Phase 3

Falling in Love with You

*LOOK AT KYUSUNG'S HOTNESS AND HANSOMENESS! OH MY! used the scan of cloudsspring! I hope I'll grab a copy of the magazine next time 8D I really hope KRY album will be next...

Phase 3

Sitting in front of the computer, Kyuhyun held the mp3 that contained the song his manager wanted him to hear. He connected it in his CPU and copied the only file that can be found inside, “The One I Love.” After copying it he put on his headphones and started to play it.

‘I really wonder if this song is really great just like what Manager said...’

The piano started playing, “Only a piano? But I...”

When Kyuhyun heard the title being spoken he felt goose bumps erupting all around his body hearing again that husky voice. His whole body  shivered with excitement when the man started singing.

‘His voice is full of emotion... It's so powerful that it penetrated my whole being... I wonder if someday I can sing like this... but I wonder why my heart is beating this fast? Is this admiration?’ He held his heart, every phrase and sound that he heard surrounded him. He shakily grabbed his copy of the song and immediately sang with the demo, as if he knew the song by the heart.

The memory I can’t erase for one second
I just think of you
I can’t do anything
While not doing anything
I look at the slow time
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Because I only think of one person
I think of that one person.........

He opened his eyes not believing that he immediately got the feeling of the song. Unlike all of his other songs that took him days to get the meaning, the timing, the feeling and the tempo, this song seemed like to went straight to his heart and opened it, then it made his heart pump it all around his body along with his blood. ‘Is it because of the meaning of the song or your beautiful voice? Or maybe the way you sang this song?’

When he was about to stop it he heard a crack of laughter and then the song stopped. After hearing that he didn’t notice that there was a smile on his face. He replayed the part of the laughter and started laughing too. ‘I wonder if this guy is crazy, he sang the song with so much emotion that he seemed to pour all his heart in it and in the end he just laughed so hard like he didn’t sing at all. He seems really interesting even though he’s crazy.’

Kyuhyun opened his sound editor and copied the song, he cropped the part of the song and saved it. After that he sent the song and laughter clip to his phone. He edited the settings and made the demo song the ringtone while the laughter clip as the message alert tone.

“Maybe meeting that guy would make me crazy... and maybe, just maybe he can bring color to my life’s dullness,” Kyuhyun said before calling his manager.

“Manager, we have found the cover song for my next album.”


“I told you’d like it, I’ll start the preparation now. I’ll call you when it is all ready okay? Bye.”

Sungmin smiled and started texting.

“It looks like Kyuhyun finally found his cover song,” Hangeng said as he pushed the texting Sungmin inside his office.

“Oh yes, I hope Ryeowook will be happy,” Sungmin didn’t bother to sit as he continued texting.

“You sound different manager. Usually you will not hope for composers happiness when we accept songs, you will say something like, “I hope this will be a hit!” or something like that. You seemed totally captivated by that composer.”

Sungmin glared at Hangeng and then continued texting. Hangeng who was sitting comfortably asked, “So where is the profile of the stylist?”

“There...” Sungmin used his pouted lips to point at his table since both his hands are busy typing.

“Thanks, don’t you think it will be more convenient if you just call him and tell him the good news?” Hangeng stood up and made his way to the table.

Sungmin blushed, “Call Wookie?”

“Well it’s your choice,” Hangeng said while finding the profiles.

Sungmin smiled as he dialled the number, “Hello Wookie? I have good news for you...”

Hangeng looked through the profiles, skipping the female stylists and when he saw the last profile he couldn’t help smile and feel happiness overflowing in his body. “I told you right? See you soon Kim Heechul,” he said caressing the picture of Heechul.


“Really? You will use my song? I’m really thankful Min. Ah yes, I’ll come with the music sheet. See you and thank you again... You’ll call again later?” Ryeowook blushed looking at his brothers, Heechul nodding while Yesung giving thumbs-up, “O-Okay... I’ll wait for your call...”

“Congrats Wook!” Yesung shouted as he entered the house.

“I believe now that all of us are really gifted,” Heechul said as he followed Yesung inside the house.

Ryeowook stepped out of the car and thought, ‘I wonder if Sungmin is my guardian angel...’ He closed the door and ran after his two brothers.

Yesung and Heechul were already in the living room watching television when suddenly Heechul’s phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hello, is this Kim Heechul?”

“Yes, what do you want?”

“I’m Lee Sungmin. I would like to ask if you are still available to be the stylist of my talents.”

“Talents? Wait do you mean a group or something?”

“Oh no, my two talents, a singer and a dancer, they are....”

“Don’t need to tell me their names. I don’t care if they are super famous. I’ll just come and see if they deserve to be styled by me.”

“Okay.... so I’ll just see you.... when?”


“Is it okay if you go to the studio? They have schedules tomorrow.”


“So I’ll just send you where you will go. Thank you for your time.”

“Yah.” Heechul put down his phone on the table.

“You’re a snob Heenim,” Yesung said as he changed the channel of what he was watching.

