Chapter 6: Sleepover

Child's Play


“You started a riot on the playground?!” Peniel drove the boys toward their dorm. School had already been released for the day.

“That’s not what happened at all, Appa!” Yoseob stated.

Peniel’s eyes narrowed as he focused on the road. “Then, what DID happen?

Junhyung nudged Kikwang causing him to sigh and speak. “I may have made a bet with an arrogant 5th grader. So we had to perform one of our songs to get him to shut up.”

“No big deal really.” Doojoon spoke up. “Just a little live show.”

“Are you TRYING to blow your cover?!” Peniel yelled in frustration.

“This wouldn’t be an issue if you could just reverse the hex on us.”

Peniel groaned at Junhyung’s comment. He couldn’t argue. Junhyung was right. And that fact would loom over Peniel’s head as long as he had to take care of the kids. He let out a huge sigh before turning on the radio. Just his luck that a Kara song would be playing. The boys happened to know it and Peniel could feel Junhyung’s glare piercing into the back of his skull. He was undoubtedly reminded of the girlfriend he couldn’t see.


“♪ Geudaerul saranghae my love geudaerul saranghae my love geudaerul saranghae na geudaerul saranghae na geudaerul saranghae my love!~♪” Yoseob sang out. Dongwoon and Kikwang soon joined in with the visual as Doojoon smiled.

“♪ Geudaerul saranghae my love♪” “

“♪I wanna think about♪”

“♪Geudaerul saranghae my love.♪”

“♪Just wanna think about♪”

“♪Geudaerul saranghae na geudaerul saranghae na geudaerul saranghae my love♪”


All three boys laughed once the song ended. Peniel relaxed knowing Junhyung would probably stop staring daggers at him, now that he couldn’t hear his girlfriends voice. Unfortunately the glares didn’t end as the radio began to play Baek Ji Young’s ‘Good Boy’ featuring Yong Junhyung. DAMNIT! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!


“ ♪ Nae maldo jaldo deunneun go-od boy.~ Shigineun geon modu cheokcheok jaldo hae♪” Yoseob continued singing leading the others to join in. The boy sure loved singing with his bandmates, even if it was just goofing around in the car. Peniel noticed how the boys somehow managed to retain their talent, even after the change. The same talent that had been fueling Peniel’s jealousy was somehow warming his heart. He couldn’t help but crack a smile as Kikwang nudged Junhyung as his part of the song approached.

The rapper managed to roll his eyes before cracking a smile and opening his mouth to rap along with the lyrics. “♪ I treat you like a queen Keunde neon waeh nae juwini dwaeh-nni. Hangsang neoneun dwehko nan andweh Nal milligo neon mil-giman hae. Eorida-go jom marhajima.♪”

“♪Ni haneun jishi cham eorijanha.♪”

“♪What you say blah blah blah blah~♪”

“♪ Oh mama~ Oh Mama boy~♪” Hyunseung chimed as rest of the group started laughing. No one was really expecting the doe-eyed boy to be paying attention. Even Peniel was caught off guard. Junhyung continued his rap, brightening up the faces of everyone in the car. Peniel began to wonder. Maybe, I can handle these kids after all.

The song ended with everyone laughing. From the back seat, Doojoon was able to take notice how even Peniel’s mood was lightened. He knew this was the perfect opportunity for a bit of mischief. He nudged Yoseob lightly with his elbow and whispered in the boy’s ear. The visual nodded with a cheeky grin stretching across his lips.

“Appa?~” He said, implementing his best aegyo.

Peniel sighed, still smiling. “What is it, Yoseob?”

“Can we stop for ice cream?~”

“What? You’re kidding?! I’m low on money as it is and I still have to buy you boys dinner.”

“Please Appa.~ I want ice cream!~”

“Don’t you already have ice cream at home?”

“Not my favorite flavor!”

“Yoseob! We already passed the ice cream shop. I am not stopping for ice cream!”

