Words Left Unspoken

Words Left Unspoken [Oneshot]

It was a fine summer day. The sun beams through the clouds sending streaks of orange light in the sky. I scanned the park which is fairly crowded. I was half running, rushing to something i habitually do; I hear my footsteps hitting the gravel path, my breathing uneven and my hands trembling. I dashed to a bench facing the big fountain where some people are huddled together. Good, I was just in time. I stretched my neck to get a good look on his face, Dong Young Bae.

The first time I saw him was a year ago, like this fine summer day; I was having my stroll in the park when I saw highschool students giggling near the fountain, some of them were screaming "Dong Young Bae saranghae!" and "Young Bae oppa!" . I headed to the their direction and squeezed myself in; i saw two young men with their backs on me. 

Then and there i felt it. I could feel his voice bursting with soul; a different kind of warmth embraced me, a warmth filled with joy and love. I was enamored by his voice that my two feet were slowly making its way to him. I stretched my hand to reach him, but he spun around and faced me. I was into reality and my body was frozen. He looked at me intently, his mouth curved to the side, he was smiling; a gesture that sent me off to heaven. 

"Yah!, what are you doing?!" a highschool girl screamed eyeing me furiously; then i only noticed that the music stopped. It was suddenly quiet, like everyone held their breath; oh yeah, it was only me for i was caught off guard. His eyes were trained on me, waiting for my answer. Sadly, i turned my back on him and sprinted off. 

It was like the earth crushed me underneath, engulfing me with darkness.

His voice, his smile.. my heaven..

The next day, i was walking to the park again, hoping to find them singing. My mind tells me to forget about it but something compels me to run there and watch them, but mostly watch him. Lady luck was on my side when i saw them at the same place facing the other side of the park, even God has favored me for there were no crazy love-sick fans today. My stomach fluttered as the thought of approaching him crossed my mind. I took a deep breath and walked to his direction. Will i hug him? can my smile tell him that his sultry voice has changed my life overnight? Will he take notice of me? these thoughts brought me to a halt, i was only a few feet from him, this is it, now or never. I was about to tap his back when a girl came rushing to and shouted "Young Bae oppa!" once. Like a happy love story from a movie, Young Bae scoops her from her feet and kissed her on the cheek.

Suddenly, i felt my world crumble into pieces. I think i heard something break. i looked around, but saw nothing. at the back of my mind i know i was just metaphorically speaking.. i held my chest to confirm it. yes i believe its here.

*end of flashback*
I felt a tear escaped from my eye as i recount that moment. From then on i have decided to stay a few yards away from him and just admire him from a far. I closed my eyes and decided to let his voice take me to a beautiful place.

I must have fallen asleep because when i opened my eyes, the sky was dark orange with a tinge of pink, twilight sets in. I looked at the fountain, no one was there, they must have left already. I was about to get up when I noticed a figure sitting at the other end of the bench. " You're here again." He said. He was wearing a hat that is slightly angled to the side covering his right eye. I recognize that voice! I squinted my eyes to take a good look. omo! it's him! i felt my pulse going fast, tiny drops of sweat forming in my forehead. Think of something!
"Are you okay?" He asked, now directly looking at me. out of confusion I nodded and shook my head at the same time. 
"You're funny" He said, laughing a little. I let out a smile, a confused smile. 

We sat there, until night came and the moon resurfaced in the sky. Young Bae remained silent after he said I was funny. He was gazing at the park deep in thoughts. I stood up and walked at the part of the fountain where they usually sing. I sat on where he often sits and felt the cold rough surface in my hands. "So, you're a fan huh?" He kidded, he was now standing across from me. I gave him smile that says yes i'm a fan, a super fan. He smiled and started singing

"Let me hear your voice
If we become more kind
We'll be able to love each other
Don’t avert your eyes
Let me hear your voice
Let's get over those entwined anxieties and loneliness
The feelings of this moment become our bond" 

There he goes again, that warmth.. his voice like a light cutting through the dark night. He only finished the chorus part because I started crying. Tears were gushing out from my eyes like the fountain where we at. Suddenly, he bent, his arms around my shoulders. "Don't cry.. I didn't mean too.." He said; "I'm so sorry" He continued, taking me up from my seat hugging me even tighter. Now, tears cascaded to my cheeks like waterfalls, why Young Bae?, why does it have to be you? His grip slowly loosened and he looked at me, his eyes filled with surprise and sadness at the same time, i know why..

Because he can't hear my stifles. He can't hear my soft whimper. He can't hear me.. 

Because I can not speak. I lost my ability to speak in a car accident. From then on I swore that I won't get my throat cut to have my voice back. But he has taught me to hope, that someday I may have the voice to express how feel.. to tell people my joy, pain, sorrow and happiness.. I burrowed myself to his chest, one last time Young Bae, one last time to feel your warmth...


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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.