“Thank you for telling the obvious,” Heechul said as he stood up and started walking to his room.

“Not really Hyung, you are always very nice to us,” Yesung smiled at Heechul who was looking over his shoulders.

Heechul smiled and ruffled Yesung’s hair, “Thank you Yesung.”

“Hey! I’m trying to be the nice younger brother Heenim,” Yesung said trying to stop Heechul’s hands.

Heechul ruffled his hair faster, “I appreciate it rabid dog.” He continued going upstairs to go to his room.

Yesung was now left in the living room as Ryeowook also made his way to his room after getting a glass of milk. He flipped to the channels without really thinking, “I hope my brothers can find their happiness...”

After stopping from constantly changing the channels he decided to just watch a DVD but before he got a chance to go nearer the television it caught his attention.

“And the last performance of the day is from Kyuhyun, who will sing the song, “Smile”.”

Everyone in the audience started to scream and shout, especially the girls who got banners and light sticks. It got louder when Kyuhyun came out with a smile in his face. Without any delay the music started and Kyuhyun started singing his song. The audience became very silent and only shouts fan chants every now and then.

Yesung slowly sat in front of the big LCD screen watching intently as Kyuhyun sang. “Your voice is better than mine... no, it’s perfect. Compared to my baritone your bass is better. You can reach every note with a breeze, you hit the high notes easily and it’s very clear. Everyone who hears your voice loves you. But I wonder why, why don’t you let your emotions flow with the song? Are you scared of something? Or you still haven’t found what you are looking for?” Yesung slowly reached out to touch the screen in time when the camera closed up to Kyuhyun’s face. He touched the cheeks of Kyuhyun when he smiled after singing, “And your smile... why can’t find happiness in them?”


Heechul walked in front of the studio where the man named Sungmin wanted him to go. When he got there a lot of fans were outside waiting, holding cameras, banners and light sticks. Some of the fans looked like they were not Koreans, ‘Maybe Chinese,’ Heechul thought as he continued walking. Some of the fans saw him and started talking, “Is he an idol? He looks so handsome... or beautiful?” “Is he a boy or a girl?” “Quick get a picture of him!” And almost all of the fans with camera started taking pictures of Heechul.

Heechul stopped and got his phone. He dialled Sungmin’s number and said, “I’m already out here.”

“Oh, Please wait for me, I’ll get you now.”

Heechul put his phone in the pocket again, he couldn’t help but think that this number of fans were a lot more than the girl group’s fans he met the other day.

Suddenly the girls in front of the line shouted, “It’s manager!” “Manager!!” “You’re so handsome!” “Cute!”

Sungmin who came out of the door bowed and waved to the fans, “Thank you for all your support. Please wait a while before he performs.”

All of the fans shouted and took picture of Sungmin. Sungmin looked around and saw Heechul. He dashed to him and said, “Hello Mr. Kim. I’m Lee Sungmin. Thank you for giving us time.” He offered his hand.

Heechul took the hand and shook it, “Call me Heechul, I know you, you are the friend of Ryeo.”

“Ryeo...? Wookie?!” Sungmin blushed. “Um... why don’t we enter there so you can see Hangeng.”

Heechul nodded as he followed Sungmin enter the studio. They continued walking until they have reached the dressing room with the name “Hangeng” on it. Sungmin opened the door, “Hey Hangeng the stylist is here.”

When the door was fully opened Heechul was surprised to see the man in the car park smiling at him while leaning against the mirror. He greeted him, “It’s nice seeing you again.”

“Y-You are the person from the car park...” Heechul stuttered as he pointed his long fingers to Hangeng.

“Oh yes, I’m Hangeng. It’s nice to meet you again Heechul,” He said as he took Heechul’s pointing hands to shake it.

“It seems like you know each other,” Sungmin said as he watch the interaction of the two.

“Yes!” Hangeng said in an angelic voice.

“No!” Heechul shouted in somewhat a very loud voice.

Hangeng looked at Heechul, “We already met in the car park right? I picked up your sketches and I told you that you have really beautiful...”

Heechul cut off Hangeng’s words, “Yes we do but I don’t know your name at that time.”

“Well you are rushing at that time but know you know my name, I’m Hangeng.”

“Yes I remember now, Hangeng, Hangeng, Hangeng, Hangeng. You’re not Korean right? Your accent is very somewhat different.”

“Oh yes! I came from China!”

“Um... sorry to interrupt the two of you but Hangeng your performance is soon.”

“What?! He will be wearing that costume?” Heechul asked pointing at the black feathers wrapped around Hangeng’s neck.

“Yes?” Hangeng and Sungmin both said.

“REMOVE IT NOW!” Heechul shouted. He got from his bag a black cloth. Hangeng smiled as he removed the feathers. “That shirt too. Change it with a fit white sleeveless shirt.”

“Is it okay for me to remove my clothes in front of you?” Hangeng said as he slowly s the shirt.