He began to pout as he said. “Jookun always gets ice cream.”

“Yoseob! I’m not Joonkun! I’m not Jiyong! I’m not any of your managers and I am NOT stopping for ice cream!” Peniel took a big risk standing up the aegyo prince. But he knew that none of the Beast boys would call their managers and tattle over ice cream. He felt that this time he actually had an upper hand against the miniature sadists.

“You shouldn’t have said that.” Junhyung said as he smirked. Yoseob started taking deep breaths while mustering up tears in his eyes. The other boys had smirks on their faces and plugged their ears with their fingers, with the exception of Hyunseung. Kikwang tapped the 4D prince and he looked around at the other boys before plugging his ears as well. When Yoseob was sure everyone was ready he took on a deep breath before releasing the loudest tantrum he could muster.

“AHHH!” Peniel swerved a bit on the road as Yoseob’s piercing scream penetrated his ears. “YOSEOB! WHAT THE HELL!”

“YOU HAVE TO GET HIM ICE CREAM!!” Doojoon yelled from the back seat. “HE CAN KEEP THIS UP ALL DAY!!”


As Peniel pulled to a stop sign, Junhyung rolled down the window using his elbow. Yoseob’s screams echoed onto the streets, causing people to stare in the direction of the van. Stares were placed toward Peniel and the boys as pedestrians and other drivers alike pulled out their phones, sendings texts and taking photos.

“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!! I’LL GET YOUR ICE CREAM.” Yoseob stopped, immediately breaking into a smile. Junhyung rolled up the window, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. “Sadists! You’re all a bunch of sadists!!”





Journal Entry 110 Date: September 23, 2012




Twelve days!!! It’s been twelve days since I was given the burden of babysitting! Why the hell can I not find that damn fortune teller!! The boys are finally adjusting to school. Or rather, they’re adjusting to being the most popular kingkas the school’s ever seen. They’ve settled down a bit at home, adjusting to their new lifestyle. They’ve even decreased the number of threats to call their managers. They prefer goofing around the dorm after school, watching tv, playing video games, and practicing their singing and dancing while I cook their dinners. I think they’re beginning to see this whole thing as a mini vacation.

Unfortunately, word of the boy’s “disappearance” has been released to Cube. All the cube artists are worried sick about them, including my own bandmates. Joonkun told us all a couple of days ago before our recording session. He also made it clear that I’ve been staying  at the Beast dorm, waiting for them. I had to come up with the BS excuse that I’ve been waiting for their return “because I was worried about them.” Ha. If they knew what I was really up to.


Today is gonna be painful. My bandmates are going out to Busan for a fanmeeting. I obviously can’t leave while taking care of the boys. I lied saying I was worried about my mother as she had fallen ill. They’re letting me stay behind, but I can’t stay in the BtoB dorm. For the first time, I’ll actually be sleeping over at the Beast Dorm. How degrading.



Peniel packed his journal in his duffle bag before wishing his bandmates goodbye. He climbed off his bunk, holding his bag over his shoulder. He had only packed the necessities for a one night stay, but had a feeling he’d need to pack a survival kit. As the other members piled into the BtoB van, Peniel grabbed his wallet with his drivers license and plenty of money. He had gotten a small loan from Eunkwang and Ilhoon due to Beast draining all of his funds. It was becoming harder and harder to play ‘Appa’ to those boys. But he knew that he’d have to be responsible for them due to his stupid wish. He just hoped tonight would be the night he’d find the fortune teller’s lair. He pulled his duffle bag up over his shoulder and left the dorm.



The boys of Beast sat around in their dorm with nothing to do. As Doojoon and Kikwang watched a soccer match on television, Yoseob and Dongwoon had taken to the maknae’s laptop, checking Twitter and Fan sites. Their hearts sank when an email entered Dongwoon’s private messages. He examined it to see it was from 4Minute’s Sohyun. Dongwoon opened the message as he read it aloud.

