*

From: Yesungie
You even send me a picture huh?
Okay I will after my class. OK?

From: Cho Kyuhyun
*insert image of grin*
Yeah! Good night! See you Yesungie!

From: Yesungie
Yah, good night Kyuhyun.

end of phase 5!
thursday is reading this... *awkward laugh* I hope I do well...
thank you readers and subscribers! especially JustAqillagamecloudsomniasiana-chanpiggypiggychocoenvelopeSuperJunior713DredhezReieveningstarIlliora and voicesinsync

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I'll update as soon as possible, don't worry~ or when a lot of beloved readers demanded... I'm willing to supply the next chapter immediately!


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Chapter 7: YES! I’m happy for you Yesung. Nyahehe
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 13: I'm absolutely over the moon that this fic has an ending......Love it <3 Love it<3 Love it<3
394 streak #3
Chapter 10: it's really damn sweet when I read about Kyuhyun telling Yesung that he didn't love the girl (who is her name again? I couldn't remember)

love the story!!!
Chapter 13: *proceeds to internally scream for eternity at the amazingness this fanfic was* I really enjoyed reading the interactions you set between the three pairings and how you characterized them. You had great detail in the story which created wonderful vivid imagery. It was a very wonderful writing piece that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
fatimakys #5
good job author-nim i really love this fic
Chapter 3: Yay! Excited for KyuSung ~
Chapter 3: WOONIE'S LAUGHTER AS MESSAGE ALERT TONE?! NO KYU NO OMG I CAN NUST IMAGINE HAHAHA NOOOOOO! (Oh but I'd like that too actually... I want his adorbs laughter all day all night yes)
Chapter 2: HEEEEEECHULLLLLLIIIIEEEEE HAHAAHAHAHAHA "let them stare at our beauties" hahahahaha! I stopped seriously I stopped reading to laugh out loud hahaha (and comment this haha) damn. That's real funny
Chapter 1: Ok whoa.... I am so liking this. Next phase