Heechul entered the dressing room with Sungmin and closed the door, “If I’m going to be your stylist you should be used to me when you are changing clothes.”

“Then you will be my stylist now Chul,” Hangeng said as he removed the shirt and wear what Heechul told him to wear.

Heechul grunted before putting the black cloth in Hangeng. Hangeng smiled as Heechul fixed the black cloth to him. After buttoning it Heechul looked up and down to check if it is now okay, “There you go.”

“Wow, it looks great!” Sungmin cheered as he looked at Hangeng’s dress. “I thought that it will look weird but it looks very good on you Hangeng.”

Hangeng looked at the mirror, “See? I told you he is great.”

Heechul smiled seeing that it turned out great and Hangeng was really happy with that.

Someone knocked on the door, “Hangeng’s dance performance is next!”

“Ah yes we will be going now,” Sungmin said as he opened the door, “Come on now.”

“Yes,” Hangeng said as he took Heechul’s arm


“Come on. You need to watch my performance, it will be my way of saying thank you,” Hangeng said as he continued dragging Heechul to the backstage.

“Next performance is from Hangeng!”

All of the people watching started screaming and cheering. The lights were turned off.

“Watch carefully Chul, I’ll dedicate this dance to you,” Hangeng said as he went to his position.

Heechul couldn’t help but stare intently at Hangeng.

“This is the first time he dedicate a dance to someone,” Sungmin whispered to Heechul.

When the music started and the lights Hangeng started dancing with his body. Every movement was in time with the beat and he was able to execute every step perfectly. Everyone was cheering for him shouting his name. At the ending pose instead of looking to the camera he looked at Heechul’s direction and winked.

Heechul saw that even if it happened so fast because he was staring the whole time at Hangeng as he performed. After the performance the MC said to Hangeng, “It seems like you have perfected your routine now, why is that?”

“Because I’m dedicating this to a person, that’s all. Thank you everyone!” Hangeng bowed and ran to the backstage. He was still catching his breath after the performance. He looked at Heechul and asked, “So how was that?”

“...Nice?” Heechul answered. "But not that great."

“Yes!” Hangeng jumped up so high.

“So are you now the stylist of Hangeng and Kyuhyun?” Sungmin asked.

“Yah. I’ll be their stylist since Ryeo is the composer of one of the songs in the album. I’ll be going now. Just tell me whenever they need to be styled,” Heechul said as he started to walk.

Hangeng ran after him, “Do you want me to send you home?”

“What do you think I am, a princess?” Heechul asked laughing, “I can manage and I got a car. See you soon.”

“Take care! See you soon!” Hangeng shouted to Heechul’s retreating figure who waved without looking back. ‘I don’t mind if you become my Princess.’


“Hello?” Yesung answered his phone.

“Hyung! Can I ask you a favour?” Ryeowook asked through the phone.

“I’m not busy, what is it Wook?”

“Can you bring here the music sheets that I left in my room?”

“Wait, let me check,” Yesung entered Ryeowook’s room and saw the music sheets. “It’s here. Where am I bringing this?”

“Here at the recording studio. We are recording with Kyuhyun now.”

Yesung didn’t answer for a while after hearing the word “Kyuhyun”.


“Ah yes, I’ll be going there now. I’ll just call you when I’m there,” After that he put down his phone.

After grabbing his things from his room he went down and got out. Locking their gate, he thought, ‘I’m meeting him now, I hope something fun will happen.’

end of Phase 3

*evil laugh* Kyu and Yesung will meet at next phase~ oh yeah! hahaha!
thank you everyone! fighting!


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I'll update as soon as possible, don't worry~ or when a lot of beloved readers demanded... I'm willing to supply the next chapter immediately!


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Chapter 7: YES! I’m happy for you Yesung. Nyahehe
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 13: I'm absolutely over the moon that this fic has an ending......Love it <3 Love it<3 Love it<3
394 streak #3
Chapter 10: it's really damn sweet when I read about Kyuhyun telling Yesung that he didn't love the girl (who is her name again? I couldn't remember)

love the story!!!
Chapter 13: *proceeds to internally scream for eternity at the amazingness this fanfic was* I really enjoyed reading the interactions you set between the three pairings and how you characterized them. You had great detail in the story which created wonderful vivid imagery. It was a very wonderful writing piece that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
fatimakys #5
good job author-nim i really love this fic
Chapter 3: Yay! Excited for KyuSung ~
Chapter 3: WOONIE'S LAUGHTER AS MESSAGE ALERT TONE?! NO KYU NO OMG I CAN NUST IMAGINE HAHAHA NOOOOOO! (Oh but I'd like that too actually... I want his adorbs laughter all day all night yes)
Chapter 2: HEEEEEECHULLLLLLIIIIEEEEE HAHAAHAHAHAHA "let them stare at our beauties" hahahahaha! I stopped seriously I stopped reading to laugh out loud hahaha (and comment this haha) damn. That's real funny
Chapter 1: Ok whoa.... I am so liking this. Next phase