2 Years later-


Preparing for Christmas with a naughty son like him was really a pain, but then he was

my son. Early morning we went shopping, to buy gifts for neighbors, and then Min

Jung as usual, started wailing for a new Santa soft toy.


“ Umma will buy it for you sweetie….but not now ok…?? “


“ No....I want it now….now…now…!! “


“ Fine…you are being a bad boy…Santa Clause will not bring gifts for Min Jung. “


“ I don’t want gifts from Santa…buy me that…!! “


“ Ok....stop crying…!! I’ll buy it for you..but not now. If you will be a good boy only



I returned home with a bag full of gifts and decors for Christmas. Thankfully Kai’s mom

was here to help us once again. I took out everything that I had bought. Min Jung and

Kai decorated the Christmas tree while mom and I baked the cakes and muffins. Soon

Avie and Ronica would be here for the party.


Fatigue had taken over me once again. I felt tired like never before. Still I kept working.


At last everything was ready. The first guest for the night was Kris and his family.


Ronica was here with Kris, Dingxiang, her son and the new member in their family

Meifen had come. Meifen ran to me as soon as she entered my house.


“ Aigoo..how are you sweetheart…?? “ I hugged her tightly and then took her on in my

lap. Dingxiang straight went to the Christmas tree and stared at it.


“ Umma…I want that…!! “ He said pointing at the star.


“ No…that is for decoration…not now…go and play with Min Jung. “ Ronica told him.


Kai soon brought Min Jung with him ad gifted Dingxiang a new toy.


“ WAAA….yeppuda…!! thank you. “


“ You are most welcome. Now you two…go and play. “ And he shoved them inside Min

Jung’s room.


Next came was Lu Han and Tao, then Se Hun and Baekhyun.

 Our newly-wed couple soon entered. Chanyeol and Avie got married just 3 months

ago and then Kyung Soo oppa entered with another Indian bride, Shreya. The two of

them met in a concert where she was the manager and he instantly fell in love with her.


Su Ho, Xiumin, Lay and Chen came in together. We had invited Su Ho oppa’s girlfriend

too but then Su Ho oppa said she would not be coming. Except for Kris, the whole of

EXO M had planned to stay single for the next few years.


I never knew Kai could have been such a good host. We girls were busy managing the

3 kids while the men helped themselves. We drank wine and soju and champagne. By

midnight although all of us were dead tired, we sang the Christmas carols and made a



By the time all of them left and the house was empty again, it was 2: 30. Kai’s mom

put Min Jung to sleep while we did all the cleaning. It was time for us to sleep now.


Generally, Kai and me slept at the sides and Min Jung in the middle but tonight, Min

Jung slept with her grandmom.


As we snuggled inside the blanket Kai said…


“ Shaily…only a few days are left for the year to end. Let’s make love. “


“ What rubbish…?? “ I turned around to face him.


His foot went up my waist, as he pulled me closer to him. I could not help but stare. In

the cold night nothing was better than his warm embrace but he wanted more.


I was still looking at him when he suddenly put his lips on mine. I let him enter my

mouth and explore it but then before I could do anything else, I felt pukish. I broke

the kiss and sat up.


“ What happened…?? “


I just ran to the washroom and puked my guts out. We had drank too much for the

night. I went back to bed and this time I was in no mood to do anything, forget

making love.


“ You ok…?? You look pale, must be fatigue. Let’s leave it for tonight. Goodnight

sweetheart. “ He kissed my forehead and I snuggled into him.


Next morning, I was feeling too tired to get up. Min Jung climbed up and shook me.


“ Umma… umma…ileona…!! “


“ Sweetie..I am tired. Umma needs to sleep more…”


That time Kai came to the rescue. He picked Min Jung up and cooed in his ears..


“ Umma is not well Jungie…umma needs rest…let us eat..come. “


“ Umma has fever…?” He climbed up again and put his hand on my head. I took his

hand and kissed it.


“ Umma does not have fever…go to appa now…my good boy…!! “


Kai then took him away. I slept for sometime but then I felt my stomach lurch again. I

had another round of the washroom, I was dizzy. As I opened the door, Min Jung

came running to me.


“ Umma…. On your lap…”


“ I am not well sweetie…go to appa. Jong In- ah take him na.. “ I somehow dragged

myself to the sofa but before I could reach it, I fainted.




“ Shaily…!! “ I ran to her. This girl… no wonder I tell her not to get drunk. But then,

we had a proper dinner last night. Nothing went wrong, and drinks can’t get her so

weak. Something else was going on. She did not have fever either.


I raised her up and put her on bed. My mom took care of Min Jung as I went to the



When I came back, she was awake.


“ Where had you gone….?? “


“ Ohh…to bring some medicines. “ I told her.


“ Fine…!! “


 I brought her bread and boiled eggs and a glass of juice. She was in immediate need

of nutrients.


“ Finish these…and then I’ll give the medicines to you…!! “


She seemed to be really hungry. She finished them all real quick and drank up the juice

in a gulp. I then brought the packet of meds inside.


“ Here, take your painkiller. And yes…next time you go the washroom, tell me…”


I saw her eyes travel from her hand to the packet I was carrying.


“ You think I am pregnant…?? “ She had seen the pregnancy kit I had bought.


“ What do you think…?? Something else..?? See- You don’t have fever and you did not

eat nor drink too much yesterday night. Nothing could have gone wrong. And then

remember, our holiday in Jeju. We made love in the hotel, on that rainy night. I am

sure and then…last week you were complaining of late period and you did not have it

till now. “


“ No….I think it’s late. I am having slight stomach cramps. “ She bent clutching her



“ Ya….stop faking it. That’s lame. “


“ Fine….I give in. I will tell ya. “


I just waited for her to go to the washroom. She seemed to purposely take too much

time but then she could not wait anymore.


“ Give that to me. I am going. “


I sat down on the bed, fingers crossed. Well, I was almost sure but still. I heard the

door click.


“ It’s positive right…!! Is it….is it…?? “


She nodded her head. I ran to her and raised her in the air.


“ Jong In- ah…I..I will fall…!! “


“ Don’t you trust me…at least now…?? “


“ I am pregnant, stupid….don’t do it now. “




I generally don't write chaptered fics. This is my second chaptered fic. I write all one- shots..both s and fluffs..so if you want...do read my other fanfics.... the links given below....copy it and then you can read my fics...do not click cuz it won't take you to my fic


S >>>>>












THE CHASE....!!!! (Jaejong One shot)












And my First chaptered fic





GIFTS.....!!! KAI PICS....











vampire Kai


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Chapter 32: Aww was beautiful story !!!
iuty056yubb #2
Chapter 14: Hey! I live in London but I'm Indian too:) *high five* (And we both love Kai!!!!)
nengshannen #3
Chapter 30: Nice story authornim ... well done..
nengshannen #4
Chapter 25: Yeahh.. cute chapter.. love it..
nengshannen #5
Chapter 5: Yeahhh.. me too still doesnt about pregnancy... but it is nice to see how u described it in this chapter authornim ...
nengshannen #6
Chapter 2: Huhu.. such a caring kai... every girl will love this version of kai.. haha
nengshannen #7
Chapter 1: Anyeong.. new reader here.. hihi.. kim kai oppa!!!! Nice start..
SeoAnika91 #8
Chapter 22: Your friend likes the same people I do!! She has great taste! AND I love this story! It's so amazing!
lolllypop #9
Chapter 5: I like this story !!
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 13: Mine is d.o chanyeol minseok and tao