You're Beautiful : Moving Forward - Part 13

You're Beautiful : Moving Forward


You're  Beautiful : Moving Forward - Part 13


"Hyung. Please, Hyung. Can't we at least have one happy song. This is the third song in four weeks you have given us... and they are all sad," Jeremy whined behind his drum set.

The four ANJell boys were sitting together in their little music room at the AN Production building.

After two weeks of shutting himself up in his room upon his arrival home from Arua, Tae-kyung finally joined he other members for rehearsals. A week after that he started to give them songs after songs to practice on.

However, like Jeremy lamented, as a reflection of the leader's current state of mind, they were all pretty sad and melancholic.

"Well then, use one of Min Nam's songs. They're pretty fast and upbeat," Tae-kyung scowled. "I'm in no mood to write happy songs."

"My song? You have heard my song?" Min Nam looked up from his fiddling on the keyboard. Tae-kyung was sitting on a high stool in front of Jeremy, tuning his guitar while Shin Woo was at the sofa set, trying to fit suitable arrangements to Tae-kyung scoresheets.

"Ya, Hyung. We are sad too. But look on the bright side. She'll be back in a month's time. Besides, we speak to Min Nyu almost every day." For once Jeremy was the one who provided the voice of reason.

Shin Woo looked from his writing and tried to help Jeremy out.

"Yes, Hyung. Lately Nyu-ya sounds really excited to come back. And we know that the replacement nun is set to leave by end of the month," Shin Woo supplied, trying to placate both his friends.

"Hyung, which song did you hear?" asked Min Nam, oblivious to the other thread of conversation. Instead, he was excited and surprised at the fact that Tae-kyung had heard of his songs and probably liked them enough to suggest the ANJells use them.

"Maybe we can go visit Min Nyu?" Jeremy suddenly said. "Yeah, why not? Huh, Hyung?"

Suddenly all eyes turned to Jeremy. Including Min Nam's.

"I mean, our concert is not till two months. Min Nyu will even be home by then. So, we have ample time to practice." Jeremy justified.

Then, all three pairs of ANJell eyes turned automatically to their leader. Expecting a nod from him.

Tae-kyung remained silent only for a second.

"I'll call Ma Shilbang to make the arrangements," came the affirmation.

"Yeah!" Came three jubilant voices, even from the normally relaxed Shin Woo.

Tae-kyung flashed them one of his brilliant smiles, before getting from his stool to head for the door.

"Hyung, which songs did you hear, Hyung?" asked Min Nam, chasing after the taller guy.

"Most of them. Maybe you should give the scoresheets to Shin Woo, so he can help you with he arrangements," came the reply.

"You don't think them too amateurish?"

"Ya, Goh Min Nam, do you think I would propose to use your song if…." Tae-kyung's voice trailing behind them.

Shin Woo smiled at the departing figures. Musing on how the male twin looked so much like his younger counterpart, chasing after Tae-kyung like that.

"So, blondie," he grinned at his remaining friend, while getting up from his seat. "Shall we get the driver to send us home early to pack?"


~To be continued ~

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ReeenaBrown #1
Chapter 16: I can't stop myself reading it throughly in a breath, I must read it again
Lols... nana, you have read this story already. In fact, this was the second of all my stories you have read. You left me with such a heartwarming note at the site (my very first from you) & it really motivated me to write more. Thank you so much, friend, you are one of my very select group of virtual friends who are instrumental in my pursuit for writing. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I do hope that one day, we get to meet in real life too :)
nana4ever #3
Chapter 16: OMO.... I'm so glad that I was looking at some of the older stories I have subscribed to ... I saw this update and was so excited.

Such a great chapter ... Although I re-read the entire story ....hehe.

Now I'm off to bed my sister ... Thank you for ending my evening on a wonderful note.

I hope all is well with you and the family .... Miss you my friend. xoxo.
Chapter 16: finallly... :) thanks Eina!
Chapter 12: this fic still goes on?
miss_hana #6
Chapter 12: I'm constantly reading your story<3 such an amazing)) please, let them kiss)))
miss_hana #7
Chapter 9: i am in love with this story. it could be YAB season 2 , because it is really interesting, romantic and cool!!! please, update soon. i am looking forward to read it with a huge of joy ^_^
geunshin4ever #8
Chapter 9: sweeeeet !!! thank u ! more sweet plzzzzz
you explained the ditales very well that i can imagine them on my minde hehehe ^___^
envelop #9
daebak! ^_^
Chapter 8: Lol that's so funny poor manager Ma. That's sweet that he wants to accompany her. Please update soon authornim :D