Dongwoon. It’s Sohyun. Please be ok! We don’t know where you guys are and everyone in 4Minute... everyone at Cube is worried about you. Where are you? Just please.... please tell me you boys are ok. - Sohyun”


The maknae shed a tear opening up a letter of reply but was promptly stopped by Yoseob’s shaking palm. “No Woonie.... we can’t tell ‘em. We promised.”  Dongwoon sighed, dropping his shaky hands from the keyboard. Yoseob knew what Dongwoon was going though. With news of their ‘disappearance’ reaching the other members of cube, it was becoming harder not to just send a mass email saying they were alright. Yoseob closed the laptop before looking over at Doojoon. The leader’s mind was clearly affected by the letter Dongwoon had read aloud. It hurt just letting the people they care about worry so much over their well being.


Junhyung had wandered over to the fridge, watching as Hyunseung stood on a chair, roaming  the cabinets for junk food. The rapper pulled the last can of coke from the bottom shelf of the refrigerator before turning to Hyunseung. “You do know Peniel will be here soon with our dinner.”

“I just want something to hold me over.”

“Well, good luck with tha.” The rapper left the kitchen, heading for the bedroom when he heard his phone ringing. He pulled out the smart phone, recognizing the ringer I.D.

♪Gieok sok neoreul kkaewo jumpin' jumpin' jumpin' now, Only you, Jamdeun sarangeul kkaewo jumpin' jumpin' jumpin' now♪


After a while the phone finally silenced. Junhyung placed the device on his bed and turned to sit down when his message light started flashing. She left a message. Junhyung picked up the phone once more and entered his password for his voicemail. After getting passed the monotonous operator’s voice he finally came to his message inbox. He hesitated for a second before playing the message.


Hey’s me..... I was hoping I could reach you. But I guess, you’re really not there.”

Oh God! Is she crying?! The rapper thought to himself.

Junhyung I..... I heard from Jiyoon that.....that you  were missing and.... please if you get this message call me....”  Her voice became more panicked and sobs consumed the message. “ I just want to know you’re alright.... just tell me you’re still alive, Junhyung....please.” The message ended as Juhyung could tell Hara had been unable to hold back her sobs before hanging up. He clenched his fist as he looked around the room. He knew Doojoon would kill him for this but he couldn’t just let Hara worry. He sat on his bed pulling up the text screen.


To Hara, From Jun

I’m ok, so don’t cry. Please be strong for me. I will return someday. Hopefully soon. Whether you recognize me or not. It’s complicated. But I’ll be back. We’ll be back.



He dialed in a code to block his number before sending the message to his girlfriend. He then held up his phone to take a selca of himself. After taking the picture, he looked at the screen to see the purple-haired eight year old sitting on his bed. He clenched his fists once again. “You better fix this soon, Peniel.”



The sound of the tumblers dropping echoed within the dorm. Doojoon shut off the tv as Junhyung re-entered the living room. The door swung open slowly and Peniel entered, a duffle bag over his shoulder and a large brown bag in his arms. “I’m here.”

“I’ll kill you.”

Peniel looked down at Junhyung before turning to Hyunseung. “Ok, why’s he mad at me now?”

“I’m not sure.” The boy answered. “I think he got a call from Hara.”

“You didn’t tell her anything, did you?!”

“No. I kept my mouth shut. We’ll see how long that lasts.”

Peniel sighed and set the brown bag on the table. “Thanks Junhyung.”

The other boys wandered over to the table. Junhyung continued scowling at the foreigner. Undoubtedly plotting the boys demise.

“Jun. Settle.” Doojoon sat at the table, leaning back in his chair. “So what’s to eat, Appa?”

Peniel sighed, taking out several meal containers from the bag. “Pepper Crab!”

Dongwoon’s eyes lit up as he ran from the living room to the table. “Really?! Appa’s the best.” He grabbed his food and sat down next to Yoseob.

