Chaotic Morning

Love After All


      I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I wanted to but I just can't stop myself from crying. The throw pillow that I am hugging is now wet with tears.

    "Miyoung ah..." A box of tissue suddenly appeared in front of me as I felt someone tugged me by my shirt. "Get a hold of yourself, will you? This is the last box left and I swear, I won't buy you another one."

    I got the tissue and started to wipe the tears off my face. "This is all your fault, Jinwoon oppa!" I glared at him.

    "Bwo? Why me?!You are the one who insisted on watching that drama."

    "You're the one who downloaded it!" I snapped back.

    "Well, you told me that you are dying to watch that drama ever since the first day of its airing but you just couldn't because of your training schedule. And since the drama ended with you failing to watch even one episode of it, I decided to download it for you... and now you are crying like mad! Aish! I shouldn't have downloaded it in the first place." He reasoned out.

    What he said is kinda true... uhh, no... It is definitely the truth. While the drama is being aired, I kept on bugging him about my frustrations on not being able to watch it because of my dance trainings. I love dancing as much as i love watching dramas, but the thing is I have to choose dancing over the other one because I really want to debut soon... so much for my hardworks...

    " I really can't understand you... You keep on watching those stuffs but you always ended up crying... You're just torturing yourself." He continued while shaking his head.

    " I would've look crazy if i laughed at it! That's why it is called drama, there is a big possibility that viewers would cry!"

    " Why would you want to cry... I honestly can't get your thoughts...  fix yourself, the hyungs will be up anytime soon."

    "Its not like that they are not used in seeing me here." I fixed myself while thinking of what to watch next, I have the two days off from training and I am planning to spend it for some DVD marathon.

    "That would be your last drama for this month, miyoung ah.." Oppa said, as if reading my thoughts.

    "And why would I listen to you?"

    "Because I hate watching dramas." He pouted... and I swear I would have kissed him if only I am not thinking straight, he so damn cute when he did that. He is not so into watching dramas, actually he is not fond of dramas so I really appreciate his efforts on watching it with me. It was like I am the damsel in distress and he is my knight in shining armor all the time.

    "Come on, Let's cook breakfast for everyone." He stood up and offered his hand. Yup, breakfast. The clock says it is already 6:30 am, we put up an all nighter just to finish that drama.

    "What are we cooking?" I asked him. He opened the refrigirator and searched for any available stuffs.

    "Vegetable Omelette?" He answered while taking the ingredients out.

    "Fine with me, You'll cook?" I said as he made his way to the cabinet to look for the utensils.

    He faced me and pointed the whisk at me. "You'll cook... I'll help! Okay?"

    " I knew it." I smirked and took the knife. I was about to start with the vegetables but oppa grabbed it from me and showed me a piece of cloth which turned out to be an apron.

    "Just to make sure that you won't ruin your clothes." And before I can take it from him,he hanged it on my neck and tied at the back of my waist. If someone will barge in here at this moment, he'll surely think that we are hugging. He is so close that i almost stopped breathing, or I think I did? He is taking his time in tying the knot and I can't stand this closeness so I cleared my throat before I die of hyperventilation! I admit, I like being close to him, but that will make things awkward between us.

    "Uh, sorry." He said and moved away. Did I just saw him blush? 'Oh no Miyoung ah! What are you thinking! Of course not! Why would he blush? There is a very slim chance that he likes you.. No, not slim... He will never like you, he only sees yous as his younger sister... Stop hoping, you'll just hurt yourself in the end. Your friendship is more important than your feelings.' I mentally reprimanded myself. I shaked this thoughts out of my mind and tried to act naturally.

    "So...Uhm... VEGETABLES!" Now, that is an awkward way to start a conversation. 'Miyoung ah! You look like an idiot!' He looked at me with a weird look. "Uh, I mean...vegetables, yeah.. I'll cut the vegetables now." I stuttered.

    "No, I'll do it... you might hurt yourself, I'll do the cutting, you do the cooking."

    "Oh! Yeah! SUre! Arrasseo!" Why am I this nervous?? and then there's his weird look again... "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

    "Yup, I'm fine.. We better get started." I assured him and he just nodded. That is how we continued on our task that morning. See Miyoung ah? It would be a lot easier is you will stop thinking about your feelings. Just leave things like this... like being just friends...

    Pretending and hiding my feelings, it was really tough. Being close with the 2AM oppas makes it harder.We really have this bond, I think i am the only trainee who is this close to them, well at least for the past two years. They treated me as their younger sister and I consider them my oppas. But since I am spending more time with Jinwoon oppa, I started to see him in a different light. At first, I thought it was just a silly crush because I always see how caring and attentive he is towards me,and his smile makes my heart flutter but as time goes by, I just can't help but fall for him. I witnessed how friendly relationships crumbled into pieces because one of the parties fell in love with the other and I don't want to see that happen to us so I tried to bury my feelings for the sake of our friendship. But how can I possibly forget about how I feel for Jinwoon oppa if I always spend time with them. It was obvious that my attempts were a complete failure. I love this guy and there is nothing I can do about it. 'Aish miyoung!, i told you to stop thinking abot this, right?' I silently scolded myself. See that? I am definitely talking to myself now! I focused my attention in preparing the food. I need distractions!!!