Kikwang narrowed his eyes at Peniel as he pulled out two special boxes marked with a ‘B’. “And I have Bul-Go-Ki for the dancer and the meat eater.”

Kikwang immediately smiled, grabbing his special meal from Peniel. Peniel then handed the other box of Bul-Go-Ki to Hyunseung, who smiled at the thought of eating beef.

“You sure know how to take care of us,” Yoseob smiled between bites of his food.

Peniel smiled as Junhyung replied, “Which only means you’ve been doing it too long!!”

Peniel’s smile faded as he sat at the table with the boys, pulling out a plate of pepper crab. He thought for a minute before reaching into the front pocket of his duffle bag and pulling out a red can. “Maybe this’ll help your sour mood.” He tossed Junhyung a can of coke and smiled. “I noticed you were almost out.”

“Still cold,” the rapper smiled. “Alright. I’ll forgive you... for now.”

Peniel rolled his eyes and went back to eating. Yoseob yawned and Kikwang took notice. “How about we go ahead and get washed up and head to bed after dinner?”

The other boys agreed as Hyunseung began to speed up his eating process.

“So early?” Peniel questioned.

“Yeah.” Doojoon replied. “Not much to do around here and you need to go look for that fortune teller tonight.”

Hyunseung finished his meal and excused himself from the table before running off to the bathroom.

“Huh?” Peniel watched the 4D prince run off.

“Don’t worry about him.” Yoseob replied. “Ever since the change, he’s always in a rush to be the first in the shower.”

“That’s odd...”

“No. It’s just Hyunseung.” Kikwang said with his mouth full.

“Swallow, hyung.” The maknae spoke, drinking a glass of water.

Kikwang nodded and swallowed his food. “Anyway, Appa. Since it’s your first time spending the night, how about we set a few ground rules.”

“Kiki,” Doojoon stated narrowing his eyes at the dancer.

“First of all, you sleep in the living room. Do not come into our bedroom until morning. We’re all sensitive to light and sound and I’m a light sleeper-”

“No you’re not!” Yoseob yelled out. “It takes a bullhorn to wake you some mornings.”

Kikwang balled up a napkin and hurled it at the boy. Yoseob pouted and went back to eating.

“Next. Don’t touch any of our laptops on ANY circumstances. Especially mine.”

Peniel grinned, pointing his chopsticks. “What’s wrong? Got something there you don’t want Appa to see?”

“I-I just don’t like  people touching my stuff!!” Kikwang stuttered.

“Hmm. And I didn’t think 7 year olds were into that kinda stuff yet.”


“I’M 22!!”

“SO HE ADMITS IT!” The visual stood smiling, as the rest of the group broke out into laughter.” Kikwang’s face turned bright red and he frustratedly, stormed out of the room, leaving the other boys to laugh and joke at his expense.

“Actually, Peniel.” Doojoon spoke a smile on his face. “The only real rule is just not to wake us. Woonie, here, is actually a light sleeper, and we do like our rest.”

“Ok. Got it.”

The leader finished his peppered crab as the other boys tossed their disposable plates. He yawned stretching his arms. “Well, we should hit the showers and head to bed. The dorm is yours to roam, Peniel.”

Peniel smirked as the four boys disappeared into the hallway. He never thought he’d be spending the night in Beast’s dorm. He internally admitted to himself that when the boys weren’t acting like savages, or plotting to destroy him, they were actually kind of entertaining.



A/N: Early Update!!
Hi all! I'm in California. So because I'll be a a concert tomorrow at my usual update time. I decided to update a day early

Sorry for the boring chapter. I had to split my chapter into 2. Too long otherwise.




Good job b2utifulyoebo for guess the songs for chapter 5! Good job getting your second honorable mention!! Yey!! 


Songs for Chapter 5:

Lucifer- Shinee

Soom (Breathe) -Beast


3 songs in chapter 6. Keep on playing for that final prize. WHOO!!!

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Thank you!
This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
699 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^