    "Wow! That smells great!" I turned to the person speaking and WOW indeed! Talk about distraction! Just what I needed this time! What happened?? Oh, nothing really, Seulong oppa just entered the kitchn without any shirt on and his hair ruffled. Definitely fresh from bed and sleep, "Oh hi there, Miyoung ah!" He smiled at me and I was dumbfounded. Come on guys! One hot and half guy infront of me, smiling... I was shocked I couldn't say anything!

    "Aish! Hyung, What the hell??!!" After hearing those words, i see complete darkness. Apparently Jinwoon oppa covered my eyes which prevented me from seeing the glorious creature infront of me.

    "Yah! Seulong! Put a shirt on! There is a girl in here!" I heard Changmin oppa, I still can't see him though, Jinwoon oppa is still covering my eyes. 'Why is he being like this anyway?'.

    "Its just Miyoung, no need to panic guys..."Seulong oppa retorted.

    "She's still a girl, and just put a shirt on!!" Jinwoon insisted.

    "Fine.Fine.You're to hot headed Jinwoon ah!"

    Jinwoon loosened his hand and I was able to remove it easily just to find out that Seulong oppa has his shirt on now.

    "Sorry about that Miyoung ah, I didn't mean to offend you or something." Seulong oppa smiled uneasily.

    "No worries oppa, I am not offended." I smiled back. "And by the way, You really have a nice body." I complimented.

    He laughed at this. " See guys, I told you... no need to worry about her, She is perfectly fine with it." Well, I really am. But yet again, someone is not yet finished.

    "But she is still to young to see those stuffs hyung!"

    "Yah! I'm already 18! Not a minor! It was not scandalous and it is not like I haven't seen those on the magazines. I really don't mind." I defended.

    "You don't mind? You looked shocked a while ago!"

    "I am not! I was just speechless!" Of course, I have to deny that I was shock if not Jinwoon oppa wouldn't stop... But I guess I was wrong..

    " Speechless? Why, because you like what you're seeing?"

    "Liked it? What the hell are you talking about!"

    " You like seeing hyungs body! You even said that it was nice.!

    " I was just appreciating it. That was a compliment, he deserves one anyway. I know he worked hard for that body."

    "I worked hard too!"

    "What!??" I think I am feeling dizzy with this conversation and to where this is heading to. Then I heard someone chuckled.

    "They are pathetic..." Seulong whispered to Changmin and Jokwon oppa not so silently  so jinwoon and I heard it.

    "What?!" We shouted at them.

    "HEy! Easy, we're still older you know. Now stop that bickering love birds!" Jokwon oppa teased.

    "We're not love birds!" Jinwoon oppa and I said at the same time.

    "Whatever! Just stop it and eat!" He said while settling himself on the dining table. As the three started to dig in, Jinwoon oppa handed me a plate and motioned me to sit. I mouthed my thanks and smiled. Thats how we made up. Simple, we just can't stand having petty fights.

    "I think the others noticed this and they smiled secretly. But Jokwon oppa being the talkative one said, " By the way guys, Seulong is right... You guys are really PA-THE-TIC!" Pointing his fingers to emphasize every syllable.

    "Really oppa, What is the problem?"

    "Both of you! It is too obvious that... MNJHGCVDJHGHBK...",He failed to continue his statement because Changmin and Seulong oppa stuffed his mouth with Lettuce and rice. "Nothing... Just eat!" Seulong oppa commanded. I was confused... What are you trying to say Jokwon oppa? I looked at Jinwoon oppa's direction and he was just staring at me... NOw What??

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SO SO SO GOOD!!!A fanfic with Jinwoon!!So romantic!Totally loved it :D PLEASE write more about Jinwoon[there are so few fics with him..:/ ]
Thanks for all the comments! I love you guys! :)
Byeongari #3
Aww this is so sweet! <333 I was looking for Jinwoon fics and found this! This is really nice. LOL AT THE THIRD THING XD
aaaaaaah sooo cute hehe <3
ChemicalLuvs #5
the first chapter really make me laugh <br />
the 2nd make me aw.....he confess ^^<br />
The 3rd Nicole,you really know the timing -____-<br />
the 4th 2pm loves to see them XD<br />
Anyway I love this story! <3<br />
<br />
Can't wait for more ;)
@MelinaMilano thank God you liked it... I was really nervous while i'm doing this... about Nicole, I have the same thoughts because she is really close with Jinwoon... :)
Sorry about the typographical errors guys...